The Wise & The Wandering
How did you end up here? Maybe we can help get you on the right path.
Join Dr. Don Schaefer and Justin Olbrantz on a journey of complete positivity designed to help you Heal, Feel, & REVEAL. Bridging the gap between generations old and new - Find what you have been missing in the puzzle called Life: A podcast full of answers directed to a lost world full of questions.
The Wise & The Wandering
Defying Temptation - Episode 40
Let's talk about defying temptation.
In this episode, the hosts explore the nature of temptation, the ways it manifests in modern life, and the spiritual tools required to resist it. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding temptation, staying grounded in the Word of God, and developing spiritual muscles to overcome challenges when tested. Practical advice and biblical references are shared to equip listeners with the tools to defeat temptation and live a life aligned with their faith.
Episode 40 - Defying Temptation
[00:00:00] Justin: Hi everyone, this is Justin Olbrantz (and this is Don Schaefer), and you are listening to the wise and the wandering podcast for those who know “the Way,” and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So let's dive in.
[00:00:32] Justin: So Don, what are we going to talk about today?
[00:00:34] Don: Well, I think we've got an interesting topic here, Justin, called defying temptation.
[00:00:39] Justin: That is an interesting topic…
[00:00:41] Justin: Okay, so by
[00:00:42] Don: defying, what do we mean by defying? Defying, we're trying to get temptation, understanding what it is and how to handle it.
[00:00:52] Justin: Because everybody goes through it. And resisting it, right? So I have a dictionary definition here. So I have a definition [00:01:00] for “defying.” And it says to openly resist or refuse to obey. Okay. Yes, so you're refusing to obey the temptation. Yes. Okay, so we're gonna help you do that in this episode today. Yes And I guess, how are we going to help people defy temptation?
[00:01:19] Justin: What is temptation, I guess, to you? What is temptation? What do you think of temptation, in the wise mindset, what comes to mind?
[00:01:28] Don: Well, you know, we live in a world, I think, is so full of temptation that, you know, people can say, how do you define it? Well, you don't have to go very far to see where it is. And, uh, we live in a world right now, and I, sometimes I sit back and I say, Lord, why?
[00:01:44] Don: Temptation, but I think it builds the person, you know, and when you understand it and learn how to , Handle it because I know as you were mentioning there, you know The bible says that we submit to the lord and we resist and it says the devil will flee And we do have an [00:02:00]adversary that is trying to tempt us into being disobedient and doing things that are not proper and wrong.
[00:02:07] Don: Yeah. And that's what temptation is. And we're born with a nature that can't control that. So you, you know, you look at a little child or whatever that's born into this world, everybody's born with a sin nature. It isn't until we become born again that the Spirit of God can help work on these areas
[00:02:24] Don: and that's where, in today's world right now,
[00:02:27] both2: I
[00:02:28] Don: look at this world, you know, I grew up a long time ago, back in the
[00:02:33] both: 1950s,
[00:02:33] Don: you know, and I look at the stuff that people, especially young people have to deal with today, as far as, because there was just saying, I was listening to a guy on the radio the other day talking about AI, and it's talks about the algorithms and everything that say a child would look at, everything a child would get involved in, whether it be TikTok, anything that they get involved in, they know.
[00:02:55] Don: exactly what the desires are, and they actually have a [00:03:00] means of communicating with the child back, leading them into a stray in different areas.
[00:03:05] both: Yeah.
[00:03:06] Don: You know, so these temptations are coming at people from every direction. You know, our television set, uh, you go everywhere you go, you're finding directions and areas of life that are immoral and, , totally against the principles that God would want us to live in.
[00:03:23] Justin: Yeah, that's definitely true. And definitely with television shows, media and stuff like that, there's All different ways that we're being tempted by things. And I guess just to understand temptation, I think it is a spiritual thing. We just talked last week about growing in the spirit and by growing in the spirit, you understand things of the spirit.
[00:03:48] Justin: You know, the Bible says the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. And a lot of the times that is the case. The flesh is weak. So what does the enemy use? [00:04:00] Temptation, he uses, he wants to tempt us, no different than, you go back to the earliest of times when in the garden, the serpent was tempting Eve saying, if you eat this fruit, you can become like God, don't you want to be like God?
[00:04:16] Justin: Who's to say that you can't eat this from this tree, right? So it's one of those things where temptation is, in my opinion, it is definitely a spiritual thing because when you. The way that you beat temptation, like you said, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Well, how do you resist the devil?
[00:04:36] Justin: You resist him , by being grounded in the word of God, right? By being grounded in the Holy Spirit in spiritual things. Because the more you fill your mind with something, , you know, junk. It's harder to resist temptations to junk because you're so used to ingesting and, and just surrounding yourself and being consumed with junk,
[00:04:58] Don: right?
[00:04:58] Justin: You eat a bunch of junk food, [00:05:00] It makes you, it almost makes you like want to eat more junk food. You go out to, you ate fast food today, tomorrow, you probably crave it again, right? That's right. Oh yeah. Exactly. So you, , you get tempted in this way. And I think temptation goes further than just people being tempted by foods and stuff.
[00:05:17] Justin: Temptation is a spiritual issue. It is a spiritual problem because, the Bible describes this in many different passages, different scriptures. Um, first Corinthians, Paul talks about with every temptation, God will provide a way out. So that's the good thing to know about temptation from the beginning.
[00:05:38] Justin: It's spiritual. Second thing is there's always going to be a way out. I mean, if it was Joseph, not wanting to sleep with Paul. Potiphar's wife. And he, it says he literally ran out of his clothes. He left his cloak behind because he knew the only thing this woman's trying to get me to sleep with her. The only thing I need to do right now is [00:06:00] get out of this scenario.
[00:06:01] Justin: Get out of here. Right. That's right. Was his way of resisting. Right. So there's always going to be a way out. That's the good news. The good news, right. Is that. Every way that the devil is going to tempt you Any way that the enemy is going to tempt you any way that there's a temptation of any kind There's always a way out.
[00:06:18] Justin: God's always provided a way out. Yes. He has. Yes He has
[00:06:21] Don: and the beautiful thing is what we're talking about here Justin is the fact that we are bringing an awareness of what temptation is. Yeah, you know It seems like a lot of times in life We don't realize what's happening to us and we're getting ourselves into situations and stuff where we get ourselves we're falling in and not having a real understanding of what's truly happening.
[00:06:42] Don: It's interesting in the Bible talks a little bit about Jesus Christ says that he was tempted in all ways, but without sin. So it isn't always common to man. So every way that we could possibly be tempted, Jesus was tempted at one time, but he showed us. He showed [00:07:00] us what someone filled with the Holy Spirit and the strength like you're talking about of the Holy Spirit How we can resist the temptations of the devil And that's where a lot of our problems and issues that we're dealing with in life today Is because we don't know how to handle temptations.
[00:07:15] Don: We get ourselves into issues areas You know a lot of times like to say, you know, don't stare at it , don't get close to it and don't touch it. You know a lot of that's a good guideline Yeah, a lot of times in life. There's things that pop up And we know where it's going. It's just like, you know, , if I don't if i'm eating snicker candy bars And I got a real issue with these things, you know I'm going through two three of them a day and I know they're no good for me and stuff You know am I going to be going to candy stores?
[00:07:43] Don: And if I was smart, I wouldn't because if I had an understanding what temptation is I know that I need to stay away from things that are going to tempt me into buying snicker candy bars You know and that's the same way in all areas of our life because there's things in areas that we want to do Especially [00:08:00] when you come to new year's resolutions or whatever a person does, you know the temptations not to do things that , or to get involved in things that are not right, , it's hard.
[00:08:10] Don: And I know the Bible talks a little bit about our adversary, the devil. He's very good at what he does. As Justin, as you mentioned in the garden, way in the beginning with Adam and Eve, he was, it was temptation. You know, he's thrown at him, you know, and the Bible says that he prowls the earth looking, he's looking for opportunities, you know, in our life, especially when we want God in our life.
[00:08:31] Don: Seeking who we
[00:08:31] Justin: can
[00:08:32] Don: devour. Yeah. Yeah, we want to get our life to where it needs to be. And it seems like every time we turn around, there's something there. And today's society, I mean, it's all over. There are things tempting mankind in every different direction. So that's where I know, uh, the Bible says that the grace of God is sufficient.
[00:08:51] Don: So God gives us the strength to overcome all of this. But we have to understand what it is and what it is that we need to make [00:09:00] sure that we have to be strong in. And a lot of times in life, we, uh, we look at it because even like in the garden or Jesus in the garden, he says to Peter, he says, pray, lest ye fail.
[00:09:10] Don: fall into temptation, you know, so he was right after he was sweating, uh, blood. Jesus was going through a time there, you know, and so he's basically telling Peter what he needs to do with temptation. You know, he needed to pray and that's the area. I think a lot of times people get weakened
[00:09:29] both: because
[00:09:29] Don: they don't pray.
[00:09:30] Don: They don't get the communication. They don't allow the grace to come upon their life. And I know like in the old Testament times, there was manna that came from heaven. Every day fresh batch, you know in our life today We need the grace of God in these situations and it's fresh every day It isn't something that we pray for once a week or whatever and then expect to be able to live the rest of the week Be able to handle the situations that come at us, you know, we need to have the strength of God [00:10:00] Dwelling in us so that when we see things we're wise enough to realize just what it is It's coming at us and we don't get ourselves roped up in these things And if we find ourselves we need to get back to prayer again because that's where our strength comes from We have to be strong in these areas
[00:10:16] Justin: Yeah, because when you're in prayer, you can't enter into temptation because your mind is focused on the things of God.
[00:10:22] Justin: So, I just want to point out because you mentioned the garden, right? So I think it's, um, important to talk about seeds a little bit. Seeds. Because a lot of this stuff we're talking about temptation, talking about how these things happen. You know, the Bible talks about in 1 John chapter 2, it talks about things can be of the Father and things that are not of the Father, but of the world.
[00:10:50] both2: Right.
[00:10:51] Justin: And it lists three things, and that's the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Yeah. And these are three [00:11:00] ways. That the enemy really uses to tempt people like you're saying there's so many addictions. There's so many things that are Tempting nowadays. You know, just anything you can think about with the TV shows the movies Pornography video games all this stuff.
[00:11:15] Justin: It's just also tempting. Oh, yeah And I do think there's a spiritual nature to it. But I want to talk about seeds because a lot of the times these things start as thoughts. Yeah. And what the enemy is doing is he's planting seeds in there and trying to see if they'll grow into something. Yeah. So you get a thought.
[00:11:36] Justin: And you think all of your thoughts are just you, you think they're all your own thoughts, but they're not really your own thoughts. Because this is a spiritual war. That's right. And a lot of the ways that the enemy uses to attack us in the war is in our mind. Right. Because where the thoughts start, those seeds start.
[00:11:56] Justin: And if those seeds are watered, they grow into [00:12:00] plants. Yes, they do. And those plants can turn into problems. Lots of problems. Exactly. , and those plants, , it can create bad fruit, right? And it turns into bondage over time. It turns into rebellion, right? There's a different nature. It's not the, it's not the nature of God.
[00:12:18] Justin: So we need to control those thoughts. You know, the Bible talks about taking, Paul talks about every. Thought captive right to the obedience of christ. Yeah, right So every single thought I think That that's kind of where we have to be if your prayer like you're saying your prayer life Yeah, if you're meditating on the word daily and you're getting that into you because you have to get You got to get a relationship with God, but you have to understand his word.
[00:12:44] Justin: You can't just read it without having a relationship with him because then it looks like Powerful, but there's no intimacy there. Right? So there has to be there has to be intimacy there. I always tell people there's no better Intimate relationship that you can have than the one with [00:13:00] Jesus Christ, right?
[00:13:01] Justin: Yeah, so I just want to but I just want to finish by saying that because It's just so important about what we let in right? It's it's so important about what we are consuming then Our thoughts are important, but it's, , it's really important about our subconscious and what we're taking in a lot of the things we don't really realize because if our minds are just filled with the latest TV shows, what's on Netflix, what's on YouTube or the music we're listening to and all the rest that the culture has to offer or the world has to offer, we will be bombarded with messages.
[00:13:38] Justin: And images that inevitably will lead us to sinful lusts. That's right. But if our minds are filled with the freshness and that holiness of God, that's what separates that holiness and the love and compassion of Christ, by reading the Gospels, [00:14:00] And just the brilliance of the timing and his perfected word, just seeing how these stories of him redeeming his people, but just if our minds are filled with that, then we will find our interests in the lust of the world completely diminished and disappear.
[00:14:16] Justin: Right.
[00:14:17] Don: And that's where I know, uh, temptation itself is not a sin. You know, , everybody's being tempted in different ways. It's not a sin. I had it explained to me one time that , you know, you can have a bird fly over your head, you know, and continue to fly or land on your head and you can shoo it away, but you don't let it, you know, build a nest on top of your head, you know, and that's where like a lot of times temptation is, you know, you don't, you don't shoot away, you know, you let it build a nest on top of you, then you might have problems, you know, in situations like that.
[00:14:48] Don: And that's where I know, we've been placed in a world with lots of temptations and lots of areas that can lead us into areas that we don't want to be in. But it also brings us to a [00:15:00]place of how badly we need a relationship with God, because it's our only way out, our only hope, and that's where, that's the beauty of what we're talking about here.
[00:15:09] Don: Our only hope is with Jesus Christ, and it's interesting too because, see, we , can become spiritually alive. We can fight these things. There was a time where they couldn't be fought, and I know that if you get into the Bible, on Israel's day, they were very cautious. You know, if somebody was doing something wrong, God had them dealt with right away because they didn't want sin in a camp because they didn't have the power with the temptation part of it.
[00:15:36] Don: They didn't have the power. They didn't have, you know, , Instagram and Facebook and all the social medias and stuff like that. See, God protected them. You know, they were a group of people that was separated. So if anybody was caught up in certain types of sin, God protected them. God had them destroyed.
[00:15:52] Don: He had them taken care of right away because the people weren't strong enough. But we live in a time period right now where God gives us the strength [00:16:00] to overcome the temptation. But it's one thing to have the possibility of strength, but we have to understand what temptation really is. Because a lot of people are living in life, they don't even realize that they're being tempted.
[00:16:11] Don: They don't realize why their life is going the way it is. Because they are in no control and God has designed us so that we will never be in control without him being a part of our life. We will never be able to do things on our own. We can say, I'll be disciplined. I'll be this and I'll be that. But, you know, the adversary is very good at what he does, you know, and that's where we have to be very careful and realize that, It's the understanding of how important God is in our lives.
[00:16:38] Justin: He is,, the adversary is good at what he does. And you have to understand that because the way that we win this war, you know, the Bible says our weapons are not carnal. These are spiritual weapons that we have. , this is about putting on, the Bible talks about.
[00:16:59] Justin: And it [00:17:00] might be just reference of the times, but it is a timeless concept to have the armor of God. And one of the things listed is the belt of truth. And when you know the truth, those lies cannot get at you. The offensive weapon, the sword of the spirit in there, the word of God, the sword of the spirit.
[00:17:23] Justin: Once you have the sword, You have the shield of faith, but when you have the belt of truth, and you know, all the other items, the brass plate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, these stuff. Once you have , the belt of truth, the lies cannot penetrate into your life. Okay, so I only say this because it's important to acknowledge How good the enemy is at this, but we already have the victory.
[00:17:48] Justin: If there's always a way out, we already have the victory because there was a way out. That's right. The only time the enemy could have had a victory over you is if there was no way out. [00:18:00] And the Bible said there's always a way out. So we know this. We know that, you know, Satan in some cases will really try his best.
[00:18:09] Justin: You know, it says after Jesus got baptized, , But the spirits led him into the wilderness, right? So the spirit led him into the wilderness, holy spirit, where he was going to be tempted. And then it says, the tempter. approaches them and it uses that terminology to, to refer to Satan, the tempter.
[00:18:27] Justin: It calls him the tempter. So he's a tempter. And he goes up there and he starts saying to him, after 40 days, Jesus is really hungry, obviously. And he's saying, if you are the son of God, You know, turn these stones into bread right now and eat. And this is the way the enemy tempts us. This is no different.
[00:18:45] Justin: He knew what he was going to do to Jesus. He knew that if he was going to hit, he knew he only had a certain amount of chances, but he knew he had to try his best to go at him and he had to go for the head. And obviously it didn't work because Jesus responds by saying. For it is [00:19:00] written, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
[00:19:06] Justin: Right? So, if Jesus were to say at that moment, well, let me turn these stones to bread. He would then be saying that he's not, He is not just a man. Mm-hmm . He is the son of God, and therefore we cannot follow in his example. Right. Because he's separated from us. Yeah. So he, he, , he withholds himself.
[00:19:25] both: Mm-hmm .
[00:19:26] Justin: , because we know very well that he could do these things. Yeah. Right? And maybe if he couldn't do these things, he would get caught up into this spiral. And now he'd be even doubting if he is the son of God, right? Because he allows this temptation to penetrate. But he doesn't. He doesn't let it go any further.
[00:19:41] Justin: But saying, for it is written. That is the sword of the spirit. That is your offensive weapon of, you know. That is a, you have the belt of truth, but that is a weapon of truth because the word of God is all truth. So the way that you can dispel these things is by using scripture against them. So a lot of the times, there's no different right [00:20:00] there.
[00:20:00] Justin: I can use a modern example of what happened , but something will happen in your life and the enemy comes and he tries to now tempt you to get angry. Because it's easy for you to get angry, and it's justifiable reason for you to get angry right now. It's justifiable for you to yell right now.
[00:20:15] Justin: It's justifiable for you to throw things, because that's what happened around you growing up, right? Or that's just what helps you feel better afterwards, because someone didn't leave you alone or give you enough space or whatever the case. That is a spiritual temptation coming your way. And he's trying to throw you off.
[00:20:36] Justin: And I like to say this, and I want to Equip people in this regard. I've said this over the past year or so, but we need to make ourselves unpredictable to win this war, because you get caught into the same predictable patterns when he throws the same temptations your way. And you get caught in them and like you said, you gotta not look, you can't do, I know the [00:21:00] Bible in Matthew even says to pluck out the right eye, you know, if the, if one eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
[00:21:07] Justin: If the arm causes you to sin, it's better to cut it off.
[00:21:10] both2: Yeah.
[00:21:11] Justin: And what that really is saying is that drastic measures have to be done. You shouldn't actually cut off your arm. But something serious has to be done so that you do not fall into this temptation. You don't enter into this temptation. And I feel like a lot of times we think of it's just like tangible things or whatever.
[00:21:29] Justin: We just want physical things when it comes to temptation. I want money, I want fame, whatever, but it comes down to our thoughts. It comes down to even the emotions that we allow ourselves to feel because we feel entitled or justified, but you don't know you're being played every time because you fall into a predictable cycle in our role to beat this.
[00:21:49] Justin: I'm telling you. Our, . Our role to win this battle to be the victors. It is to be unpredictable against these attacks against us.
[00:21:57] Don: Oh yeah, that's for sure. That's for sure. There is [00:22:00] a quite a battle going on and it kind of brings to mind Justin back in 1994.
[00:22:04] Don: That's a long time ago, but I had the opportunity. I was two years old in that. You were two years. I had the opportunity of being in Manhattan, New York, and we went to David Wilkerson's church. Okay. And it was an Easter Sunday, and I know the place was packed, but in the beginning of the church, they were praying.
[00:22:25] Don: You know, they had a big thing going up there, be quiet. This is a time of prayer. There was a, , Good group of people praying and, you know, then he went into the service, but afterwards I was talking to an usher and he said, these guys have just gotten off of drugs. They've just gotten off the street. Yeah.
[00:22:43] Don: Their temptation is right out the door. You know, they'd walk out of the door of this church. They could relapse any moment. It's right there. You know, so they have to be strong. So these guys, this is life and death for them, you know, because it had such a hold on them. And I know a [00:23:00] lot of these guys too, and I've read David Wilkerson's material.
[00:23:03] Don: He used to take guys in and they would be in for like six weeks. 30 days or whatever and dry it out or whatever the circumstance might be, he would let them out again and they would fall right back into it again. He found that when he got them in and they pray and open up their life to God and were filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
[00:23:21] Don: That was the power. He said that was the ticket. Then they got them to a place where they could daily pray. You know, daily seek after the things of God and, and understand the power of the temptation, how powerful that really is and how to flee from it. So God is wanting to give us all an avenue to overcome this stuff.
[00:23:43] Don: And we have to be realizing what it is, you know, what is happening into our life. And a lot of times if we're failing with this. In temptation, it tells us where we're at as far as our relationship with God, because it is the power of God that helps us to defy temptation.
[00:23:59] Justin: [00:24:00] Exactly. To defy temptation. So what if, it is the power of God that is used to defy temptation, that means that temptation is not coming from God.
[00:24:09] Justin: Yeah. So I think it's just clear to understand that as well. A lot of people say, Oh, God is tempting me to do this. God is not tempting you. With anything,
[00:24:18] Don: right?
[00:24:19] Justin: It actually says in James.,, For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone, but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.
[00:24:31] Justin: Right. And that's exactly what happens. Now, the lustful intentions, the lustful desires that you have. Often reproduce the actions that follow in your life , and then they often create habits and they often create addictions and then they often create habits of suffering and then it becomes this vicious cycle and it all can just start with one simple thought.
[00:24:56] Justin: It all starts with one simple temptation. [00:25:00] Should I, should I send that text message? Do I miss this person? Should I just see what they're doing right now? Should I just check in on them? You know, there's just so many different ways that it comes as a simple thought and it always seems innocent. Right?
[00:25:16] Justin: Yeah. Why should you not eat from that tree? You know, it just sounds kind of innocent, right? There's always, there's, it always just seems harmless, and then it grows into something that just debilitates you, right? It just grows into something that suffocates you, and it grows into something so bad that now you, turn around and you realize, or you look around, you realize that you're submerged in water and you never even saw it coming, right?
[00:25:43] Justin: And it's because , we're not looking at this as a, as a fully spiritual thing. And in order to grow in the spirits and to mature in the spirits, we have to understand we, we have to have direction and we cannot be just little children about everything that feel entitled to feeling [00:26:00]how we want and let our feelings and our emotions just dictate everything in our lives.
[00:26:05] Justin: Right. We have to be aware. We got to understand. The battlefield, we got to understand the spiritual things that are happening. And I don't want to be like, you know, weird about it, but it's true. It's, , it's a spiritual battle and we have to be keen to it. We have to just understand that if we don't do anything about it, the moment it happens, the moment we get that thought, if we don't come out of agreement with it right away and do not claim it as our own, we might allow it to grow into something into our lives.
[00:26:35] Justin: That is true. And it could grow into a whole forest and it's nothing but toxicity and a lot of the times this can even end up to people taking their own lives because they weren't able, um, because the temptation itself to take someone's life is a temptation itself.
[00:26:54] Justin: Yeah. Yep. That's true. It really is. And you know, the, the beautiful thing about. Understanding that [00:27:00] is realizing that When you can get to a place where you live in joy and you understand that the mystery Has been revealed that christ himself is the hope of glory inside of you that you are to walk in a state of joy And peace and righteousness.
[00:27:18] Justin: That's right. And when you can walk in that There is nothing that the enemy can throw at you. That's gonna stick because so because if you can get to a point where Paul says he does not even love his own life unto death, Then you realize that the life that you have is not even your own life, right? It is to glorify God. It's God's life through you. So one would never want to Take their own life because it wasn't even theirs to begin with.
[00:27:49] Don: Yeah, that's so true. And you know, it's You know, the Bible talks about our adversaries being a deceiver and he deceives us with a lot of these thoughts you're talking about there, Justin, and I [00:28:00] know, um, a lot of times what people get involved in is a lot of good excuses and I, you know, I myself look at the Bible a little bit and I don't know if God's going to handle excuses real well.
[00:28:11] Don: So it is up to us and I know we talked about resisting the devil and he shall flee. And there's a reason he has to flee because we become stronger. Yeah. So as we overcome the temptations and allow God to work in our life, we continue to grow stronger and we get ourselves into a place where we're, he can't approach us anymore.
[00:28:31] Don: We're better. We're above all that. We have the strength of God working in our life. That's where it's so important for us to guard our thoughts. thoughts, like you were saying earlier, putting our thoughts into captivity so that we can guard our thoughts against leading into areas that would lead us into doing things that are
[00:28:48] Justin: not right.
[00:28:50] Justin: Yeah. Cause . We need spiritual muscles is what we need. We need to develop spiritual muscles. We need maturity in the spirit. We need to [00:29:00] be obedient. We need to be aware of what's going on. And because , if we are going to defy temptation, we need to completely resist to obey to any kind of temptation.
[00:29:11] Justin: We need to be completely aware of what's going on in our lives. We need to gain those spiritual muscles. We need to get into the gym. Get into the spiritual gym. What is your mind and get ready and be ready for when those tests
[00:29:28] Don: come. That's right. And we need to remember Justin that, , we can't do it by ourselves.
[00:29:33] Don: It isn't going to be a trophy of what we've done. It'll be a trophy of what he's done in our life.
[00:29:40] Justin: Well, I think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one, Justin. I think so, too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today, and we hope you can join us again next week for another good word.
[00:29:51] Justin: Until then, stay blessed. Bye the best. See you [00:30:00] guys.