The Wise & The Wandering

“Dead” To Our Old Self - Episode 34

Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz Episode 34

Today, we celebrate the dead. 

Not a physical death, but a spiritual one. 

We are no longer plagued by our pasts and stuck living by the stories that once defined us.  We are a NEW creation. 

In this episode, hosts Justin Olbrantz and Dr. Don Schaefer discuss the theme of 'Dead to Your Old Self'. They explore biblical teachings on the transition from a sinful nature to a new, divine nature brought by Jesus Christ, the 'second Adam'. The conversation delves into the concept of being 'born again' and the spiritual process involved in dying to one's old self. They highlight the significance of prayer, fasting, and building a relationship with God as essential steps in this transformation. The episode emphasizes the importance of letting go of past stories, thoughts, and emotions to truly receive God’s love and live a life in alignment with His purpose for you. 

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Episode 34 - Dead To Your Old Self

[00:00:00] Justin: Hi everyone, this is Justin Olbrantz (and this is Don Schaefer), and you are listening to the Wise and the Wandering podcast for those who know “The Way” and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So, let's dive in…

[00:00:31] Justin: So Don, what are we going to talk about today? Well, this week, Justin, I think we're going to talk about dead to your old self. Dead to 

[00:00:39] Don: your old self. Yes. Okay. So we have a new self. Yes. Yeah.  If you get into scripture and stuff, uh, the Bible talks about a couple of different natures. And how we're born with a nature to sin, which, uh, Adam and Eve in the beginning, uh, allowed to be birthed.

[00:00:58] Don: And every child that's [00:01:00] born into this world is born with this nature. And children grow up, you know, they automatically find ways of doing things wrong and getting themselves into trouble and such. Yes, they do. But the Bible talks about, you know, , a new nature. It talks about Jesus Christ being the second Adam, bringing 

[00:01:17] Justin: a new nature.

[00:01:18] Justin: Okay, so if I could just stop you right there, when you say second Adam, because there was an Adam, right? Adam started this all, Adam and Eve, right? Right. What is, what does it mean by a second Adam? 

[00:01:30] Don: Okay, well the , Bible says that Adam and Eve were the beginning of the race, the mankind. Well, the second Adam was Jesus Christ, and he was the beginning of another race of people.

[00:01:43] Don: A spiritually filled race with a divine nature. And that's where Jesus said, it's not good enough to be born, you have to be born again. You know, it's gotta, you gotta start all over. And that's where, , being, dying to your old self 

[00:01:58] Justin: is a part of that [00:02:00] process. Yes, I think that, that is exactly what it is in Scripture.

[00:02:03] Justin: It's referred to as being born again. Yes. That's how Jesus, I think, refers to, uh, Nicodemus. And really what it means is we need to have a new life. And the Bible talks about when you're, when you're, dead to self, that is when you're entering into life. Yes. So what you leave behind is actually Entering into life.

[00:02:26] Justin: It says to die is to live. To die is to live. On the spiritual side. Yes, on the spiritual side. So a lot of this, this is a spiritual process. So we don't mean you need to actually physically die. It means that the old self needs to die. And everything with it. The old thoughts. The old thoughts. Experiences the old feelings the old emotions The old stories.

[00:02:54] Justin: Yes. I love those things Yes, they get brought up a lot and they keep you in the past But they [00:03:00] need to die and something else needs to be born so that a real life can be developed You know, that is 

[00:03:06] Don: so true justin and this is hard You know what we're talking about tonight is not an easy task. Not at all this here For me few that actually step into this area where the self is completely gone.

[00:03:20] Don: But I know, um, it's one thing to talk about it, but, you know, God in his infinite wisdom and love for us, he actually sent a man named Jesus Christ into the world to actually live the whole process out. And uh, you know, his was a father. physical death, but he actually showed all the things, all the items that are necessary in a death process.

[00:03:45] Don: And he brought in prayer, you know, we have to pray and get a relationship with our creator. And, uh, he also talks about, this is a four letter word, Fast. Fasting. [00:04:00] Fasting. This is ugly because what it does, it kills ourself. This is a killer, you know, and it's got to be to a place and God has to do all the work on this, where God is number one.

[00:04:13] Don: He's all I want in life. I realize that my life is so fleeting, so quick and leaving so quickly that I'm I need to find him. I need to become one with him. 

[00:04:26] both3: Yeah, 

[00:04:26] Justin: and I think paul in the bible even says that I die daily and that's something that just to put into perspective It is a daily. It's a daily thing.

[00:04:35] Justin: It's a daily progression This is not like overnight this happens and all of a sudden i'm dead to my old self. I'm a new person But when you truly want that Um, when you're ready to make that commitment, I think when you read the Bible, you read the Gospels and you can get the word into you, you can start to have a relationship with God.

[00:04:56] Justin: I don't think you get a relationship with God until you learn [00:05:00] about who he is. Because other than knowing about who he is, you only know who you are and who the world is. You see what I'm saying? So you become conformed to the world. You become programmed to the world in some ways, indoctrinated, whatever the case is, brainwashed, but you're kind of just of the world, and you're of yourself.

[00:05:19] Justin: Everything happens around you. Everything happens about you. Everything happens for you. You want everything to happen for you, and it becomes this A very selfish lifestyle, where when I say selfish, I mean you're fully consumed by yourself. Everything in the world is making you consumed by yourself. About yourself by yourself .

[00:05:43] Don: Yeah, 

[00:05:43] Justin: You're So consumed with your own story And the story you can tell people and the story about Your life and the things that you've been through and the traumas But what if we were to present you with an option to lose the [00:06:00] old stories to let that story die to let the things of the past die because the past constantly you Separates you from being able to receive God's love, right?

[00:06:12] Justin: When you're only focused on the world and things of yourself, you're not receiving God's love It isn't until you go and you read the word you crack open that Bible You brush off the the cobwebs on there, you know And you get into that word and you start to see the way God's loved his people right in that book and you start to see the way Jesus Christ like you were saying is the same yesterday today and forever, right?

[00:06:40] Justin: You don't know this until you have a real relationship with him. You can't know this until you have a real relationship with him So when you want that relationship and you start to read about God's love God's word, like I'm saying, you start to believe because you start to see all of the times God's redeemed his people and God's show love for his people And [00:07:00] then like I was saying when you start to get that belief That you know, he's the same yesterday today and forever you start to see you read through these scriptures jeremiah 29 11 where it says for I know the plans that I have for you Yeah, a hope and a future, you know, you start to see the way You God has redeemed and led his people and you see that today is no different.

[00:07:20] Justin: He's always going to do the same That belief grows and it grows into wanting to be Less like yourself and more like him You see the way that jesus like you were saying was a perfect example for us to lead our life Going forward and that's what it means to be born again to Die to the old self and to be born in him.

[00:07:42] Justin: Yes. Yes. You're 

[00:07:44] Don: absolutely right there. Justin Born into life. Yeah, I think we're onto something here. I um, I think so You know, i'm looking at this here and I know myself i'm just going to be totally frank I myself want to search under every stone and search every [00:08:00] page 

[00:08:00] both2: Because 

[00:08:00] Don: I do not want to miss what god had intended for mankind And a lot of times I believe the world has missed something Because I know the bible talks about getting into a place because what you're talking about you're talking about born again It's actually a quickening, 

[00:08:16] both2: you know 

[00:08:17] Don: where there's a change in you where you're not We're all of a sudden you're just not the same person anymore.

[00:08:22] Don: We're a lot of times, you know, when it comes to, they call it sin, doing things that are wrong and stuff like that. You can't control yourself. You know, the Bible talks about a flesh, a fleshly way of life. You can't control yourself. But if there's a quickening which the Bible talks about where there's a change inside of us where we see things totally different 

[00:08:42] both2: Yeah, 

[00:08:43] Don: all of a sudden we've got strength, you know, there's a cardinal man.

[00:08:46] Don: The Bible talks about this is a sin filled nature type man And like you were saying Justin, it's a very selfish type man. That is always looking for his own self pity pleasures, self everything. And [00:09:00] to destroy that man, to get that man put to death in a spiritual sense, 

[00:09:07] both2: it 

[00:09:07] Don: takes a process. And you know, it takes a heart that is sold out to God.

[00:09:12] Don: Because I know in our world today, a lot of people believe that Jesus Christ came Since he came, he punched all of our tickets so that we're all going to heaven. All of our sins are forgiven, but there is a process. There are, there's a process that God has made from the beginning and planned 


[00:09:29] Don: for mankind that we need to step through.

[00:09:32] Don: You know, and the Bible says that narrow is the way that leads to eternal life, and few there be that find it. How few is few, I do not know. But it says broad is the path that leads to eternal destruction, and many there go by it. So it tells me that there are many people out there that believe they got a ticket punched, you know, that don't realize that Jesus came, total example, trying to save us, trying to get us to a point.

[00:09:58] Don: point where the [00:10:00] ugliest thing that can happen to us is to die. You know, that's where the Bible talks about when we're born again, we're free of the bond of death in the grave. You know, the ugliness of all of that kind of disappears. We have a different way of looking at life. Even the way people treat us, you know, if we are if the old man is alive he wants to feed himself is basically he wants to be treated good He wants everything to be fine.

[00:10:27] Don: He wants to have the good life and all this sort of thing And uh, but you know when you reach a place where you have died to your own will And given your will over to him and saying lord I want you to take over my life. I can't control my life. And for us to put a plan together and say, you know, step one, step two, step three, and you're going to be making it into a kingdom, that doesn't, you can't do it yourself.

[00:10:54] Don: God has to do it. You know, and if we can't get ourselves to a place, then the most powerful thing that [00:11:00] God ever gave us is the ability to pray and to communicate with Him. You know, we can get into a place where we can cry out to our God and say, Hey, Lord, I need a change in my life. Yeah. You know, this, this old man, this old self needs to be put to death.

[00:11:15] Don: You know, I, I have to change all this because right now , I'm a target. I'm a target, my flesh. The Bible talks about the flesh to flesh controls. You know, it's your desires. You know, you'll, you want it the easy route. I know with my, uh, granddaughter. A while back, you know, I, I was busy doing things all, all the time and stuff.

[00:11:35] Don: And she was sitting there just sitting around, looking at her phone and stuff like that, you know, excuse me. I went up to her. And I said, Juliana, is there anything I can do for you? And she looked at me kind of weird. I said, I want to keep myself busy because I know that the day that I sit down, my body's going to want to be lazy.

[00:11:52] both1: You know, as 

[00:11:52] Don: soon as I sit down, it doesn't want to get back up again. It wants to take it easy, you know, and that's where I need to keep myself in a position of doing. [00:12:00] But you know, the beauty with God is he gets us into a place where this sort of thing doesn't get ahold of us anymore. You know, we can sit there and allow the spirit of God to energize us.

[00:12:11] Don: And get us to a place where we can do the things that are unimaginable because with God all things are possible Yes, and he definitely opens up great possibilities. 

[00:12:22] Justin: Yes, and I think that just to back it up a little bit Everything you said was so spot on But just to back it up a little bit is that if Jesus when he came and he said, okay Son of Man's gonna go up.

[00:12:35] Justin: He's gonna die. He's gonna come back on the third day. I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna tear the temple down. And then rebuild it again, you know, if he just said these things and the apostles, the, uh, the disciples at the time, but the apostles that witnessed his, , physical miracles that, you know, they, they walked with him for three and a half years.

[00:12:55] Justin: If he just said these things and he didn't come back, it would be really hard for them to believe [00:13:00] in what he was saying. But the fact that they watched him and experienced him and they watched this crucifixion and. It happened and then he came back and he came back as spirit. Yes, and he came back, you know, roughly 40 days or so But because this happened it gave them something to believe in the born again Experience was manifested In reality.

[00:13:24] Justin: Yes, it was manifested in truth to them 

[00:13:27] both3: when 

[00:13:27] Justin: you are presented the truth. The Bible says, and you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free. When you get the truth, you are set free. Jesus said he came to set the captives free. Right? So what was he doing? He was completely setting them free after that because now they see that, , because they are disciples, they are being disciplined by their teacher, by their rabbi at the time, they're being disciplined by him.

[00:13:54] Justin: That they see. him in themselves. Because now in this born [00:14:00] again process, they've died with him. They've been resurrected with him, and they now live a new life with him. Amen. So it's easy for them to believe that. It's up to us later now, as, later century believers. It's up to us to carry that same message.

[00:14:18] Justin: It's up to us to carry the same living hope that we know was already performed and was already manifested for us. It's up to us to now walk in that. However, that goes to say that We've talked about spiritual warfare before spiritual warfare. We did a good episode about it but spiritual warfare is a real thing and the reason we have to die to ourself is because The only thing that can truly beat the evil works our adversary the enemy Is the death of ourselves.

[00:14:52] Justin: Yeah, because He can't stop he can't stop Jesus, right? He, he couldn't stop Jesus. We, I think it says [00:15:00] in the Bible that if the devil knew what was going to happen, he never would have crucified him to begin with. That's right. Because he took all authority away from him. Jesus did. That's in Revelation.

[00:15:09] Justin: Yeah. So he took all, he took the keys, right? He's got all authority. It says all authority. That means All right, right. So the devil's got no authority and he knows this but what it comes to is When you're stuck in yourself and you're stuck in your old ways and you're stuck living for just yourself And you're you haven't been presented.

[00:15:30] Justin: You haven't had that real relationship with god There's so many ways that you can become predictable and i've said this before but the devil tricks you so easily because he wants you to be to be focused on just yourself and the world and focused on celebrities and whatever the case is and just lifting people up that aren't God because they aren't the real threat.

[00:15:52] Justin: God is the real threat. Jesus, who's proved to be the real threat in the blood of Jesus that [00:16:00] represents his death is the real threat to the enemy. So what the devil does is the devil has tricked you into taking what was. And making it your every day, so tomorrow is always yesterday, and you never have a present.

[00:16:20] Justin: Or things to come because you're stuck back there. Yeah, and if you're stuck back there, you cannot die To yourself because you're living back there, right? So in order to die to yourself, you have to be dead to the past And you have to be looking forward only to the present and the things to come.

[00:16:38] Justin: Yeah That's good, 

[00:16:39] Don: Justin. Wow, that sounds like quite a message you got there. You know, so many people, you're right, they look at the past, they get stuck in the past, where God's got a beautiful future in front of us. And he's got beautiful things in front of us, but it takes a death of a nature. He's 

[00:16:54] Justin: got freedom in front of us.

[00:16:55] Justin: He does. And the problem is, is, We're so focused on using all of our [00:17:00]faith right now, because we have faith. We just don't have it in the right things. We're so focused on using all of our faith to get things to work out for us. Right. Only for us, but there's no freedom in 

[00:17:10] Don: that. That's right. So let's make it comfortable.

[00:17:13] Don: You know, let's get me in a place where everything is nice and easy. You know, , I remember being down in Florida where they called, uh, Florida, God's waiting room where the old people go to wait to go to God someday, you know, and so, and you take it easy, you know, take it easy on everybody. Everybody's looking for a life of comfort where , God wants to give us a comfort, but it's a different type of comfort, you know, and we can only become, reach this if we can die to ourself in our selfish ways that you were talking about.

[00:17:44] Don: And this is the beauty of it, because I know. Fear itself, you know, just the idea of fear and what it does to an individual, how, once you get into a place with God, and reach a place with God, where the old man is dead, you [00:18:00] know, in my case it would be Don. I identify it with a new man. Jesus Christ if and I'm working on this.

[00:18:06] Don: I can't say that I've been there yet because once you reach this place Then nothing can affect you anymore. You know, nothing can you know as far as any fear? There is no fear I mean nobody can what can anybody do to you? Right? How can anybody hurt? Do I have to worry about disease? Do I have to worry about financial ruin?

[00:18:27] Don: I mean, yeah, i'm going to be taking care of business here, but I don't have to worry about any of this Because it isn't me that's living anymore. It's a spiritual man I've stepped into a different realm of life and that's what we're talking about was presented, and like you said before, uh, Justin, it was pretty good.

[00:18:43] Don: Had the devil known, he would have never crucified Jesus because Jesus was a pattern, you know, of a crucified life. You know, and his was a physical side. We do it in a spiritual side. I know a lot of times I go to people and I tell them I gotta find a way to get crucified. 

[00:18:58] both1: You know? 

[00:18:58] Justin: And not only that, I just want [00:19:00] to Just to interject and Jesus was a manifestation of eternal life.

[00:19:04] Justin: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, 

[00:19:06] Don: he was, you know, cuz he Put his hope in something greater and the beauty of this and we talked about this a little bit once in a while if we can Get ourselves into the place where we're totally connected in God because God has put a process together Where every word we say is true Hits the ear of God, you know, because we're speaking the mind of Christ the thoughts of Christ You know, the bible says that jesus makes intercession for the world all of a sudden he's connected with us So that we can pray for sam down the street or mary across the road or whatever the circumstance might be And it instantly reaches the ear of god.

[00:19:44] Don: God has placed an opportunity for us and we're opportunists, 

[00:19:49] both2: you know, 

[00:19:49] Don: we are trying to grab the opportunity that God has placed, but we realize that there's an old self that has to be put to death and it is fighter. It's a [00:20:00] fighter. You know, it does not want to die. It wants to stay alive and wants to be comfortable.

[00:20:04] Don: And that's where like you talk about Justin dying daily. You know, it's a Focus, you know, that's where we have to tap into god We have to get the resources everything that god would want to instill inside of us because we need some spiritual strength You know, we need to be spiritually strong and wise to situations because I know the bible talks about The love of the world is an enemy with god, you know, so i'm saying to myself Well what you know i'm living in this world, but how can I get myself into the place where I don't love this world?

[00:20:34] Don: You know because it seems like i'm so attached to everything 

[00:20:37] both2: I even 

[00:20:38] Don: Think about the future and say, am I going to have my golf game? Am I going to have this and that in the future? You know, but I, but I realized that God has got greater things than that for me. And God tells me I need to get to a place where my thoughts are on heavenly things, not things on earth because everything on, on earth here is all about self.

[00:20:58] Don: It's all about selfishness and feeding [00:21:00] my comforts and my ease. And that's where there is a bond. Born again experience and we need to seek after God to reach that point. 

[00:21:09] Justin: Yeah, and and . Everything here is focused on self In the world, everything is focused on self, but because that, there's a deception there.

[00:21:19] Justin: We're actually being deceived on what life really is. I think it's Jesus that says this to his disciples that, that's when you're entering into life.

[00:21:28] Justin: So if you think about it, you haven't even experienced life Because you're entering into it. You wouldn't have a life if you were enter if now entering into life. Yeah, see what I'm saying? So the way we look and perceive life through the lens of self is not what life actually is. Life is not a grind.

[00:21:47] Justin: Life is a gift. Yeah, right. So the only reason it's a grind Is because we're living outside of why we're actually here. Amen So we get forced into [00:22:00] trying to make it Everything is just trying to make it right everything is just trying to be that person that we we think we're supposed to be But what if who you're supposed to be is actually him?

[00:22:12] Justin: What if your destiny, your purpose was already laid down for you 2, 000 years ago, and that's who you actually are. What if love is actually inside of you? You see what I'm saying? Because Sometimes when people are so consumed with their self, it's hard to love themselves because there's just things that they hate about themselves.

[00:22:38] Justin: If you can't love yourself, you cannot receive God's love. Because you won't understand Him as being love. You'll understand all the ways You are unhappy with your life and yourself, and you will project that onto God. A lot of times I see this, and people have accusations about who God actually is. [00:23:00] It's a complete, inaccurate representation of who God actually is.

[00:23:05] Justin: So let's just be clear. God is love. We talked about this in the prior episodes. John 3. 16. So God, God so loved the world. That he sent his only son. Okay, so he loved the world. We're talking about this world. We shouldn't be conformed to he loved it Yeah, if he didn't love it, he wouldn't have sent his son go even further if he didn't love you He wouldn't have sent his son to die for you.

[00:23:29] Justin: That's right So when you can understand that you can start to receive god's love now If you're receiving his love and you know, he loves you. You can love yourself Yeah, that's part of the process is when you realize When you can find that love for yourself when you can find that love in life And you know that god loves you you can be love right you can be love for everybody That's when you're truly born again.

[00:23:52] Justin: It doesn't have to be some. Oh my god. I got hit with this You know, it felt like a lightning bolt went off or something doesn't have to be this [00:24:00] physical massive transformation It's a spiritual transformation. And when you start to see that the things that aligned You In your life before no longer align with his will, and you know, you only want what he wants.

[00:24:14] Justin: You don't want what your old self wanted. You can start to see, you'll start to notice the transformation. You'll start to see that you're born again, right? Because now what you're experiencing can Is not a grind it's life. Yeah, and as the bible says you receive life and life more abundantly More abundantly than you ever have before.

[00:24:34] Don: That's right. The thief comes to kill and destroy. Yes, you know Yeah, that's so true. And god did love the world because the world is full of opportunity And that's where all of us have an opportunity And I know this this podcast is an opportunity Of looking at the things because what we're asking You is to raise the bar a little bit, you know, I mean, not be satisfied.

[00:24:56] Don: I know myself, if there's something there, if there's a stone [00:25:00] that needs to be turned, I mean, now is the time to start turning stones over. Now is the time to start digging into things, finding things. It's not when I leave this world and look back someday, right now is the day. Like my dad used to say, When it's hot, it's time to make hay, you know, and I think right now it's a time to make hay, and it's a time sometimes making a decision, 

[00:25:22] both2: because I 

[00:25:22] Don: know, , the whole process that Jesus shows us, it was a dedication to his heavenly father and his will, you know, the Bible says, seek ye first the kingdom of God.

[00:25:33] Don: And his righteousness and the rest shall be added unto you Problem of most people have in this world is they don't see god. They're raised not to seek god We're taught to go to school learn how to become good workers They're good at something and seeking out occupations hobbies and all this sort But we should be taught to seek god first once we connect with him Once an old self has been removed and a divine [00:26:00] nature can enter in You Then the rest is added to us as far as what God would want.

[00:26:05] Don: What is Jesus said himself? He says, I must be about my father's business. He was connected. He was connected and he prayed every day. He had a phone call going every day to his father. You know, he would, he had a pretty good business with his father. He did. He preached all day and then he got. Go make his phone call.

[00:26:21] Don: He'd go in a distant way and he'd sit down and he'd talk to God. And I'm saying to myself, why would Jesus have to do something like that? The Bible says he knew no sin. You know, I mean, cause he had a nature. He was born with a divine nature. He was born with a nature that we can have. He showed us what that life was all about and how to nurture it.

[00:26:43] Don: And that's where, when we talk a little bit about fasting, fasting is a tool because what it helps us to do, it helps us to do it. discipline ourselves. You know, the Bible talks about, I think it's in, I'm not positive on that, but uh, in the Bible, it's in the [00:27:00] Bible someplace, but it talks about the fasted freeze.

[00:27:03] Don: You know, I mean, a lot of people will do ritual type fasting or whatever and say, you know, I need to lose a couple of pounds or whatever it might be, but the Bible talks about Fast that freeze, you know, and Jesus wasn't fasted for 40 days. But every time you've seen a big move of God in the Bible, they fasted and prayed when they, when they sent people out on different missionary journey journeys, it was after prayer and fasting.

[00:27:27] Don: When they, you know, Cast things out of people, Jesus himself said, you know, you can't do this because of your unbelief. And this type of belief comes through prayer and fasting, you know, so this nature, you know, we got an old nature, an old self that needs to be put to death. We need to pray about this, you know, and possibly implement some type of fasting or some, some sort of discipline in our life because we are in the fast.

[00:27:54] Don: Fight of our life right now. I mean, a lot of people don't realize that, but as far as our [00:28:00] spiritual warfare, as you talk about, this is a fight of our life right now. You know, we look at the world and we say a lot of things are a fight of life. No, we're talking about eternity. This is a fight of our life to enter into a place and our loved ones.

[00:28:14] Don: When you talk about being born again, filled with love, this is a type of love that we lay down our life for. for our fellow man, 

[00:28:21] both2: you know, 

[00:28:22] Don: and this is a perfect type of love. So what is that? Who can do that sort of thing? This is a type of love, one that is seeking God and learning, allowing and developing a love inside of them for their fellow man, that they are willing to sacrifice their life for whatever it is 

[00:28:38] Justin: to become that man.

[00:28:40] Justin: To become that man, yes. And I think that man is him inside of us. And greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world. 

[00:28:48] Don: So 

[00:28:49] Justin: when you can realize that, you can start to see that, you know what, maybe I just don't want to be. Maybe that just didn't serve me well in this world. [00:29:00] Maybe I just believed in things that were actually lies.

[00:29:03] Justin: Maybe I was trying to get things that didn't actually mean anything. That's right. Maybe I was just always striving for more and there was no end in sight. And I think that maybe I just haven't actually. Entered into life yet. Yeah, maybe not maybe i've been led astray and that's been the point of the podcast is to bring people Who are in that wandering phase wandering into the wilderness, you know back into alignment with god and his purpose for you Yeah, and I think that I just want to end on this is that i've often heard people See i'm not dead to myself.

[00:29:40] Justin: Just like like you said I have not died completely to myself But I do hear people from time to time telling me. Hey, justin like I just don't really recognize who you are. And sometimes I hear it in like, it's kind of like a low key insulting tone, like, Wow, I don't even really like, [00:30:00]I don't even know who you are anymore.

[00:30:02] Justin: And to me, that's a compliment. That is a compliment. That's a compliment, because that, that if they can't recognize the old self, Right. Then that means that the transformation is working in my life. Yep, you're in a 

[00:30:13] Don: process, Justice. And that's where it's, it's important, my friends. To be able to get yourself into a place where you can lay yourself before God and reach Out for this and I encourage you to grab on to what we talked about here and we're going to continue Doing this and hopefully someday we will be that man that spiritual man of god.

[00:30:38] Don: Amen 

[00:30:39] Justin: Well, I think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one. Justin. I think so, too Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today And we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, stay blessed by the best. See you [00:31:00] guys.

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