The Wise & The Wandering
How did you end up here? Maybe we can help get you on the right path.
Join Dr. Don Schaefer and Justin Olbrantz on a journey of complete positivity designed to help you Heal, Feel, & REVEAL. Bridging the gap between generations old and new - Find what you have been missing in the puzzle called Life: A podcast full of answers directed to a lost world full of questions.
The Wise & The Wandering
Your Hardship Has A Purpose - Episode 42
From Hardship to Relationship
In this episode, Dr. Don and Justin discuss the profound topic of how hardships serve a divine purpose in our lives. They emphasize that while going through tough times can be incredibly challenging, these moments are crucial for personal and spiritual growth. Don and Justin demonstrate the importance of perspective, suggesting that how we view and react to hardships can either destroy us or help us grow. They stress the significance of relying on God, building a relationship with Him, and finding support within the Body, otherwise known as the Church. Through anecdotes and wisdom, they convey that hardships are not meant to be permanent states of suffering but stepping stones leading to greater maturity, faith, and ultimately, freedom. One must change their perception of hardships as opportunities for promotion rather than punishment, and to trust in God's plan for a fulfilling and purposeful life.
Episode 42 - Your Hardship Has A Purpose
Justin: So, Don, what are we gonna talk about today?
Don: Well, Justin, I think we have a fantastic topic here called Your Hardship has a purpose.
Justin: Your hardship has a purpose…
Don: Yes, yes. We sometimes fail to realize when we're in the middle of hardships that God has a plan for all this, and
Justin: Okay.
Don: to us who we are and what we are
Justin: Okay. And.
Don: a better person.
Justin: And , what purpose do you think a hardship has?
Don: Well, it, , uh, , how would you say if it's a all in the mindset, you know, as far as what a hardship really
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: it's how we look and perceive things and a lot of times in life. The, depth of a character, the depth of a person, the strength of an individual are all developed in times of hardship.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: stepping stones for us and if we can look at 'em in the right way, but for a lot of people hardships, completely destroy them,
Justin: Yeah,
Don: this podcast is gonna be a good one. Justin.
Justin: I think it will be. And I think a lot of the times just to get into hardship. I think a lot of the times when we go through these things, when we go through these trials in our life, these hard testing times, I think it really is about our perspective. I think our perceptions themselves might just be wrong.
Um, a lot of the times when we go through this stuff, you know. , the way that we view hardship [00:02:00] and when we go through rough times in our life, I think , we have to realize , you know that we're not doing this alone. We're not supposed to be doing this alone.
You know, we're supposed to be a unit in terms of who we are as believers. You know, we're supposed to be. Kind of synchronized with our creator. We're supposed to be fully aware that he's in it with us, that he's fighting our battles for us. He's in there. So a lot of the times in this world we don't have that, you know, just to begin with.
We don't have that. Our perceptions are, are kind of completely wrong in some cases,
Don: Yeah.
Justin: the way the world is today.
Don: Yeah.
Justin: We think that we need a lot of other outside factors. External factors. You know, we think that we need a lot of like outside influences. We think we need, , medications and certain things to get us through our days
Don: Um.
Justin: than just to rely on God alone.
Don: Yeah,
Justin: And, you know, even as a church body. [00:03:00] Uh, I know we've talked about this a couple times, but like the role of the body of believers as a church body, we're supposed to be a unit. , a unit as a body, meaning that he is the head and we are the body. We're the church, the body, right?
Don: Yep.
Justin: supposed to be a unit praying for each other, getting together in agreements, you know, bearing one another's burdens and leading with love. Right?
Don: Right,
Justin: And, and I think, um, you know, not to get too far into this, but a lot of the times this is not seen in the church world today.
Don: No.
Justin: You know, a lot of the times I think that leaves individuals stuck in hardship wondering where God is, why he's not showing up.
Don: Yeah.
Justin: So. Today, I just wanna talk on hardship and why it actually has a purpose. Why everything that you're put through, everything that you go through, all those hard times, the rocky moments, those moments where you think that God can't be found or he is being, you know, he's just [00:04:00] silent or not present, that God is working through it and there's actually a better purpose.
He actually has a purpose for it.
Don: Yes, he does. And um, it's, it's interesting. I just wanted to say something here, Justin. Um, there's a, there's a difference between pain and suffering
Justin: Yeah.
Don: a lot of times people get that confused a little bit. Pain always goes away. Suffering can linger forever unless we learn how to deal with it.
Justin: That's good.
Don: in our hardships, you know, there might be a pain of certain sorts. That'll go away,
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: how we perceive the hardship and the suffering that keeps us bound up. And a lot of times we can't get over all that.
Justin: Right.
Don: a story here I'd like to share, Justin, if I could.
Justin: Yes, please do.
Don: it's about the four philanthropists and all of them had a lot of money and, and France was in a war.
And at the end of the war, many of the men were in prisons. And the philanthropists, they got [00:05:00] together and he says, you know. We should help these guys that are in the prisons. And one of them, he says, you know, noticed that these guys are sleeping on the dirt floors
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: miserable for these guys. So what I wanna do is I'm gonna donate mattresses and pillows to help them in their suffering. So that's what he did.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: So he made it nice and comfortable inside this prison so that they could have a nice bed to sleep in and pillows and maybe even a blanket or so. And the second philanthropist said, you know, I noticed that they don't have good drinking water. So what I'd like to do is get some good water brought in so they got good drinking water, they can bathe properly, you know, and have that need taken care of with their suffering.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: the third one says, you know, he said, I noticed they don't have decent food. They're malnutrition. They're, they, you know, they're , getting very weak. And what I like to do is I like to go to the local farmers and get some good meat, good vegetables, and bring it down so that these guys can eat well and be comfortable in their suffering.
Justin: [00:06:00] Mm-hmm.
Don: then the, the fourth philanthropist, he says, well, you know what I want to do? He says, I am going to provide them the keys so that they can get out of the prison and be free from their suffering completely. And that's where a lot of times people are today, they go through hardships, but . They try to make themselves comfortable in their suffering rather than grabbing onto the key that's gonna set them free.
Justin: Yeah.
Don: that's where when you talk about the church, you talk about Jesus Christ. That is the source of setting us free. 'cause hardship, I know we've talked about this before, Justin Hardship
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: like a ship that leads you someplace. And you know, a lot of times God allows. A hardship taking you through the hard times because on the other side is where the blessing is.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: side is where the growth is, where the maturity is, where everything that God is wanting of [00:07:00] you is on the other side, but you gotta get on that ship and Yeah. And you know, and a lot of people they. They're so afraid of that sort of thing. But I think what Jesus came and gave us, he, he set us free of fear. You know, we, we shouldn't be fearing life. We shouldn't be fearing some of these things. We should just be reaching out to him 'cause he's the one that's gonna help us. Cross that sea of whatever situation we are in and set us free and take care of the suffering and allow us, because we get trapped in a prison of our own mind, how we perceive things.
We think it's the end of the world and sometimes we get all locked up with emotions, bad emotions, and we can't. Function, the way God is wanting us to function.
Justin: Yeah.
Don: this, what we're saying here, Justin, I think is, is an opportunity for people to really find some freedom. Realizing that, you know, not all bad is bad, some bad is good,
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: like they say, not all nos, [00:08:00] no.
Some of it's yes, especially when you're talking to your wife or something, but uh,
Justin: Yeah.
Don: opposite, you know? So a lot of times, sometimes bad. It's not so bad. It's something we need to go through, especially as young people when we are raising children and stuff and they go through issues and whatever.
Some of this, if you're a, a parent looking at it properly, it could be good
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: needs to go through things to develop an understanding, develop a responsibility. Develop an accountability and all the elements that child's gonna need to go through life. And if you protect them from everything, little bit of a hardship of any sort, it's gonna destroy them and they're gonna get themselves into a suffering mode and they will be stuck in that spot.
Justin: Yeah. That's so good. And you talked about a lot of things there, but I think what, from what I'm hearing is that you're really touching on the perspective of things. I like the, , the analogy that you talked about, the ship and that is something I'm gonna touch on here That 'cause that's so good. That's such a good analogy 'cause [00:09:00] we're on that ship.
And I think a lot of the times, like I was saying, our perception of hardship is just kind of skewed and and wrong in a sense, because we feel like we have to do it alone. And I think that our perspective that when we have to do things alone is that we are stuck dealing with the pain and suffering alone.
Don: Yeah,
Justin: we have to change our perceptions
Don: that's right.
Justin: I, I think that if , we went through these moments. This suffering in our life, , but we understand that God is working on it, that God is working through it on behalf of us for us.
Don: Yeah.
Justin: He's interceding for us, and that he's going to work it out for his good.
Then we will have a much better time going through anything in life. You know, we will count it all, consider it all joy. Like it says in the Bible. I think we would view hardship differently. You know, for instance, I think the enemy, because when you're doing this alone, um, just like in a [00:10:00]spiritual sense, Don, when the enemy can convince you that your hardship is just you fighting this alone and you're left to do it alone, I, I think that is, uh, what happens is that you think that you did something wrong, then you think that you think that you did something wrong. And a lot of the times we live in fear and, and we live just constantly struggling with these things, but we don't see God involved in it.
Don: Right, right.
Justin: the enemy sees that he uses that, . , he uses that to his advantage to make you feel shame and to make you feel guilty and to make you feel regretful because the perception that you have is that you just did something wrong, right?
Don: That's right.
Justin: you're the one left dealing with it. So your perception is, I did something wrong. And the reality is, you did nothing wrong.
Don: No.
Justin: You did everything right. In some cases, you're just going through tough times, right? And it is going through tough times. It, it's weathering the storm like they [00:11:00] say, you know, , the common phrase is, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
And that that's. It is true, but, but what it also does is when you have a relationship with Jesus and, and you go through these things, what I've come to realize in my life is it builds your faith.
Don: Mm-hmm.
Justin: What happens is your capacity is being increased.
Don: Yep.
Justin: You know, , once you go through these things, your capacity, what you were able to do that maxed you out before it maxed capacity.
, you broke that. Now it's now increased, and when it's increased, your faith stretches. When you rely on God to get you through these things, your faith stretches. When it's challenged and tested, it stretches and now it's stretched out, and, and you can, you could say that it's not the same size that it was before.
It's, it's a different faith. Right. That, that that's the way , your faith grows. And I think that when that happens, there's a, a resilience that's built up and, and if you don't have God at the center of that, if he, if he's [00:12:00] not partnered in that, if you don't include God in that, you're.
Don: Yeah.
Justin: Your perception is always going to be that God is not working with you through that.
You'll always think that you did it by yourself, and
Don: Yep.
Justin: that's where the enemy kinda wants you. He wants you to not be partnered with God. He wants you to think that you always have to do it yourself. 'cause what happens is when everything comes your way, you look to yourself then and you rely on yourself to get you through it.
Don: right.
Justin: When you do that though, you don't have a leverage. You don't have a leverage against the enemy. Um, and in a spiritual battle, you don't have you don't have the leverage that you need. You know, the power of the Holy Spirit, you don't have that which is within you, right? You don't have that, that authority is within you and that authority.
, once you change your perception
Don: Mm-hmm.
Justin: what hardship is and what., What, what suffering looks like. But when you, when you change your perception and [00:13:00] know , that God always works everything together for good, for those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose, you have that authority that's within you.
You have that leverage to get past the point of hardship.
Don: Yes, you do.
Justin: first we just have to partner with God in all that we do.
Don: Amen. That is, that is so true. You touched on a lot of stuff there. Um, you know, it is so true because so many times what we do is we enter into a level of despair and, uh, when we step away from things, and a lot of times too, you know, when we get back to the suffering part of hardship, people, uh,, get comfortable with their suffering.
And they, they,
Justin: Yeah.
Don: woes me. They're constantly, you know, talking about their suffering, this and that, where, uh, it is a stepping stone. It's not something that's meant to last in your life. And that's where you touched upon what James said. You know, that's an a time where he talks about, they counted it all joy, or they were. Jumping for joy when
Justin: [00:14:00] Yeah.
Don: when the hardships or things would come upon 'em, because in life, a lot of times it's about getting to the next step up and , sometimes you're only a hardship or two away from reaching those levels because there is maturity. There is a, a, a strengthening process. There is a way of looking at things, seeing things acting, all this stuff.
You know, it requires the process. And I believe, you know, it talks about, uh, back in Jeremiah that God has a plan for each and every one of us that he has a plan. And I think hardship is a part of that. We go through this and so as a Christian, when you're relying on God, you realize that he's got your hand.
For every step. He's not gonna let you trip on the step 'cause you got, you got a hold of his hand.
Justin: Right.
Don: up that step.
Justin: Right.
Don: he's gonna let you go through whatever it is, the stumbling or whatever the failure might be, or hardship in your life. He's gonna let you go through that. But it's all for your.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: a Christian in a Christian perspective, you, you look at this and you [00:15:00] say, well, you know, I, if some things are happening to me, I realize I'm still part of the process. You know, he's still working on me. He's, he's developed me, developing me and allowing me to go through these situations. And on the other end, it's what we become, you know, 'cause we're
Justin: Yeah.
Don: life of becomers.
We have to become,
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: are something. That help us to become the person that we were designed to be from the very beginning. But so many people get stuck with despair. They get stuck in the situations they're in,
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: and they, they find a comfort spot. They find someplace where it might be alcohol, it might be an addiction of some sort.
Just something to comfort them.
Justin: Yep.
Don: living in my misery, but just keep me comfortable and like you talk about distractions and stuff. The world we live in right now, so many people just want to get totally oblivious. I look at, , you know, as far as like, uh, movies, TVs, reading books and stuff like that.
Justin: Yeah.
Don: at that a [00:16:00] lot of times as someone that maybe going through a hardship and situation, but they're trying to get themselves placed in another world. That's not
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: So they sit there and they put themselves in a different understanding. Maybe it's a good book of some sort or whatever it is. It gives 'em a period of time where they don't have to be who they are, where God wants us to be, who we are, and he wants to develop us as individuals and give us the understanding that we don't need these distractions. We don't need to find a comfort zone where we can stay comfortable until he takes us someday. No. We have to walk through these things with an understanding and a trust in him that he is going to lead us and take care of us and do everything we need to have to be the person that we need to be.
Justin: Yeah, really. And, and, , we, we need to walk with him. Uh, we need to walk with him through these storms. You know, when, in the bible, um, you know, there's moments where the disciples are on the boat with Jesus and he is sleeping [00:17:00] and the
Don: Yeah.
Justin: are going heavy, and he gets up and he quells the storm.
And I mean, they're just amazed by what he does because they're like, . , you know, even he can control the weather. Like he must be, he, he must be the son of God and that belief that they had. We need to have that belief. If we truly believe that and we agree with that, and we can come into a relationship with him
Don: Right.
Justin: and by relationship, you know, I wanna focus on that word ship like we talked about before, because there is hardship
Don: Hmm.
Justin: is relationship and.
Don: true.
Justin: That word ship essentially means to be a part of you. You've become a part of. So , when you're going through hardship, it's like you're on a ship without a rudder or a compass, you know? So you're getting tossed and turned in the waves, and you're getting thrown all over the place.
Don: Yes.
Justin: So when it comes to relationship, and I mean [00:18:00] in relation.
Don: That's good.
Justin: In relation to him. I mean, actually knowing him actually walking with him.
Don: yep.
Justin: I mean, what it takes to get from hardship to relationship,
Don: Right.
Justin: You could say that we're going through hard times. We're navigating these waters on the ship, these high waves, but we don't have a rudder. We don't have a compass, we don't have a guide.
And I think it's when you go through these moments, like you were saying, you start to brush things off once you go through these experiences, once you get through 'em, because now things that you to bother, you don't bother you anymore once you get through it.
Don: Yes.
Justin: So , in order to get from hardship to relationship.
Sometimes it means coming to the end of ourselves.
Don: Mm-hmm.
Justin: Uh, sometimes it means that things have to get so hard that we need to put away pride. We need to put off pride, and we need to put on humility
Don: Yeah.
Justin: and. , it is by doing that, that we can now get out of hardship and we can [00:19:00] now rely on something that's greater than us and we can grow into relationship.
Don: Yep.
Justin: . It is when our hardship is elevating us and is promoting us, we can rely in that point, we get plugged into the source. I know you like to say that sometimes, and when we get plugged into the source, we are now in relation, I. To him, we now have relationship and you know, by relating to him, we want to live out the same kind of life that he did.
We want to provide a ministry like he did the same way that he did. You know, we want to treat others the same way that he did.
Don: Hmm.
Justin: I think that is the ultimate goal. Of relationship. Yes, it is, uh, so important to believe God, uh, and to know that he's going to get you through your worries and your struggles because he is going to, he'll never leave you nor forsake you.
However, however, it is [00:20:00] equally, , as if not more important to let that develop a relationship that you have with him.
Don: good.
Justin: To increase that relationship because then your perception of hardship will continue to change because you are no longer prideful about all of the situations that are going on in your life
Don: Yep.
Justin: it's always you that has to get through everything and you give yourself all the credit, but you become humble.
And I think it's when you become humble is when everything changes.
Don: That's right.
Justin: Because that's when gratitude seeps in and, and gratitude and humility come in pairs. And when you can put off that pride, 'cause I mean in, um, I think at First John, it talks about , the lustful desires of the flesh and the, the pride of life, or these are the things that are of the world and not from the father.
Don: Yeah.
Justin: And, and , when you put off the things from the world, you can put on the things from the father and you can walk with him.
Don: Yeah, that is true. I like what you said about [00:21:00] relationships there, , Justin,
Justin: Yeah.
Don: it got me thinking a little bit, uh, you know, , when we talk about. Jesus Christ, and we talk about family, friends, and our church body.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: talking about is a group of people that can relate to us, that they can understand the conditions, the situations that we're in.
It's nice to be able to surround ourselves with people that can relate. To the issues, the struggles and everything that we're going through, and they help build us the faith and give us the hope that we can make through all that. Like you're saying, so many times people get isolated by themselves in a hardship or whatever.
They have nobody to relate to them. They need a relationship to help carry them through the struggles and through the problems and stuff, but they have not. That, and that's a, a lonely place. And it is a humbling, like you're saying about humbling. You have to humble yourself sometimes with people being able to share the issues, the thoughts, what [00:22:00] really, um, touches me sometimes is when they talk about Jesus Christ being tempted in always as we are. And , I believe that, you know, God allowed himself to be placed inside of a man of Jesus Christ that was just like us. had the hardships, had everything, had to learn everything, just like we had to have to learn. And he developed that. But he had, like you're saying, Justin, he had a relationship. He had a relationship with the father.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: knew all about the hardships. He knows how valuable they are. Actually, some of the hardships are. Probably just as valuable as gold, but people don't see it as that.
Justin: Yeah. That's good.
Don: it's, it's a failure, it's a struggle. It's this and that. But you know, a person that's really in tune, you know, , realizes that these are powerful moments.
Actually, as a Christian's perspective, a hardship is a miracle waiting to happen.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: ourselves into a position where we can allow God to create a miracle in our life, [00:23:00]because we can't depend upon ourself anymore. Some of these hardships we can't depend upon ourself. You know, we're, we're at what they, they call wit's end.
Justin: Right.
Don: wit's end is, but they use it in the Bible, but. We come to a place called Wits End where we can't, we can't figure this out anymore. That's where good relationships can be very, very helpful. People who have been through similar situations, a church body is meant to be that, but Jesus Christ is the head and he's the one that's meant to direct us and take us by the hand through all these situations.
Justin: Yeah. That's, that's so good. That's a hundred percent true. And I think that what you said there, um, because it's, it's not only just about. , , trust. And it's not only about going through these hard things, but what happens is the faith that grows through this process, you know, the hardship means that he has great plans for you and is going to use you in a mighty way
Don: Yep.
Justin: if you will focus on him, right?
If you will walk with him through it.
Don: Mm-hmm.[00:24:00]
Justin: great plans for you on the other side, and I think that. Because faith is, you know, synonymous with trust. When you go through these things and you partner with God through them, your trust also grows. Because when you take on every situation that happens, , to you in your life alone, and you do it without God, you're going to crumble at some point, right?
Because you can't do it alone. And I think that's what happens is we keep going through these sufferings because it's a, it's a. Cycle. You know, we just keep going through it alone and we crumble,
Don: Yeah.
Justin: but we were never meant to do it alone.
Don: No.
Justin: the world kind of teaches things this way, but it, it's actually a deception.
You know, if you just read the Bible, you see that we were never meant to do this alone. We have a creator who, if you look in the Bible, the theme is. His steadfast love and the fact that we have nothing to fear and the fact that he'll never leave us, that he's always with us, that he wants the best [00:25:00]for us.
Don: Right.
Justin: and I think that what it comes down to is a lot of the times the way that we perceive things is. Not far off from what they actually are, but there's just something missing. There's something, there's just something that we're missing. There's some truth,
Don: Yeah.
Justin: that we're not fully given that could change everything.
Right. There's just, it's like something that's kept from us, it, it's kept from us to help us grow. It's.
Don: Right.
Justin: Kept from us to develop us. Just like in the book of job when, uh, Satan is going after job and he is just inflicting all of these damages and injuries and, you know, all this pain and stuff on him, you know, but he has to go through God first.
You know, God essentially is giving Satan permission , to go after job because he knows. Job is not going to lose his faith
Don: No.
Justin: he is going to be developed, that he's not going to blame what's happening. He's not, you know, the, , the blame game. You know, he's not gonna blame what's happening to him on God.
He's going to [00:26:00] understand that God is in it with him, that these attacks don't come from God. And also that he's not doing it alone because Don, if, if Job just thought he was doing it alone, of course he would blame it, , on God. He would probably blame it on himself, but.
Don: yeah.
Justin: He would also blame God if he was far away from him, but he wasn't.
So a lot of the times it's just like that with us, we're going through these things and God is maybe allowing them to develop us. There's just a little bit of truth that we're not given, but it is so, so that we can be developed, and I think that the hardship means that there's greater things on the other side.
Just like when the storm. After the storm comes the calm, right? And yes, he's going to use us in a mighty way, but we just have to keep, , we have to keep trusting in him. And we have to keep, we have to keep the faith. We have to walk by faith and not by sight knowing that usually when these attacks come, it's because there's something greater that's coming at the [00:27:00] end.
Don: Yeah, that is so true, and I know a little bit of something that can help in these situations as far as hardships are concerned, is the Bible says that we need to be thankful for all things,
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: for the life, for the opportunity that we have in life. Yes. Are we gonna go through hardships? Yes, we are. Are we gonna experience pain? Yes, we are. But God is wanting to take us through all that. He's got better things on the other side. I know my, um, my mother-in-law who has passed, a lovely woman named Tilly, but uh, she, um, was in a wheelchair
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: you know, she was suffering in a lot of ways and stuff, but I used to sit to her and I used to tell her, you know, Tilly, God's got a brand new body for you.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: other side, God's got it all and there's things we have to go through in life, but if we can go through it with the right attitude, with the right heart, being thankful for the opportunity he's given us [00:28:00] in life, it takes the pain away. I.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: the suffering away. It becomes something that you, you know, 'cause suffering is a mental thing and I know, uh, in life, , you know, if you one could imagine
Justin: Yeah.
Don: in a hundred room mansion and, you know, we have all kinds of stuff in this mansion, but we're locked up in one room. We're locked up in one room, we've, uh,, came across a hardship and whatever. We're afraid to leave that room
Justin: Right.
Don: if we can get the key, the key of understanding or the principle of thought that says he, there's a whole lot more to this mansion than this one room. There's a whole lot more to life than this one hardship that I'm going through right now. Give me the keys to open the door and set me free of these things because I want to experience. Everything inside this mansion. God has got a lot of beautiful things for us, but like you were saying, Justin, we have to get to the other side and a lot of times it's a hardship that is the ship that's taking us to [00:29:00] the other side and person as a growing maturity.
They realize that they realize that they're not finished until they're finished. You know, we're living life until the very end and there will be hardships. There's no guarantees. But if we're gonna sit there and lock ourselves up in a prison, worrying about life, worrying about what might happen tomorrow, worrying about this and that, how we're experiencing it, we are putting ourselves in our own mental prison,
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Don: be suffering probably for the rest of our time here on Earth. And God does not want that. He wants us free.
Justin: Yeah, he does. And, and I just wanna wrap this up by saying to anybody who's listening to this podcast, I just wanna change your perception, uh, of the way you think about hardship. , so do not associate hardship with punishment or, or fear of punishment, but instead associate hardship with promotion
Don: Yep.
Justin: you are getting promoted in the spiritual world [00:30:00] when you go through these things.
In the Heavenlys, the angels, in the heavenly realm, they are noticing you when you go through these things. When you stand in faith, , they are seeing that your faith is increasing. When you look at it this way, when you perceive things the right way, the way God has intended you to perceive things, then his path for you will become much clearer in the things ahead.
Don: that's right.
Justin: You will no longer look at, , hardship as something that crumbles you, but something that is temporary and something that builds you for a greater purpose.
Don: That's right, and I believe Justin, , that we've given here an opportunity of giving keys to many, many people, and that the challenge is to use those keys to unlock the prisons and to realize that you have a freedom and a beautiful life laying in front of you.
Justin: Amen. I.[00:31:00]