The Wise & The Wandering

Living From Your Heart - Episode 30

Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz Episode 30

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. ~ Carl Jung

It's time to operate from a place of Love.   Wouldn't you want to live in a place where you are speaking and acting FROM love instead of always NEEDING love? 

Justin and Don explore the importance of the heart as the center of thoughts, actions, and emotions, and its role in spiritual and physical well-being. The conversation touches on the significance of love, and the transformational power of Jesus Christ.  The parallel is made between God being a God of love and Him wanting to create us in his own image:  to be Love.  They emphasize the necessity of a heart transplant, not just physically but spiritually, to fully embrace love and God’s mercy and grace. The hosts also talk about overcoming past traumas and barriers to genuinely express and act from Love. 

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Living From Your Heart - Episode 30

[00:00:00] Justin: Hi everyone, this is Justin Olbrantz and this is Don Schaefer, and you are listening to the Wise and the Wandering podcast for those who know “The Way” and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So let's dive in.

[00:00:32] Justin: So Don, what are we going to talk about today? 

[00:00:35] Don: Well, Justin, I think we're going to talk about living from your heart. Justin: From your heart? Don: Yes. Yeah, living from your heart. I think it's a, an important one because a lot of life Deals with what comes out of our heart and what 

[00:00:48] Justin: goes into our heart. Yes, I agree with that, 100%.

[00:00:52] Justin: I think that, I guess, I just want to ask you a question. , because obviously the heart is an organ, right? Yes. As we know it, [00:01:00] and the heart can't think, right? The heart is not the brain. So, when we're saying, This is coming from the heart, or we're speaking from the heart, we're thinking from the heart.

[00:01:09] Justin: What are we actually doing? Where is this coming from? Yeah, well I think the 

[00:01:14] Don: way we're designed, you know, we have a soul or mind, and we have a physical heart. And, um, I think that, um, The heart is the center of everything 

[00:01:23] both: because like 

[00:01:23] Don: you look at a body, you know, once the heart stops everything stops You know, it's like the center source of everything as far as blood is concerned and all the nutritions and everything It needs to happen.

[00:01:35] Don: So if you get a bad heart, you don't do much But if you have a good heart you do and you know, and I think you know Like far as scripturally in the way people look at a heart. It's the center of things, you know, and You It's a source of, uh, your thoughts, your actions, 

[00:01:51] Justin: everything that's about you. So do you find it like kind of spiritual, I guess?

[00:01:55] Justin: I mean, do you think that there's a spiritual sense in that when it Because people say, again, it's [00:02:00] kind of like the phrase, , I have the guts to do it. Or like, I had a gut feeling, I had a gut feeling. Well, again, your stomach. You know, it's there, but it's not thinking for you. So when you're getting this gut feeling or when it's coming from the heart, you think there's a spiritual sense or something happening there?

[00:02:16] Don: I do, I think, you know, it's interesting you say that, Justin, because, you know, the Bible talks about, it says, out of the heart the mouth speaks. 

[00:02:23] Justin: Yeah, 

[00:02:23] Don: you know, so uh, what's inside your heart it comes out of you It's you know, I think jesus talked about that It's not so much what goes in is it I mean you can eat some bad food and all that sort of thing But it's what comes out of you and your heart is what speaks out of you And that's where the beauty of the time we live in as far as talking this subject here Because there was a period of time where the heart couldn't be changed You know, it was the circumstances around that Created the heart.

[00:02:51] both: Yeah, 

[00:02:51] Don: and I know there was a period of time where if something bad was done They had to get rid of that badness real quick 

[00:02:58] both: because 

[00:02:58] Don: because everybody's [00:03:00] heart would be affected by it, right? Right, but today, you know what Jesus Christ came He gave us an opportunity to have a change of heart and that's where we can take a heart that's not Is hardened and change it to the point where it can feel things in the right way It can completely change the way a person thinks 

[00:03:19] both: yeah and 

[00:03:20] Don: everything and that's where I know Uh, we a lot of times we we say this that jesus was the first heart transplant doctor You know, that's pretty accurate.

[00:03:29] Don: Yeah, and everybody needs a heart transplant, you know Because we were born with a heart that could be hardened and we need to have a change of 

[00:03:37] Justin: heart. Yeah, that's right You 

[00:03:40] Don: And I think 

[00:03:40] Justin: the world itself kind of gives us a heart and heart sometimes if you just look at some things that are going on, but yeah, just in general, the world does.

[00:03:50] Justin: But , I would say that just knowing that we have, that we are, Saved by grace that there's mercy there on our lives. [00:04:00] Yeah is what you know Cuz when it goes back to when I think about coming from the heart, I think about coming and acting from love 

[00:04:08] both: Mm hmm, 

[00:04:08] Justin: because God is love. Yes. He is. Sometimes it's hard to see God is love, but we've talked about this I think a couple times on the podcast and God is love God created man in his image Yeah, he created man in his image Not to need love, not to need to be love.

[00:04:27] Justin: You see what I'm saying? You created him to be love. Be love. 

[00:04:31] Don: Yeah. 

[00:04:31] Justin: When Jesus came, to the world, right? And he spoke truth and did all the miracles. When Jesus came to the world, he was love, right? I mean, he was Jesus. He was son of man. You know, he was human. He was God, but he was love. Right.

[00:04:47] Justin: And that's why, I mean, it says, ? I think it's 1 Corinthians 13. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy. Love endures all things. Yeah. And that's, that's what he did. That's right. And, [00:05:00] and that's why, , that's why he triumphed over evil because love wins, right? Yeah.

[00:05:06] Justin: So when it comes to speaking from the heart, I feel like what your heart tells you to do, naturally is to love. And I think that's kind of been associated. Love has been associated with the heart. You know, when you see these, uh, when you see Valentine's Day things, when you see all these like engagement things that , There's a heart there, right?

[00:05:26] Justin: There's a picture of a heart or I mean that not a literal picture of a heart But what we recognize is the symbol of a heart. Yeah, because it's symbolizing love 

[00:05:35] both: Yeah, 

[00:05:35] Justin: and I think that this world needs more love. The world needs more God 

[00:05:42] both: Yeah, that's 

[00:05:43] Justin: what I'm saying because they're both the same thing, right?

[00:05:45] Justin: The world needs more Jesus Yeah, which is love, but the world definitely needs more love the world needs to You Get away from the hardness of their hearts. But the world needs to not only think and act, but live from a place of love. We need to act as [00:06:00] if we already have love. Not that we're acting for love, , but that we're acting from love.

[00:06:06] Justin: Mm-Hmm. . Because if you know, if you know that he already paid the price, yes. He, he paid the price and bought you with his blood, , he already paid the price, then you know that you're loved because. If God loved you so much that he gave up his only son, 

[00:06:23] Don: yeah 

[00:06:23] Justin: Yeah, then there should be no question if you have love.

[00:06:27] Justin: That's right. You see what i'm saying? So it comes it's like an inner revelation it's it's part of being saved is realizing that love Right. I think you've talked about in the past where you wanted to show god How you should love him and how he can love you and all these things you were coming you were You're approaching him from a standpoint of love.

[00:06:46] Justin: That's when things really start turning up in your life. 

[00:06:48] Don: Oh, 

[00:06:49] Justin: yeah 

[00:06:49] Don: Yeah, and that's that's a process here because I know uh, you know Bible says that perfect love casts out all fear and um, I do believe you know, like you're saying god is love [00:07:00]If god wasn't love, I don't think around right now. You know, I think he loves us enough to work with us.

[00:07:06] Don: Right. And that's where we're living in a time of mercy and grace where God has the ability to change hearts and change people and situations. I know I look at a lot of the issues that people have and it's a heart condition. You know, they've allowed themselves to have a heart heart problems. And I know the Bible again talks about the root of bitterness.

[00:07:29] Don: You know, where a person has been hurt in some way or some fashion and becomes a heart issue because the Bible says that all evil comes out of the root of bitterness, the angers, the envies, the hatreds, the all this stuff. Those untreated wounds. Yeah. It's all there. It's a heart issue. It's a heart issue.

[00:07:48] Don: And that's where Jesus is trying to help us to have the perfect heart. And I know we have to open up our hearts so that Jesus can put his love inside of us. And when we get that love, we [00:08:00] have perfect love. Cast out all fear. We We start to care about other people. We start to look at them and that's where Jesus became the excellent example.

[00:08:09] Don: Like you said, as far as being sacrificed and everything, he, where he got on the cross, he says, forgive them, father, for they know not what they do. You know, he had a heart that wouldn't allow. It's a little bit of bitterness to come in. He wasn't sitting there blaming Roman soldiers or the Jews at that time.

[00:08:24] Don: Yeah, he never 

[00:08:24] Justin: even went after Caesar or anything, said anything about Caesar actually. 

[00:08:28] Don: Yep, he had a perfect love, you know, and that's the type of love that we all need. Because when we have that type of love, we can't be offended. You know, it doesn't matter what you might say to me, Justin, I can handle it.

[00:08:41] Don: You know, because I realize that, you know, if you do say something that, That's not nice that it's because you haven't reached a place where love can flow out of you. 

[00:08:51] both: Yeah. 

[00:08:52] Don: And that's where a lot of people are at. You know, they're treating people very cruelly or whatever because they, they don't have nothing inside their heart, [00:09:00] you know, to flow out of them.

[00:09:02] Justin: Yeah. I think so. And I think people are just often confused with what's going on in their own life sometimes. And I think you know, where. Where we're stuck in our soulish ways and our selfish ways. There are things that, like you said, bitterness, there's things that creep in there that stop us from truly being able to, , to just want to love on people.

[00:09:23] Justin: , maybe because we don't love ourselves, maybe we feel like we haven't been, um, properly loved by other people. You know, I feel like all we know is needing love from the earliest time that we can remember. And we're always looking to fit in and matter and see that someone cares. 

[00:09:45] Don: Yeah. 

[00:09:46] Justin: And I feel like.

[00:09:48] Justin: When you look back on things and when you're operating from a place of needing love, when you look back at things, it's important to not look in the past. You know, I think [00:10:00]Paul in the Bible talks about, about things present and future. What's left out of that? The past. He doesn't talk about the past because the point is to get away from the past.

[00:10:12] Justin: You know, thinking about the past is what, it kind of freezes you from, What you were delivered from right and where you're supposed to go. 

[00:10:20] Don: Yeah, 

[00:10:20] Justin: so you get stuck on these old things and it's hard It's really tough because in order to be able to give love and to act from the hearts you have to be You have to find love in yourself.

[00:10:34] both: Mm hmm, 

[00:10:34] Justin: and you got to get away from a place of Always going out there operating from needing love and you have to understand you already have love inside of you You know god never there's nothing you can do to push him away from you. There's nothing there's literally nothing He's right so you can You can go away from him not to say you can't go away from him because you can you can Steer yourself and away from him, but he's not going to leave you There's [00:11:00] there's nothing that you can do.

[00:11:01] Justin: I think just knowing that alone should give somebody You A sense of love. 

[00:11:06] Don: Yeah, that's right. That's right. Yeah, God's not going no place. Because I know, uh, the Bible talks about a perfect love, that he'll never leave us or forsake us. God is wanting to work in our lives. 

[00:11:17] both: Yeah. 

[00:11:17] Don: And a lot of times we push him out.

[00:11:19] Don: But the thing of it is, I look at a lot of things, um, as far as, God is looking for a whole heart. It's people who wholeheartedly seek after him. A lot of times in life it's half heartedly. You know, you look at people doing even projects. People that put their whole heart into it. It's a different type of project.

[00:11:38] Don: But when they put a, they're half hearted in what they do, it's kind of a sloppy type sit situation. Yeah, half hearted things never really get much accomplished. No, no, they don't. And that's where God is looking for people that are wanting to commit their life. And I know, , in the Bible, you know, not everybody is perfect.

[00:11:56] Don: Which is the beauty of the Bible and the Word of God and stuff. [00:12:00] These characters were not perfect. You know, they had issues and stuff just like we have issues. But there's times where I know David would reach out, he says, creating me a clean heart, a pure heart, you know, come inside me and make things new again.

[00:12:15] Don: You know, I mean, like you mentioned about the past, let the past be past. I want a future. You know, I believe in the now. I believe I can come to you, Lord, and you are wherever I'm at, wherever anybody's at. And if I open up my heart to him, say, Lord, I know I've had a lot of stuff in my life. People call it the dark side of life, but I want a clean heart.

[00:12:40] Don: I want to have a brand new heart. I want a brand new start. And I know in Jeremiah, it talks about how God writes his laws and his directions upon our hearts. 

[00:12:49] both: You 

[00:12:49] Don: know, and so, so many times people. Figured I gotta get a rule book someplace. I gotta get something tells me what to do and stuff But you know if you get in the right relationship with god god shows you that [00:13:00] right, you know You you have a heart after the things 

[00:13:02] Justin: of god.

[00:13:03] Justin: Yeah, that's good David is such a good example because the bible says he was a man after god's heart Yeah, the heart of David. You know what I think about David to be honest with you Don, I think about this is what real, true, honest, genuine masculinity looks like. Yeah. There's, that word has been, , I guess so misused and contorted in so many different ways.

[00:13:28] Justin: We have toxic masculinity and all this stuff that's known now, and we're talking about a guy who would go out there and And he would slay men. I mean these battles These are some pretty fierce battles. I mean and even the way they talk about it in the bible It's kind of understated with how intense they actually were and this is a guy that could do that could go out to war like that but then he would come back and there's moments where Uh, he lost his son in battle absalom.

[00:13:55] Justin: I believe he lost his son and after he lost his son he Would lay on the [00:14:00]cave floor and they couldn't get him up for an entire day and he would be sitting there crying Right for an entire day and that's You know, that's truly, I think, what real masculinity is supposed to be, is speaking from the heart.

[00:14:16] Justin: That's truly what it means to be a man, is speaking and living and acting from the heart. And that's what David was doing. David was a prime example of that. I think things have changed a lot now. Uh, things are changing. Things are very different and twisted a little bit, but I think when it comes to, you know, the heart itself, I feel like when you think about where you are in your heart and the things that you, things that you just want to say in your heart, the people that you want to go help in your heart, but you never do, I think it's kind of like who you truly are and maybe who you want to be is somewhere in there.

[00:14:48] Justin: It's in that place and it just can't come out. You know, it can't, , it can't blossom the way it's supposed to. I feel like In, in general, right? . If what you're thinking in general is [00:15:00]bothering you, Yeah. That's a good sign that it's not coming from the heart.

[00:15:05] Justin: Yeah, you know what i'm saying? So if it's actually because there's there's a war going on there There's there's kind of like who you're meant to be. There's kind of like there's something that you're suppressing kind of deep down There's there's someone that you might be suppressing deep down. There's somebody that you've wanted to be There's some things that you've wanted to do right but for worldly influences and other reasons it stopped you from doing it 

[00:15:29] Don: Yeah, 

[00:15:30] Justin: and I feel like that's just an example as if it's if it's bothering you It's not coming from the heart.

[00:15:36] Justin: It's bothering you for a reason because it's not actually a part of you. 

[00:15:40] Don: Yeah. 

[00:15:40] Justin: You're not coming into agreement with it. Because it's not actually who you are, right? 

[00:15:46] Don: Right. It just doesn't fit with you, right? You know cuz I know like your heart, you know I believe that the heart has feelings and yeah, you know, like you're talking with David and all that No, he had a heart with feelings.

[00:15:57] Don: I mean he could I mean I look at these psalms that he [00:16:00] had. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, and like even even God himself. 

[00:16:03] both: Yeah, 

[00:16:03] Don: you know, I mean he can be hurt and stuff, you know I mean God I think we're made like you were saying in the image and likeness of God and And he once says Us to have a heart that feels and be able to sense things and you're saying like you things that are happening in your life In your heart, you just don't feel it's right You know, you can't put your heart into this because it just doesn't seem right with me, right?

[00:16:25] Don: You know, sometimes that that is what god that's god working, you know It's the holy ghost working inside you and trying to direct your life and allow you to sense things the way they should be, and we live in such a world right now that is damaging to the heart. You know, I mean, we got so much different junk in life that, , it's causing all kinds of hardening of the arteries or whatever you want to say, you know, that people are going to need bypasses and all this stuff.

[00:16:52] Don: They're having all kinds of heart conditions, you know, even, even the stuff that comes, you know, when they start to criticize and spit out. [00:17:00] people. That's a heart issue. You know, people start saying stuff and doing things of that nature, you know, where does it all come from? They've got a heart issue, you know, because the beauty of what God is wanting to do is like we were saying from the beginning here, he's wanting to give us a different heart to see things, to sense things, you know, give us a heart like, like with Jesus.

[00:17:20] Don: David, when he realized he wronged God, I mean, he was taking it to heart. He took the things to heart. He opened himself up to God. He wanted to make things right, because it is hard to live a life with a heart that's not working well because you just can't function. You just can't function the way you want to function.

[00:17:38] Don: function, the joys, because I know the Bible talks about a merry heart is like a medicine, you know, to be able to have the joys of life. You feed that heart, you strengthen that heart and whatever you feed that heart, that's usually what it becomes. You know, even in the natural life, if, if you don't exercise, you know, and you don't eat right and whatever.

[00:17:59] Don: That's hard on the [00:18:00] heart, you know, after a period of time, we've got issues with that. But, you know, uh, but if we can get ourselves exercising on the things of God, feeding ourselves with the thoughts and the things that we need to feed ourselves with, what we do is we strengthen that heart. We give us ourselves, and then we can feed ourselves.

[00:18:17] Don: Function the way we're meant to function because I can love people, you know, what a what a release that is You know, I can go out and say, you know, it doesn't matter what they say About diana. I can love them. I can love them, you know, and the beauty of that is people sense that 

[00:18:33] both: Yeah, 

[00:18:34] Don: because I can sense the heart that's in you justice And I can sense the heart that's in some people, some people I say, Whoa, I don't know if I want that heart.

[00:18:42] Don: Cause they're, they're hard, they're hard hearted, you know, and, and it just, the stuff that comes out of their mouth and stuff, there is no, no warmth at all there. 

[00:18:51] Justin: Yeah. When people talk to me, I hear their heart. Yeah. I can hear it right in their voice. I don't know if that's just a level of discernment. You know I have or whatever [00:19:00] the case is, but I I can hear it straight.

[00:19:01] Justin: Oh, yeah I I hear sometimes only your heart, you know, you could be telling me something else 

[00:19:06] both: Yeah, 

[00:19:07] Justin: but i'm i'm hearing your heart like I know where you're at. I know where you stand 

[00:19:11] both:

[00:19:12] Justin: I know what you've might have been through. 

[00:19:14] both: Yeah, 

[00:19:14] Justin: I know there's some There's maybe some trouble there. There's some suffering there.

[00:19:19] Justin: You can, you can hear in somebody's heart. Right. You know, like you said, the merry hearts. You could tell when people are naturally Oh yeah. There's a mery heart. You could tell people that have joy. I love those guys in their, in their lives and their eyes and their faces. Oh yeah. They light up. But then you can also tell people that, like you said, have a hard heart.

[00:19:35] Justin: Ooh. You could tell there's something lingering there. Yeah. You could tell there's some, some baggage, some trauma, something that wasn't properly dealt with. Right, right. But the good thing. Is that if we focus on what is hardened our heart We cannot have that heart transplant Um, . You know what i'm saying? Yeah, so I think for me, it's hard for me because I understand things a [00:20:00] little differently and I'm trying to convey myself to people in terms of my relationship with God, my understanding of who Jesus is, my understanding of who Jesus was before he was even born.

[00:20:10] Justin: a person in the world, right? I understand the biblical references. I understand that He loves me so much that he gave his only son to restore what was lost To get me back to him. So Who he is can live through me Right, and I can begin to see myself in him, and then because I see myself in him, I can see others in him, and I can start walking in love.

[00:20:42] Justin: Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's the ultimate goal. That is literally the end goal of finding God in your life. Oh, yeah. So you can start walking in love because he is love. He created us in his image to be love. Yes. That's the end. Like you said perfect love casts [00:21:00] out all fear. There is a lot of fear in the world.

[00:21:02] Justin: There's a lot of fear and sometimes this is referred to in the Bible as the fear of man, right? There's a lot of fear in this in this world of influence and persuasion and control But we fear not we fear not because if we have perfect love if we find a way To activate that and we can truly see what is inside of us and we can operate at a pure heart The way it was intended to be the we can work and we can live from that heart That God truly intended the way he placed inside of us.

[00:21:36] Justin: Yeah, if we can get that , you know, if we can get the body of believers to think that way. That's right. There's, there's nothing that we cannot do, ,, because everybody wants to be loved on. Everybody. Everybody. If you encounter anybody in your life, they want to be loved on.

[00:21:52] Justin: No matter, even the people that have the hard hearts, the people that are really, you know, They want to be loved. They may not seem like they need it. Sometimes that's just [00:22:00] a feeling. front. They just put up a front. There's a barrier. Sometimes there's trust issues. Sometimes there's, you know, some heavy trauma.

[00:22:06] Justin: There's some deep baggage there where they really have to, they have to put up a guard. Those people want to be loved on in most cases, or I would say in some cases, those people want to be loved on more than any of them. And so you can't really go wrong with love. There's other ways that you can go wrong.

[00:22:22] Justin: You can't, you misread somebody. Oh, you know, I misfired. Okay. Cause I didn't really read them properly. Like I'm saying, , when you talk to people and you can feel their heart, you have to act on that. You have to act on those impulses. If you feel like somebody is suffering, if you feel like somebody is hurt, the best thing you can do right now to help yourself, the best thing you can do to get away from depression, the best thing that you can do from thinking about anxiety and these types of things is to go and to be yourself.

[00:22:50] Justin: Be love for somebody else. And once you do that, I promise it won't make your depression just go away, but it'll get easier and it'll get better. It'll [00:23:00] change things because you you will naturally feel love. There's there's a transaction that's happening between between you and somebody else and it might be spiritual and it probably is but there's something that happens when you Go out there and you do something for somebody, you love on somebody, especially somebody that cannot pay you back.

[00:23:17] Justin: Because it says in the Bible that God's going to pay you back. If you do that, if you do something like that and they cannot pay you back, the widows, the orphans, whatever the case is, then he's going to pay you back. That is 

[00:23:27] Don: absolutely right. Yeah. And I know myself, um, you're absolutely right. God, you know, God is a love and what God wants is love.

[00:23:34] Don: He wants to be loved and , he wants to give us get us to a place where we can love him So he wants to change us, but we have to he's a perfect gentleman. He waits for us to come to him 

[00:23:45] both: Yeah, you 

[00:23:46] Don: know and he wants to change our heart and give us a nice soft heart That's just saying I love you lord and god is looking for that.

[00:23:52] Don: I know myself i've had the opportunity in life Where we've dealt with married couples and we've taught classes and [00:24:00] stuff like that and a lot of times people say well I've lost that loving feeling I says, oh really, you know, this marriage is terrible I got to get out of it because I just don't feel love anymore And I always tell people that the actions is what brings the feelings back when you start doing kind things For a person you all of a sudden you feel So, basically I asked them what they're not doing.

[00:24:26] Don: And, and you talked about, I mean, we talked a little bit about the hardened heart. I know I remember one gentleman, he was a farmer and he and his wife and she was, it was the, it was a love issue. They were had a hard time showing love. This guy, he was, how would you say, probably raised in a real rough way.

[00:24:44] Don: Okay. And this guy was big and strong, he had a huge farm. And I remember, When he shook my Big burly guy? Pretty burly. Yeah. When he shook my hands, I thought he was going to crush them. Yeah. You know, he was just big. So, you know, I started sticking my [00:25:00] hand in there and I'd pull it out real quick so he wouldn't get the full hand.

[00:25:03] Don: Sure. Because he was just tough. But we talked about it. We talked about the bitterness. We talked about situations in your life that get you to the point where you can't love. You know, no matter what you do, you built up a wall, you're just tough. And he actually broke down and started crying. This was a big burly guy, as you were saying.

[00:25:19] Don: Strong. He just broke down and cried. Because we hit some notes there. We hit some notes there, and that's where a lot of people are at that. You know, they have, they don't know why, you know, they want to love, they want to be loved, but they don't know how to love. 

[00:25:33] both: You 

[00:25:33] Don: know, they haven't opened up their life, and God is trying to give them a heart Too loved, but they're struggling with that.

[00:25:39] both: Yeah. 

[00:25:39] Don: You know? And what they're actually doing is pushing people away from 'em, and they want people to come into their life. Yes. So, so true. You know, and that's where God is wanting us to open up , our hearts. Yeah. To him, let 'em get inside, you know, help, help him. But then again, as Justin was talking about a little bit, depression and stuff like that.

[00:25:56] Don: That's all heart issues. That is a love issue. You know, I mean, [00:26:00] sometimes you get to the point where you love yourself more than anybody else. You're constantly, it's all about you, you know, and you gotta get off of that because that is a hard spot to be in. Because that gets you to the point where you can't love other people.

[00:26:13] Don: And if you can't love up on other people, they're gonna have a hard time loving you. They're going to be having a hard time getting close to you. And that's where God himself, he wants us to love him. But he has, and don't get me wrong, uh, , it's the situations. Sometimes we go through hard things and we say, well, God can't be a God alone.

[00:26:31] Don: Look at the stuff I'm going through. God uses a lot. You know, it's, it's sometimes we are a tough nut to crack, you know, as far as getting inside of our heart, he has to allow us to go through situations. But once we realize. That God really is on our side no matter what the circumstance might be no matter how ugly things might be Lord I need you because when it's all said and done it's gonna be me and him, you know It's gonna be God in our lives We're gonna be into a place and [00:27:00] eternity someplace and we have to get our heart right with him And we're in that process right now.

[00:27:05] Don: And that's where we as we learn to live from our heart We need to learn to To live in a good proper way and allow God to structure that I want that heartbeat like you were saying to You know to be the heartbeat of God working inside me I want to have as far as talking about the laws and things written on her I want to have God's penmanship all over my heart where he's writing All kinds of things directing me and giving me understanding so that my mouth can speak, because out of the heart, the mouth speaks, that they can be words of love and encouragement, not of criticism, but compliments and lifting people up and edifying people, rather than trying to tear people down and gossip about people and all that stuff.

[00:27:47] Don: All that stuff is heart issues. And you hear it all over, but God's got a better plan 

[00:27:53] Justin: for us. He really does. Yeah, God definitely has a better plan for us. I think that , when it [00:28:00] comes to living from the heart, uh, , We have to see Him inside of us.

[00:28:05] Justin: It's, it's not only until we see that there's something greater in us that we can operate out of a place of love. If I, if I only ever live needing love, how am I going to operate from love? Well, I have to understand that love is already inside of me. Love was already paid for me. The price for love was already paid for me before I was even born.

[00:28:30] Justin: Yup. And when you can understand that, that's a game changer. Because when you know that the love that was there for you, that He loved you first. They, you know, they often say we love him because he loved us first. When you start to see love inside of you, this unconditional love, this unwavering love that's never went away, no matter what you've tried to do, or no matter what things you've done in your life, yeah, that he's still there for you, and you can realize that That's when things change, [00:29:00] because now there is that, that hardness comes off, and , then you can be the person you were meant to be, but you can love the way that you were meant to love, and It's sometimes I would say culturally not I would say not that's acceptable, but it's not cool to love people It's not cool to show love, you know, it's not it's not cool to you know, there's just there's certain weird There's certain just weird taboos and stuff like that about yeah of not being of not crying and not not showing Your loving side, but it is cool to love It's cool to be love.

[00:29:36] Justin: It's cool to want love, but it's also cool to want to give 


[00:29:40] Justin: love to people. It's, , it's a good thing to love people. No matter what setting, no matter where you are, no matter what you're feeling, it's good to know that what you have inside of you, you can give to somebody right now. 

[00:29:53] Don: Yeah, that's just true and and we live in a society right now that is is rough.

[00:29:59] Don: There's a lot [00:30:00] of stuff going on I I you know, i'm i'm a little bit older But uh all those what they call social media and the different things that are flying around right now. 

[00:30:09] both: Yeah 

[00:30:09] Don: Uh, you know bullying. I know I talked to um Uh, a lady, actually, a girl that I was in high, uh, grade school, she was in eighth grade with me, and, uh, she was bullied.

[00:30:22] Don: But they didn't use the word bullying back then. 

[00:30:24] both: But she 

[00:30:25] Don: was telling me that she used to take her lunch and eat in the restroom, and when somebody would come in the restroom, she'd pick up her feet so that nobody would even know that she was in the restroom. Because she was bullied, you know, it just hit me to heart.

[00:30:39] Don: But she But the thing of it is, she loves the Lord right now, you know, we talk about the things of God, and actually she's hooking up with some of the stuff, you know, this new program on Discover Destiny. She wants to sign up and be a part of all that, so that's going to be good. But, uh, but I know a lot of the bad situations, I always like to tell people, don't take this stuff to heart.[00:31:00]

[00:31:00] Don: You know, bad things are going to happen, and they always do, but you don't take it to heart. Because you don't want to damage that heart. You've got to protect that heart. You know, so you have to feed that heart with good thoughts, good ways, hang around with the right people, listen to the right podcast, or whatever it might be.

[00:31:15] Don: But get your mind where it needs to be. Because, you know, you don't want to feed that heart anything that's going to be damaging. Because it is a source of life. You know, your spiritual life, everything about you. You know, once the heart stops It's all over, you know, I mean, as far as our physical is concerned, but we need to keep that heart alive because we do want that love to be placed inside.

[00:31:36] Don: We want to be able to love people, you know, love everybody. And that's where you get yourself into the place where God wants you, where you see the good in everybody. 

[00:31:45] both: You 

[00:31:46] Don: know, I mean, you don't start looking for faults. You don't try to look down on anybody, or criticize anybody, or whatever that might be.

[00:31:54] Don: Because that's, that's not a 

[00:31:55] Justin: When I see what, when I see what he sees in me. Yes. Now I [00:32:00] know that he sees that in others. Oh. 

[00:32:02] Don: Yeah, yeah, he sees that in you and he sees it in others, you know, but see that's where jesus was perfect He didn't come out and say because he was kind of like all knowing when he was on earth And he could have he could have said, you know, don you're a cheat you're this and that and blah blah blah He could probably laid out everything but he Didn't talk that way.

[00:32:19] Don: Yeah, you know, he loved the people. It's a good thing. Yeah. Yeah, you know, he loved them, you know, and he talked good Messages saying hey, you know what the kingdom of God, you know, this is a the most important part thing of life You need to open up your heart and allow part of that kingdom We say our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name.

[00:32:37] Don: Amen Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, on earth inside of us. He wants to place part of that kingdom. That's going to be a beautiful kingdom. You know, and that's where he's not going to be having this kingdom sitting with a bunch of sour people, people with damaged hearts, attitudes, all this sort.

[00:32:55] Don: He wants to straighten that out. And that's where we're in a time period right [00:33:00] now. Every one of us that's sitting here. Still breathing. 

[00:33:02] both: Yeah. 

[00:33:03] Don: That God, we open up our hearts to him and we say, Hey, Lord, you know, we want to have a living, loving heart. God wants to do great things in us. 

[00:33:12] Justin: Yeah. Yes, he does.

[00:33:13] Justin: Amen. Well, I think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one, Justin. I think so too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today and we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, stay blessed by the best. See you guys. 

[00:33:32] Bye. Bye.

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