The Wise & The Wandering

Knowing Your True Value - Episode 28

Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz Episode 28

"God doesn't make junk."

In this episode, Justin and Don discuss the concept of knowing one's true value. They emphasize that every person is inherently valuable, a truth often obscured by societal pressures and distorted perceptions of worth. They explore how understanding this intrinsic value can completely transform lives, reduce the prevalence of depression and addiction, and align individuals with their God-given purpose. Through biblical references and nodes of wisdom, Justin and Don illustrate the importance of recognizing our worth, the pitfalls of chasing artificial identities, and the joy of discovering our predestined gifts for God's plan. They conclude by encouraging listeners to seek their value through their creator and to support others in realizing their own precious worth.

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Knowing Your True Value - Episode 28

[00:00:00] Justin: Hi everyone, this is Justin Olbrantz and this is Don Schaefer. And you are listening to the wise and the wandering podcast for those who know “The Way” and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So let's dive in.

[00:00:32] Justin: So, Don, what are we going to talk about today? 

[00:00:34] Don: I believe we're going to talk about knowing your value, Justin. 

[00:00:38] Justin: Knowing your value. Yes. And, and I guess how does somebody Know their value?

[00:00:45] Don: Well, you know justin. I think the first thing a person has to do is realize that all of us are valuable Yeah, and , and that's where I agree in life, you know, we have to , get ourselves into the place And realizing in the perspective of things [00:01:00] that every one of us is valuable That's why it's always exciting to get into these podcasts with you because I believe we talk to valuable people We really do.

[00:01:09] both: Yeah. 

[00:01:09] Don: And what in life? I think our goal as well as each person's goal should be to try to bring more value to a person in their lives. Mm-Hmm. . And to lift them up. 

[00:01:20] both: Yeah. You 

[00:01:21] Don: know, because our, our, , value system is like an inner mirror of how we see ourselves. 

[00:01:26] both: Yeah. 

[00:01:27] Don: And we live in a world a lot of times where, uh,, the image that is created for us makes us feel less valuable because we look at.

[00:01:37] Don: So much in this world that has been created to look so perfect, so good, so strong, that there is never a chance for us to even come close to being valuable. But in the true perspective, God has made all of us valuable. 

[00:01:54] Justin: Yeah, I think so. And I think that , because of the world that we live in, it is kind [00:02:00] of distorted what true value looks like.

[00:02:03] both: You know, 

[00:02:03] Justin: the world has kind of made us believe that we have to, we have to believe in certain things, or we have to like certain things, or follow certain things to find value in our life. 

[00:02:16] Don: Right. 

[00:02:16] Justin: And you know, when I think about it, and when I think about, uh, The state of the world today, when I think about how high the depression rate is, how high the, um, suicidal rate is, how high these, you know, catastrophic things are, these calamities that exist in the world, these, um, how badly the homeless problem is in the world.

[00:02:40] Justin: But when it comes to struggles and addictions and stuff like that, I have to think that There are a lot of people that do not understand the value that is in their life 

[00:02:49] Don: Yeah, 

[00:02:50] Justin: and there's a lot of people that do not value their own life Yeah, and you know even to get into like, uh, maybe a controversial topic, but for [00:03:00] people that do not want to be Themselves and maybe there's a different, uh gender or something that they want or there's a A different , identity that they want to have.

[00:03:15] Justin: I think that because of that, it shows you that they do not see the value in their own life. That's right. And if we did see where our value comes from, if we really did see where our value lies, how valuable we really are, we wouldn't want to chase a different life. 

[00:03:34] Don: That's for sure, Justin. You brought up a big one there, but yeah, but you're absolutely right, you know, uh in society the way I look at it You know, like you've had baby Daniel just born into the world, you know, yes great value You know because you've got two parents that value a child and as baby Daniel grows up He doesn't know his value.

[00:03:56] Don: He has no idea to be taught that value 

[00:03:58] both: and 

[00:03:58] Don: a lot of times in our world [00:04:00] today, young people are never taught how valuable they really are. So they try to find value in different areas and then they got all, we got a good portion of this world that tries to tell them that maybe you're not valuable as a certain gender or this and that.

[00:04:15] Don: And so they get very confused as far as what they are and what they can become. And I know in life. We value sometimes things we shouldn't and I know a long time ago and this is a pretty popular show but the american idol You know I come from a book that talks that says that we shouldn't have any idols.

[00:04:35] Don: That's true No idols at all, you know, and all of a sudden they're trying to come up with the american idol Idol, you know, and I look at that and I'm saying, what does it do for a young person's growing up? Now, if I don't fit the mold, 

[00:04:48] Justin: and the idol is basically like a performer, 

[00:04:50] Don: yeah, that's 

[00:04:52] Justin: what it seems like.

[00:04:53] Justin: Historically, it's always been like a singer. Yeah, they get 

[00:04:55] Don: idolized, they get idolized, you know, but how many [00:05:00] people are going to be like that person in the world? That person is that person. Every one of us has our own value. And it's created within us, but a lot of times, like you're saying, the depression, you know, and all the negative stuff that comes with not feeling valuable at all in life.

[00:05:18] Don: And there's a lot of that, you know, you walk in, you see people, sometimes people find value of dressing themselves up in a certain way. Or, yeah. Or I see a lot of body paint. I don't know if there's my you know, I see people that get themselves all painted up I I don't know if there's value in that or not.

[00:05:36] Don: Somebody told me once that that hurts I'm sure it does getting that stuff done, you know, and then all um, yeah, maybe i'm getting way off track See, I come from a different generation, but like all the piercing and all this stuff, I don't know if they're trying to create value or what they're trying to do, but you can see a struggle there, you know, and I, and I do believe that everyone was created with a purpose in mind.

[00:05:58] Don: So God has found [00:06:00] value in allowing us to 

[00:06:01] Justin: do that. To be alive in this world. I think so and I think scripture actually supports what you're saying and I believe in something called predestination Right and predestination means that we were already predestined to be here. We already had God already had a plan for us before we were even born and actually if you go to uh, psalms 139 16 it says your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed And in your book, they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.

[00:06:36] Justin: Basically, what that's saying is we all have a book. We have a book that's in heaven already created about our lives. That's waiting to be fulfilled here on this earth. And it was written already, All of the days of our lives before we were even born. Yeah So when you think about it, we've already had value before we were even born jesus died on the cross for your [00:07:00] sins to take away John in the bible says to take away the sins of behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world And he did this before you were even born Knowing that you might not even choose Him because you have free will.

[00:07:16] Justin: We do. But according to scripture, your life is already predestined. You know, they often like to say, everything happens for a reason. That's a phrase that people say, everything happens for a reason. And I like to even say, and I like to think that there's no such thing as randomness. I really don't think so.

[00:07:34] Justin: I think that everything that happens in our life, who we come into contact with, who we see, even the people that are driving around us on the streets. It's all planned. There's no such thing as randomness. Everything happens for a reason. You don't really know what's going on around you because there are so many things kind of deceiving you in this world There's there's a way that the world wants you to know things [00:08:00] and then you can read the bible and see you know, Some things aren't matching up here And then when you start to get a connection with god and you start to really see God as a loving god, right you start to really see jesus One in the same with the Holy Spirit and God you start to see the way things really work You really start to see the truth 

[00:08:22] both2: and 

[00:08:22] Justin: the life in the way Yeah John 14 6 right you start to see these things in your life and it starts to manifest Differently and all of a sudden when the truth is given to you the reality The reality of things, it all starts to make sense, because all the lies start to jump out at you.

[00:08:39] Justin: Before, when you're in a world and you're trying to find your value, you start to base things on identity. Because identity is the way the world is, the world's kind of taught you in that way. You need to Find your identity. Well, guess what? You don't need to find your identity because you already have value in your life.

[00:08:55] Justin: You already had value before you were even born, right? You shouldn't spend your whole life [00:09:00] chasing identity when god has already given you an identity. You already have an identity. That is right in Christ, in God. And when you can start to see, I just want to, this is the last thing I want to say on this is when you can start to see God as a father and not a taskmaster, you can really start to see the value that you have because he's a loving father.

[00:09:24] Justin: And if you have kids, you understand what a loving parent is and what a loving parent, how they think about their kids. That is the way a loving father thinks about you. Right. You know, we, we are often kind of misled in a way to think that we, we look at God in a perspective as like somebody that we kind of should just fear because we don't want to be sent to the pits of hell and the damnation that comes with us.

[00:09:50] Justin: But it, Paul talks about it's the goodness of God that leads people to repentance. Yes. It's, it's the goodness of God that causes people to repent, right? [00:10:00] And it leads people to repentance, the goodness, the things that are good 

[00:10:05] Don: ways, 

[00:10:05] Justin: exactly.

[00:10:06] Justin: So not preaching hell and fire and being cast into eternal damnation, you know, people are going to repent. For that, but then they are going to be slaves their entire life if that's the way they view God Because they don't know him as father God That's what he loves you and always wants the best for you knows and is always going to make a way for you 

[00:10:29] Don: Yeah, this is true Justin.

[00:10:31] Don: Yeah, and I agree with you I agree with the fact that, um, like you talk about repentance, you know, it's a changing of way of life. You know, , it's getting to a place where you realize that what you're possibly doing or whatever is not right. And you're saying, hey, you know what, I need to change. But I like to look at things a little bit on the simple side.

[00:10:50] Don: But I look at the fact that God has created each one of us and he had something in mind. And it doesn't matter what country, It doesn't matter what city. 

[00:10:59] both2: [00:11:00] It 

[00:11:00] Don: doesn't matter what town. It doesn't matter how rich your family is. It doesn't matter what size you are. It doesn't matter what color you are. God had a plan for each and every one of us and there's value in what he creates.

[00:11:16] Don: And I know once we get ourselves into an understanding and you always have to go to the source. That's the thing. A lot of times people will go to books, you know, and they'll listen to certain people talk about different things. But, you know, when you really get to a place where you can pray to God and say, Hey, Lord, you know, you created this.

[00:11:35] Don: I might look at myself as a mess, but you did it, Lord. Right. What did you have in mind for me? You know, what is my value in life because I know the bible says that we were all created to serve in some fashion 

[00:11:48] both2: So 

[00:11:48] Don: our lives were created and there's value in doing that But we have to go to the source to really truly find our value and you find people who do understand their value You [00:12:00] know, they have a a sense of greatness about them vision All this stuff is working for them, but it doesn't have to be something huge.

[00:12:07] Don: It doesn't have to be somebody that's got a million dollar company or whatever it might be. 

[00:12:12] both2: Cause 

[00:12:13] Don: I know I ran across a guy, his name was Mikey. This was in Ohio and uh, he picked up an old gas station. He was renting an old gas station and he made a barbecue hut out of this thing. And he had a barbecued ribs in the back, 

[00:12:29] both: you know, 

[00:12:30] Don: and it had about four or five tables sitting inside there.

[00:12:32] Don: He had a bible on every one of the tables, but you know, he found great value in that You know, he would sit there and you know Talk about the stuff we're talking about here with the people right right and he wasn't Rich in none of this sort of thing, but he was happy.

[00:12:48] both2: You know, he 

[00:12:48] Don: found a purpose in life He found value in what he's doing And that's where for our I hear people use the word, I am bored.

[00:12:59] Don: You know, it [00:13:00] kind of rubs me raw when I hear that. Because, you know, you should never be bored. If you are valuable, you should be trying or realize that you're valuable. You should be trying to increase your value all the time. And that is not a boring situation. That is going through the exercises.

[00:13:18] Don: Whatever it takes to become the better you. You know, and whatever you do, whatever you do. 

[00:13:25] Justin: Yeah, I think so. And when it comes to value, I think we've talked about in the podcast, I've said it's kind of about finding your gift. And each one of us, because we have value in our lives and because that value was determined before we were even born.

[00:13:41] both: Yeah. 

[00:13:42] Justin: Going back to predestination, we've all have gifts inside of us that are supposed to come out of us. It's our job to bring those gifts out of us. Yeah, and when you often see this in the, I've seen it in the Olympics recently, I see it, I know we've talked about this Don too, but like sporting events where people, they [00:14:00] accomplish something that they've worked very hard to do and after They're done with it, after they complete it, after they win, whatever the case is, what do they do?

[00:14:09] Justin: They point to the sky. They point to the sky a little bit, because what they're doing is they're acknowledging that the glory goes to God for that gift that they have. They're seeing the value that He placed in their life, that it wasn't just done by them alone. Right. Every single person, like you were saying, I think you even said before, um, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you say like, God doesn't make junk.

[00:14:32] Don: He doesn't. That's exactly right. 

[00:14:34] Justin: Yeah, and he doesn't. And I think there's All of us have gifts inside of us and this world um, steers us in all these different ways and these different paths and down the wrong path a lot of the times to keep us from realizing our gifts to keep us from finding our gifts because if our because if our gifts are used in that way to glorify God it kind of is a spiritual thing [00:15:00] where Uh,, the adversary doesn't want that.

[00:15:03] Justin: He doesn't want that because he doesn't want the, the gospel being spread, the good news being spread. And he doesn't want you being effective at using your God given gifts. He wants you suffering. He wants you in that state of rejection, like I was saying before, thinking that, , you're rejected by people and everybody else.

[00:15:20] Justin: He doesn't want you succeeding. And he certainly doesn't want you seeing the value in yourself and then helping, like you were saying in the beginning of this, and then helping other people see the value in themselves. Right. 

[00:15:30] Don:

[00:15:30] Justin: think so. There's a, there's a constant attack, , on what is valuable. And I think people often like to say, we're, we're going to do a, um, just a heads up.

[00:15:39] Justin: We're going to do a podcast here in the near future about spiritual warfare and how that breaks down. People, it will be in, there's people that often go through, Testings, tribulations, trials, these things, you know, these hard times, things that I've gone through a lot in 2024, it's done a number on me to be honest with you.[00:16:00]

[00:16:00] Justin: When people go through these times, you start to realize that these are tests, but these can also be attacks and these can, it can also be interpreted to mean different things. But what it comes down to is there's value there, right? And the enemy sees there's value there and he wants to stop you. So the closer he sees you to Really seeing you finding and understanding the reality of things and what your true value is He's going to keep throwing things your way to try to throw you off Because that's that's his goal.

[00:16:33] Justin: He he comes as the bible says to steal kill and destroy He can't create anything Right. He's not a creator. He can just destroy. So he wants to mess up your path. He wants on your way of finding who you are truly meant to be and what you are truly purposed to do. He's going to throw you in all different ways.

[00:16:52] Justin: He's going to lead you in all the wrong directions because he doesn't want you to find out who truly is inside of you. 

[00:16:59] Don: That's [00:17:00] right. Yeah. Cause once we find out how are. People who have connected with God and found out how truly valuable they are, how truly valuable this time and day that we're all living in.

[00:17:14] Don: We become unstoppable. When God can show his purpose in us and show us the value of our part of it, we become unstoppable. I mean, all the angels of heaven, everything that God has created. Will help us in this but if we can keep ourselves in a position where we don't see ourselves as valuable You know, we're always downtrodden always getting johnny downer or whatever in life Where we don't see the goodness of the opportunity that's at hand.

[00:17:40] both2: Yeah, 

[00:17:40] Don: and we're right now We are valuable and it isn't It isn't riches. It isn't, you know, the fancy cars. None of this stuff means nothing. I look at a young generation right now and I see this my with my Grandchildren a little little bit here. They got like snapchat and I don't know a whole lot about that But they're constantly taking [00:18:00] pictures of each other Themselves and sending them out and stuff trying to compare trying to find the best image and whatever it might be And i'm sitting here.

[00:18:07] Don: What's all this about? But you know, we should be living a life where we're really You Trying to find true joy and true happiness and what you touched on before, uh, Justin was good Because we got a lot of world out there is trying to condemn us You know trying to condemn us to a hell and all this sort of thing and trying to take the real joy and the happiness that You know that God is meant for us and I know, uh, in the Bible, Jesus says, I have come to bring you joy and that your joy might be full.

[00:18:36] Don: So he's meant for our life to be joyful. And once we can understand the value that God has built inside of us, and we can start operating in that, We receive joy in life, because even the Bible talks about, you know, you come unto me and you shall receive rest in your life. You know, it becomes easy. And so many times people struggle in life.

[00:18:58] Don: Rest, not stress. [00:19:00] That's right. Rest, not stress. So many people struggle in life, or if you could find out just exactly what God has won for you, find out how really valuable. You are in life You can have the best that life would ever want to give you and God wants to do that and you can see it In people, you know, I myself I look for that in people because I can see the connection of God in their life I can see that they're seeking after and trying to better sometimes You know getting old is not easy.

[00:19:30] Don: My dad used to tell me Don getting old is a pain Bugger, you know, but it doesn't have to be for sure, you know, when you can realize that even at any age you are valuable You really are. 

[00:19:41] both2: Yeah, 

[00:19:41] Don: you know and you're constantly trying to Love people and associate with people and and work things into people's lives, you know every day Becomes something very enjoyable and and to realize what you said earlier justin god doesn't make junk 

[00:19:57] both2: See we live in a we 

[00:19:58] Don: live in a [00:20:00] throwaway society It seems like everything they produce is only meant to last for a year or two, and they expect you to get rid of it so you can buy a new one.

[00:20:08] Don: You know, even cars or whatever it might be. The new iPhones. Yeah, but we are not part of that throwaway society. No. You know, we are something that's going to last forever, 

[00:20:18] both2: and 

[00:20:18] Don: that's where the greatest value we can develop in our life is The best thing we can possibly do because someday, 

[00:20:26] both2: you know, the 

[00:20:26] Don: Bible says that we're going to be crossing a line.

[00:20:28] Don: We all have an appointment. You know, we all have an appointment. I tell people this all the time There is an appointed day for all of us to go to the kingdom. Our home is not on this side You know god has got a place for us and if we can make ourselves valuable We are going to carry that value into our next life and that's the beauty of life That's the hope 

[00:20:49] Justin: of every it is and and and It really isn't.

[00:20:53] Justin: God doesn't make junk like you said, but there's no accidents either. Your life was planned. , no matter, [00:21:00] no matter what happened, no matter if you were, you know, you came from a bad situation. Yeah. Going back to, uh, going back to the predestination, back to Psalms 139, it says, For you formed my inward parts, you covered me in my mother's womb.

[00:21:17] both: Yeah. 

[00:21:17] Justin: So it's talking about the creation, which, leads up into the next verse, which was talking about the book that was created, all the days that were created for me before they came to pass. So this is talking about how every single life in this world has specifically created what they purpose. There's no accidents.

[00:21:37] Justin: God doesn't make mistakes. 

[00:21:39] Don: We 

[00:21:39] Justin: have free will. We live in a world full of free will, but God doesn't make mistakes. And I think, you know, going back to a little bit of what you're saying here, Don, is I think that I mean, the reason the world works in this way, in this regard, is because when you truly find where your value is, and you truly find what's inside of you and who's inside of you, you no longer, you no longer have to go [00:22:00] chasing lies.

[00:22:00] Justin: You no longer have to go chasing identities because you know where that value comes from. Right. And when you, when you learn that, you start to see that. You know god is committed to us just as much as we are to him. 

[00:22:15] both2: He 

[00:22:15] Justin: is the loving father He's not the the you know, the task master the you know The school principal or what however we view them typically in these, uh certain contexts, you know So when it comes to that our value is based on being born again Because when you're born again, you have new life Right.

[00:22:36] Justin: You have a new life, like what I was saying earlier is we don't. truly find value in our lives. So we're chasing something else. We're chasing different identities. We're chasing different purposes. We're chasing different journeys and callings or whatever the case is being thrown all over the place.

[00:22:52] Justin: We're chasing different relationships and we're chasing different marriages, not seeing the true value, the true [00:23:00] life that's already waiting there for us. So when we're trying to not find value, in our life and trying to go other places. Once we start to see the value in our life, our value is there , in our new life.

[00:23:11] Justin: Yeah. Because just like Jesus, when we die to our old self, that's the, the phrase, right? When we're born again, we are resurrected in the same way, with new life. And I think that the way that happens is it's supposed to happen when we realize. Our new life, but then it's supposed to continue to be a practice It's supposed to continue to be a practice a lot of times people become believers And they start to see the way and they start to see the truth of things, right?

[00:23:40] Justin: And then they fall back, you know, they call it backsliding, but they start to fall back And even the churches even the early churches of the days they became, you know, lukewarm, you know, talk about it's a revelation, you know it's But they became, they backslid and because they're not actively practicing and realizing their value and [00:24:00] meditating on it and praying on that.

[00:24:02] Justin: So I think that once you really get that relationship, because it's all about relationship, once you really get that relationship with your creator and you start to see things change in your life, It will cause you to repent, and that repentance will cause a new life to be birthed. A change.

[00:24:19] Justin: A new change, right? Yes. From your old life. Yes. And you will become and see the person that you were meant to be as was written in that 

[00:24:27] Don: book. Amen. Amen. That's very good. That's very good. You know, because we have to see the value, and a lot of times we don't. I love the story of Michelangelo and the statue of David.

[00:24:38] Don: Yeah, a lot of people look at that every year and uh, but the story goes where David for a period of time was commissioned. Isn't that 

[00:24:47] Justin: crazy when you think about him chiseling away at that time until it gets to where it is? 

[00:24:51] Don: Michael Angelo for a period of time. He was uh commissioned to do David and uh, He was looking for a person [00:25:00] Stone and that's where he found a way stone that people thought was waste He had it brought in and he started chiseling and he made the statue of david and they were asking.

[00:25:11] Don: Uh, You know him how he could envision that and he said He what he did is he envisioned david inside that chunk of marble, 

[00:25:20] both2: but he 

[00:25:20] Don: chiseled away everything that wasn't david 

[00:25:23] Justin: Yep, 

[00:25:23] Don: i've heard that too. Yeah, once he got it all done, you know, he had a A beautiful statue and it's the same thing in our life.

[00:25:30] Don: You know the values inside of each one of us That's where you talk about our creator He tries to chisel away all the stuff that isn't of value in our life until he can make us value Yeah, 100 you know, and that's where we need to be able to look at it and say, you know What am I willing to pay the price?

[00:25:47] Don: Am I willing because I know myself and it's And you know that too, Justin. It always comes down to a decision. You know, am I going to take charge of my life? Am I going to allow life just to float by on me? Or am I going to try to find the value that [00:26:00] was placed inside of me? And myself, I love talking to people because I hope that That, you know, even like in this podcast, that we can make each listener a little bit more valuable in realizing that inside of them is possibly a David.

[00:26:16] Don: You know, there might be some rough edges that have to be chiseled away, but inside of all of us, God has made something perfect and it's beautiful. He's designed us in a certain way, but it has to be found out and he is the source. You know, Jesus was the source, he was the avenue, came down to be the perfect example of how to live our life in seeking after the things of God.

[00:26:39] Don: And we live in a world right now where we find value in so many different things. 

[00:26:44] both2: In 

[00:26:44] Don: football teams, baseball teams, you know, in all kinds of activities out there. We value ourselves, whether the team wins or the team loses. It shouldn't be that. It should be us trying to figure out a way, or is it? Seeking the source [00:27:00] and allowing God to create value inside of us and mold us into the person he designed us as you had mentioned since the beginning of the world.

[00:27:09] Don: His big plan was for each one of us to be valuable and that gives glory to God. To the creator. Yes, the one who designed this. Yes. 

[00:27:20] Justin: Yeah, definitely. And I think the goal of the podcast in general is to show people that they have, they are valuable exactly the way they are. 

[00:27:28] both: Yeah. 

[00:27:28] Justin: Right. Well, the way you are right now, you are valuable.

[00:27:31] Justin: So, A lot of people go looking for partners and they go looking through relationships and they go Looking through substances and stuff like that to try to find value people that do not feel loved and didn't feel loved Uh when they were children and didn't feel love in specific relationships and marriages They're chasing value, but once you can truly find where your value comes from when you can truly realize The value that's inside of you [00:28:00] just the way you are right now Things are gonna change.

[00:28:03] Justin: Yeah, things are gonna change for good. 

[00:28:05] Don: That's for sure, you know And that's where I know Abe Lincoln if I can use a quote here He says the best way to help poor people is not to become one Okay, you know and I say myself the best way to help people develop value in their life It's not so much becoming one of them, but allowing value to be developed in your life.

[00:28:24] both2: Yeah, 

[00:28:24] Don: you know and this takes a decision. This takes a commitment. This says I'm taking charge of my life I'm gonna become valuable if I need to put time into this Whatever might be whatever God is laying on my heart because I know a lot of times we don't know exactly what's going on What our purpose is in life, you know, some words down the line.

[00:28:42] Don: God will show us that, but I know Jesus himself, he didn't go to the unemployment office to find disciples. He found, he went to fishermen, you know, he just changed their direction. Became unemployed 

[00:28:54] Justin: basically. And they followed him. Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:28:56] Don: Yeah. They, they ministered in a different way, but, but you know, in our [00:29:00]life, you know, once we're consciously putting an effort saying, you know what I want to be, I know there's value in me.

[00:29:06] Don: Or I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be breathing air right now. There wasn't value. So I need to find that value I need to search after like I mean, there's a lot of parables out there about finding a pearl of great price You know, uh, you know selling everything you have to purchase that pearl to find that value in your life Because this is something that's going to last us forever.

[00:29:28] Don: We're not talking something that Two years from now it's going to be in a rummage sale someplace. Our lives are something that are going to last us forever, and every one of us is valuable in God's eyes. It's a matter. 

[00:29:40] Justin: Yeah, 

[00:29:40] Justin: Yeah, amen. Well, I think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one, Justin. I think so too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today, and we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, stay blessed by the best. [00:30:00] See you guys.

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