The Wise & The Wandering
How did you end up here? Maybe we can help get you on the right path.
Join Dr. Don Schaefer and Justin Olbrantz on a journey of complete positivity designed to help you Heal, Feel, & REVEAL. Bridging the gap between generations old and new - Find what you have been missing in the puzzle called Life: A podcast full of answers directed to a lost world full of questions.
The Wise & The Wandering
Renewing Your Mind - Episode 33
When does it start? If not now, when?
In this episode, hosts Justin Olbrantz and Dr. Don Schaefer discuss the profound impact of transforming one's mind by embracing faith in Jesus Christ. They highlight the biblical concept of renewing the mind, referencing Paul's teachings, and the necessity of not being conformed to the world, but instead renewing the mind. The conversation explores the power of belief, personal transformation, and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers into all truth. Emphasis is placed on the discipline required for true discipleship, the shift from judgment to mercy through Jesus, and the encouragement to participate actively in one's faith for a purposeful and spiritually renewed life.
Episode 33 - Transforming Your Mind
[00:00:00] Justin: Hi everyone, this is Justin Olbrantz and this is Don Schaefer and you are listening to the wise and the wandering podcast For those who know “The Way” and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, Then you're in the right place. So let's dive in…
[00:00:32] Justin: So don, what are we going to talk about today?
[00:00:34] Don: Well, Justin, I think we got an exciting one here. It's called Transforming your mind. Transforming the mind. Yes, that's a good one. Oh, yes, that's it's a process and I know We've looked at this and I know this is an area, that can completely change your life Because if you can change the way you think you can change everything
[00:00:55] Justin: about you Yes, I believe that I think i've said it in other episodes [00:01:00] where We did an episode called what you believe is what you live.
[00:01:03] Justin: Yeah, I think that's true. I think what you believe is how you're going to live your life, the things that you believe in, but that comes from your mind. So if your mind is transformed, meaning your mind is changed, then your beliefs are then going to be changed as well. That's
[00:01:18] Don: so true. And I know getting into the Bible a little bit, Paul talks with urgency, you know, that we present ourselves to God.
[00:01:25] Don: And he says not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. That we can prove that good and acceptable will of God for us. And a lot of times people don't have a clue as to who they are, what they are, why God created them, all of this stuff. And there's a new mind. I know when we talk about being born again There's a new mind process.
[00:01:49] Don: You start to see things in a different way And I know myself personally , I was living a life that wasn't going a whole lot in the right direction, right? [00:02:00] But then all of a sudden, you know, I got this message About Jesus Christ and I and I opened up my heart and mind And uh, he started allowing things to be seen in a different light and completely changed everything
[00:02:13] Justin: Yeah, and that's what he does.
[00:02:14] Justin: I think even jesus as the , the mediator between us and god But even jesus and in his ministry and the things that he did he was uh, transforming people's minds I mean even talking about Being born again was a, was a like , it was a far off concept for anybody of the time, because there wasn't such a thing before that.
[00:02:35] Justin: That's right. So the concept to be born again, , was based off of the transforming and renewing of the mind. So I just want to break down though, to go back to that verse that we were talking about, Paul, where he says, Be not conformed. To the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
[00:02:55] Justin: Yes. So making your mind new, renewing it, [00:03:00] not being conformed to the world. Yeah. Okay. I look at this world and I see. Probably, I would even estimate more people than ever are conformed to the world. I
[00:03:12] Don: would think so.
[00:03:13] Justin: This world does a pretty good job of making sure people are conformed to it. Right. So, to not be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
[00:03:24] both: Yes.
[00:03:24] Justin: So, , I want to say that I think God wants to transform everybody's life. Everybody. God wants to transform everyone's mind. Yes. Everybody. Yes. This is the whole, Process of being saved we talked about it in some previous episodes being saved from yourself,
[00:03:45] Don: right?
[00:03:45] Justin: Right because you're kind of in your own way, right from your salvation. You need to be saved. So when your mind is When your mind is transformed, but even when you're born again Your spirit man is saved your [00:04:00] spirit man now sees your spirit man is born again, but your flesh Your your mind your will and emotions Need to carry along with it.
[00:04:10] Justin: Yes. They need to catch up because they're still stuck in the old state. They are. So they need, so the spirit sees now differently. Right. Because the spirit is saved. Yeah. And that's the way that the born again process is interpreted. So now your mind needs to be transformed. Your mind needs to be renewed. Renewed. So I guess how does this renewal process
[00:04:29] Don: happen? Okay. Well, I'm gonna break it down as simply as I can, Justin. See, the way I see it is that we are basically the hardware God, brought into this world.
[00:04:41] Don: And when we're a young child, we know nothing. We have to be taught and programmed everything. We can take, if I'm born in France and I grow up in a year or two, I'm speaking French. But if I'm born in Mexico, year or two, I'm speaking Spanish. You [00:05:00] know, I'm born in America. I speak English. You know, we're programmed by our surroundings, and that's where I know, uh, when you talk about, , renewing of the mind, it's actually a reprogramming, and what the world does, it programs you to think.
[00:05:16] Don: think like they think. That's why there's not a lot of hope sometimes in the world, and there's a lot of dissatisfactions, a lot of pain, suffering, all that sort of thing. But it's all a thought process. But this is the beauty of this, Justin. Jesus came, he says, I've got a body. Better way for you. I can change your mind,
[00:05:35] both: you know,
[00:05:35] Don: if I can change your mind and get you to see things differently And all of a sudden you start to develop yourself and what god does and you're asking how does this happen?
[00:05:45] Don: You know, there's various ways This podcast is one. Yeah, but you know getting into the bible and even like just opening up yourself to God because I know the first 1400 years Um after Jesus there wasn't a written [00:06:00] bible, but yet people understood God, right? So there's a spiritually a connection with God where you allow him to program you, you know, all of a sudden you start to see things in a different light.
[00:06:11] Don: That's where Jesus said, I am the light of the world. I give you an opportunity to see things differently. And what you're actually doing is you're allowing God to reprogram that mind. You know, so when somebody does something bad to you, you don't want to go over and clobber the guy, you know, Jesus talked about turning the other cheek.
[00:06:30] Don: How does somebody do that? You got to have a different mind,
[00:06:33] both: you
[00:06:33] Don: know, and that's where a lot of times you can tell what the programming process is in a person just by how they carry themselves in life.
[00:06:41] Justin: . I think that is so that's such a spot on analogy the programming that happens because now we have to reprogram ourselves But we reprogram ourselves with the truth.
[00:06:51] both: Yeah,
[00:06:51] Justin: the bible says that the holy spirit will lead you in all truth Yes, okay. So when jesus died, he's resurrected his spirit comes out now His spirit [00:07:00] is there for all who will believe if you believe in jesus And you will uh, you will be saved Take on his ways, I would say, you actually believe in him. You get to know him. The way you get to know him, the way that you can transform your mind, like you were saying, is getting into the word, getting into the Bible. The Bible comes from the word Biblias in Greek. Biblias means Bible. Books, just like Biblio in Spanish means book.
[00:07:27] Justin: It is the book. It was, if you literally just look at it as the word, we call it a Bible. It's more like Biblio's, Biblio's. It's, it is the book, okay? We have 39, uh, different books in the old Testament, 27 in the new Testament, 66 books together. All translates to the book, the holy book, the separated book. So let's just be clear that it's the book.
[00:07:57] Justin: There's no other book out there called the book. So [00:08:00] just to be clear what the Bible is. So the Bible doesn't change. It is living and breathing. This world is changing. And I think Paul, what he's saying here is if you get trapped into the things of the world of what we consider a long lifespan of. 60, 70, 80, 90, a hundred years, whatever.
[00:08:19] Justin: That is very small in the grand scheme of the greater picture
[00:08:23] both: where
[00:08:24] Justin: it's been thousands and thousands of years of people living and preaching the gospel and thousands of years of existence. So to not be conformed to the world is to not get caught up in the world because the world is not full of truth.
[00:08:37] Justin: The world is full of lies. I can find the lies because I know the truth. Once I know the truth and the Holy Spirit leads me into all truth, I can then start to disseminate and I can find out where the lies are.
[00:08:52] both: You know,
[00:08:52] Justin: I don't need I don't need a textbook. I don't need, Wikipedia or an authoritative [00:09:00] figure to tell me the truth.
[00:09:01] Justin: Right. The Holy Spirit leads me in all truth. See what I'm saying? So, when you're transformed by the renewing of your mind, you are a new creation. Yes, you are. You are no longer the old self. The old self has passed away. Wow. And that means that, It's translated by soul and spirit. Those are two different things.
[00:09:18] Justin: The soul is, is the mind, will, and emotions. It's the fleshly side. The spirit is different. The spirit is the direct communion to God, right? So when you're praying, you're, , there's a direct communion that's happening between you and your creator. Yes. So when you're, Born again when you're transformed when your spirit is born again.
[00:09:38] Justin: Now your mind has to follow so Paul is giving clear Example of how to follow in that process To be aligned in the soul and the spirit. Mm hmm. I just want to say though Lastly that , this is so important because transforming anything comes with discipline people that want to [00:10:00] accept jesus in their lives But don't want to transform are not actually believing in jesus.
[00:10:05] Justin: That's right Because they're not believing they're not believing they're accepting but there's two there's two very different things Yeah, if you are going to be transformed, discipline is going to come first. There, transformation is always going to be the end result of discipline. So, the fact that Jesus came here and made his 12, he had the 12 disciples, is he wanted to transform them because the, The Great Commission, the instructions that Jesus gave before he went, before he died and then was resurrected, the instructions that he gave were to go and make disciples of all nations.
[00:10:41] Justin: So we need to all become disciplined and transformed so that we can do the same for others. Yes.
[00:10:48] Don: Yeah. And that's where Jesus, when he came, he brought, A tremendous message. He brought a brand new way of living life because, you know, people can live life and they're worrying about [00:11:00] everything and they're concerned about this and that and they got attitudes, anger, bitterness, all jealousies.
[00:11:05] Don: I've been there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But Jesus came with a whole different message, a new way of living life. And he did a great job of just presenting all this and telling the people, this is stuff you can have. And it's amazing because when you talk about the Bible, the Word of God comes alive. You know, for a person who isn't really seeking after God and you're reading it as a book, the book with many books in it, as a book.
[00:11:31] Don: It's just a book. It's just a book.
[00:11:34] both: But if
[00:11:34] Don: you start to reach out to God and start to develop a relationship with him, it's more than a book. Like you were saying, it's got its own heartbeat. If you know, it starts to show you things. You start to see, this was a good new way of life. It never changes. No. You know, and they would, they were talking Jesus.
[00:11:52] Don: You're coming to Jesus back in the day, people were giving up their lives for that message, but people were willing to do it because it was a whole [00:12:00] different message. Way of approaching life and right now the opportunity we have the opportunity to grow in a knowledge of God and allow him to Create something inside of us.
[00:12:11] Don: That's bigger than us that we can as you were saying We a short period of time is 70 80 90 doesn't sound too old to me. But yeah, but you know years and years On this earth, you know, we've got eternity in front of us. And
[00:12:24] Justin: right
[00:12:25] Don: now, this is the time where the rubber meets the road, where God is really wanting to change us and develop us.
[00:12:32] Don: And that was His message, a new way of living, to be able to live life. And the world, what does it give us? It gives us heartache. It gives us pain. It gets us into a negative way of seeing life Hopelessness all this stuff, you know, the world develops all this sort of thing where Jesus came to turn that all the way around and that's where a transformed mind is the most powerful Precious gift person could ever want you know you talk about the he used to talk about the [00:13:00] kingdom Well, the kingdom is something can dwell inside of our minds the way we think we think kingdom ways We don't think the earthly ways the bible says that we should think on things above not on things on this earth Because this is nothing but depression is what this is, you know, God's got something better for us and that's where a transformed mind I don't know how big of a price tag you can put on it, but jesus spent, you know, three years showing these guys You know what what his mind the mind of christ what his mind was Teaching them how to be disciplined and worthy and how to pray and how to reach out to God all these types of things Great miracles their faith was being built up They were a piece of work The only ingredient they needed was the holy ghost the baptism of the holy spirit Once they received that they were a thing to be reckoned with
[00:13:49] Justin: Yeah, and again, back to the Word, like you're saying, the Bible, getting into the Word is so important, and I like to say, I like to say that to not be conform to the [00:14:00] world as getting into the word. Don't take the L don't just drop the L from world to word, right? Get into the word, not the world, because when you get, when you get into the world, you get stuck in the world and you get stuck on the world standards. You get stuck in the comparison of the world.
[00:14:16] Justin: You get stuck into the, um, business of the world. The, constant, I'm never going to be good enough. And then you get stuck in the rejection of the world. And you cannot be rejected if you know that you're completely accepted.
[00:14:31] Justin: You know, we truly prosper. When we see Who we have, not what we have. Who we have is in us, not what we have. We find out who we, we find out who we are because of who he is. Now, I want to go back to what you were saying because you said that, Jesus is coming with like a new way of life,
[00:14:53] both: right?
[00:14:54] Justin: And the reason this is is because the messiah is here the messiah Who they've [00:15:00] been talking about for for many many years to come is now here and he's come in a way That he is living out the will of the father. He's perfectly living out the will of the father So if you ever wanted to understand The way God thinks and the way God views you and the way, you know, God wants you to think it was perfectly revealed through Jesus.
[00:15:24] Justin: I think what shocked a lot of people and what really transformed minds was that they were met with mercy. And for a long time, It felt like God was punishing them through their ways because he was trying to lead a chosen people that were Struggling over and over again and now so historically they're punished for their sins and they have to Yeah, there's atonement there.
[00:15:48] Justin: They have to go to the altar and they got to sacrifice these animals and now this is before jesus dies Right. They're given mercy They're giving mercy. He's saying, I'm forgiving all [00:16:00] sins. This is before we have the Holy Spirit poured out. This is before the baptism, like you're saying, of the Holy Spirit.
[00:16:06] Justin: He is coming with a message saying, your sins are forgiven. So of course, everybody is going to say, okay, I'm following this guy. I believe in this. And that's the way. That is the way that the Father is, because God is love. The Father is love. That is true. , He's only love.
[00:16:26] Justin: And His ways were revealed perfectly through Jesus's ministry. So anything, so if you want to maybe get a good idea of how God thinks, you would understand, you would just look at what Jesus did. Because he perfectly displayed the will of the Father. He said, I only do what the Father does.
[00:16:45] Don: Right.
[00:16:46] Don: Yeah, he, uh, did, you know, and it's interesting what you're saying all there, uh, Justin, because Jesus did show us a lot of stuff back in the day, but there was a really, there was some big things going on because there was a transformation of minds, [00:17:00] but transformation of life and everything, because like in the Old Testament days, you know, if you had somebody that did certain types of things that were serious and wrong and stuff, they couldn't be in a camp.
[00:17:11] Don: They were, you know, God had them killed and destroyed and all that stuff. But because the mind couldn't be changed. Back in the Old Testament days, what you see, what you were exposed to, that was your life.
[00:17:23] both: You know,
[00:17:23] Don: and all of a sudden you grew up to be that. You grew, so God couldn't have that, you know, so he had it dealt with.
[00:17:29] Don: But when Jesus came. It's a different thing and that's where God has given us mercy because some of the stuff that's happening in our world today They would have taken the guy out and back and stoned him to death, you know in the Old Testament days But now because of Jesus Christ and the possibility of a mind being changed God has given great mercy right now and he's because he's wanting that Everyone would come to him and be sorrowful for the wrongs They've done and got and get themselves to a place where their mind can be transformed [00:18:00] And that's the beauty of it right now because since Jesus time we've been given the ability to Have our minds changed and allow ourselves To have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, his spirit actually living inside of us.
[00:18:12] Don: Mm-Hmm. . You know, the Bible says that we're temples of the Holy Ghost so we can be a part of him. And that's where our lives are. Something special. Every person's life is special because each one of us is the one. You know, a lot of times if people talk about the chosen one, well. You and I and everybody listening you are the chosen one, you know God is wanting to do mighty works mighty works inside of you But he needs a mind that he can direct and guide and can be developed And that's where in our life if we can allow ourselves God will transform our minds so that we think the way He wants us to think.
[00:18:50] Don: And the beauty of life is the fact that once we line up with God's plan, and what He's designed us for, nothing can stop us.
[00:18:58] both: You
[00:18:58] Don: know, all the forces of [00:19:00] evil, the forces of the world, nothing will be able to stop us. Because we are doing God's plan. The will that you're talking about here that jesus did of the father You know all of a sudden that will becomes The will in our life we're doing exactly the same thing and we've got the strength He says I will give you the holy ghost and power the power to do that And so that's a powerful moment in god and that's something that a lot of people Don't hear you know as far as the message is concerned.
[00:19:30] Don: That's what jesus was preaching and he was very successful He didn't go to the rich You know, the people that lived in the gated communities and stuff like that, they didn't care because they had money to take care of things, but the poor love this message because it didn't matter because all of a sudden it doesn't matter how you're living, what you have, nothing matters anymore because it's the only thing that matters is your relationship to the source, to God himself, and what he's changing your whole outlook on, and that's where you can sing songs, you know, [00:20:00] I mean, um, Bad things happen to some of these guys.
[00:20:02] Don: They sang songs. Yeah, it's,
[00:20:04] Justin: it's crazy. That's having a Christ like mind. Oh, yes. When, when Paul talks about having the mind of Christ, that is what a total transformation of the mind does. Yes. Is, I know you've said this, Don, in a previous episode, but it was kind of like, we talked about getting over things and it was like kind of moving from a house and going to like a different house, changing the address kind of thing.
[00:20:28] Justin: Yeah. And I think that is part of, when you, when you transform your mind, in biblical sense, all things have passed away. Behold, you're a new creation, right? But what that means, I think, in a transliterated sense, is that you're moving away from that house for good. You're no longer gonna live in that house.
[00:20:50] Justin: That house is gone. It's you're never gonna go back to that house That's
[00:20:54] Don: right,
[00:20:55] Justin: because that house is All the memories [00:21:00] from that house all of the trauma anything that was developed in that house. You don't live there anymore No, so in a worldly perspective It has to have some, since it's the mind, it has to have some worldly perspective, but a good perspective would be to move away from the house for good, because that's what you're doing.
[00:21:17] Justin: You need to be transformed completely to think in the way Jesus thought, because just like he was an ambassador to God, just like he was an agent to God, you could say, did the will of his father. We are supposed to do the same thing. Yes, we
[00:21:35] Don: are.
[00:21:35] Justin: It's impossible to think that way. Unless you believe if you believe in the world and not the word, but if you believe in the world, you will think many things are impossible, but the word.
[00:21:49] Justin: Again, leave the L. The word tells me that with God all things are possible. That's right. That means all things. With God. Yeah. With who? The one whose [00:22:00] will Jesus was doing through his ministry in the world. That's right. So this might seem like a far fetched idea to a lot of people. In some cases, it's not.
[00:22:07] Justin: Sometimes it is the way it's taught in the church, but we are supposed to have a personal relationship With the one who came here in the same likeness of our image to the world and came here and when he came here Mercy triumphed over judgment these people that would normally be judged for their sins the world that we're talking about that would normally be judged.
[00:22:31] Justin: The chosen people at the time, the Israelites that would normally be, , judged were given mercy. And ,, not only that, then it spread to everyone's given mercy, the Gentiles, that's everyone outside of the Jews, right? So now everyone is given mercy over their sins. If they believe and If they follow just as he followed the will of the father.
[00:22:54] Don: Yeah, this is true and that's where I know the message here is there's a [00:23:00]game going on, you know, I tell people it's called the human race
[00:23:03] both: You know, I
[00:23:03] Don: mean we're racing time is racing by and we're in and it's for the humans But there's a game going on and what happens a lot of times Is there's a ton of spectators now.
[00:23:14] Don: I watch the football, uh, you know, games and stuff, and I know there's 53 guys on the team. Yep. But you look at the stands, there's thousands of people that are just spectators. Mm-Hmm. . And that's the way it is with the things of God here too. Yeah. Because there is so many spectators. There isn't a lot of players.
[00:23:33] Don: Players are ones that are saying, Hey, you know what? I want to see things differently. I want to have a transformed mind. I look at the apple tree. What is beautiful about the apple tree? It gives me apples. But what an apple tree really does is it makes more wood. Every year it makes more wood. It becomes a thing.
[00:23:51] Don: And that's where our life, you know what we know where we are in god right now We need to make more wood. We need to continue to make ourselves more [00:24:00] valuable more valuable when we leave this world We should be the most precious jewel that god would ever have entering into his new world of eternity And this is such a short time we live in but there isn't a lot of players You know, there's a lot of spectators.
[00:24:16] Don: There's a lot of people find interesting messages You You know and they can nod their heads and say yeah, this is good and all this stuff or they say to themselves Yeah, you know I should be doing this. I should be seeking this, you know, I do worry I do have issues and stuff in my life and stuff and this is a good message to hear But it's not for me, but really you are the one You know, you are the one that god is wanting to speak to right now and he's trying to get out Each and every one of us in the game, you know the ball he wants to pass us the ball We're the ones that we have to win at this.
[00:24:50] Don: I I might I always say to people i'm in it to win it You know, i'm not in it just to be sitting around or whatever I want to win this game and if they call it life I want to win [00:25:00] at life if it's a transformed mind. I want to transform mine I want what every tool whatever he promised whatever god would have for me because i'm not going to be satisfied You know and that's where myself I try to Keep myself stirred up and all and I but and stir yourself up as being connected to the source God wants us to talk to him, you know He wants to have relationship with us more than we want to need relationship with him He wants to know that we love him and care about him He wants us to be connected and he wants to give us the best gift we could ever have and that's a transformed mind To be able to see things in a different way.
[00:25:39] Justin: Yeah, because You know when it comes down to it God had been trying to lead his people for a long time. And I think , in a way he was frustrated, , that his people were misinterpreting who he actually is. So Jesus coming the way he did was God separating [00:26:00] himself saying, this is who I truly am. This is the will of the father.
[00:26:03] Justin: Right. I'm coming in love. I'm coming in mercy. I'm coming in forgiveness. I'm not coming in condemnation. So the people The, the people before you that told you that God was condemning people, God was cursing people. None of this was from me. So he sent, Jesus came here, begotten son, Jesus came as that example to show exactly who God really was, separating himself, making himself holy, saying, I am not condemnation.
[00:26:32] Justin: I am, I am not, I am not coming for judgment in that sense. I'm coming as love. Yeah. I'm coming. as forgiveness. And what that translates in a modern day is that , we're forgiven of our sins if we believe. And if we truly believe our minds are renewed and transformed. Because We no longer live for our own lives because it's not our own life.
[00:26:57] Justin: It's him. It's him who lives in me Yes, [00:27:00] it's him who is who has to live inside of me. That's right, because that's the only way I'm gonna make more Disciples as if I'm disciplined myself, right? The only way I'm going to create Transformation in others is if I have the discipline in my own life and I And I show that through my ways, and they see that in my life.
[00:27:19] Justin: And they don't just hear me talking about it, but they see me living it. And when they see me living it, they say, how does he do this? Or how does she do this? I want a life like that. It encourages them. They start talking to God. Now they become disciplined. And now their minds become transformed. This is how true discipleship works.
[00:27:35] Justin: That's
[00:27:35] Don: right. You know, and that's what we're working with here right now, is What we need is a total reboot. We need to be uh, yeah, we do we , I know I work with companies that had upgrades where they took an old system and shoved it aside and brought in a brand new one We need an upgrade, you know, we need to get ourselves to a place where lord a software upgrade a complete software upgrade justin That's right so that we [00:28:00] operate differently and sometimes it looks a little bit awkward at first because I know some of these upgrades you just You know Don't everything looks different, you know, and because when we're so programmed with the world and the conditions of the world It is hard to see things any different than what the world is But the world really doesn't give us a whole lot of hope, you know And when they say and we've said this before But that they lived happily ever after in all the books and everything that they've got out there.
[00:28:27] Don: There is no such thing as happily ever after unless we can make it to a kingdom. And it takes a mindset. It takes a transformed mind, a way of thinking, a born again experience. Experience allowing God to grab us and wash us and flush and clean out the programming that we've been programmed with so that we can truly, truly live the life that God has designed for each and every one of us.
[00:28:54] Don: And this isn't something where we can get involved in a buddy program. This is an [00:29:00] individual program for each and every one of us. And if we can get ourselves in the point where we realize that it is up to us right now, then We need to make more wood, as the apple tree would say, and they say the best time to plant the apple tree is, um, 25 years ago.
[00:29:18] Don: And the second best time is right now, right now, right now, get it planted. And that's what we need in our lives. We need to get that understanding planted. Yes. Get it planted.
[00:29:29] Justin: Well, I think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one, Justin. I think so too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today.
[00:29:36] Justin: Thanks for having me. And we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, stay blessed. By the best. See you [00:30:00] guys.