The Wise & The Wandering

You Could Be A Witness - Episode 24

Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz Episode 24

“Every test in your life is a Testimony and every mess is a Message…”

In this episode, hosts Justin Olbrantz and Dr. Don Schaefer delve into the concept of what it means to be a witness. They discuss the importance of personal transformation and how witnessing is more than just sharing words—it's about reflecting Jesus' love and goodness through one's life. The hosts emphasize the significance of personal testimonies in demonstrating the power of God's work in their own lives. They also explore the difference between religion and having a personal relationship with God, advocating for a deep, transformative connection with Jesus. Throughout the episode, they highlight stories of notable figures like Paul and Billy Graham as examples of impactful witnessing and share personal experiences to illustrate the change that faith can bring.

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Episode 24 - You Are A Witness

[00:00:00] Justin: Hi everyone, this is Justin Olbrantz and this is Don Schaefer, and you are listening to the Wise and the Wandering podcast for those who know “the Way” and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So, let's dive in.

[00:00:32] Justin: So Don, what are we going to talk about today? 

[00:00:35] Don: Well, Justin, I think we're going to talk about you are a witness. You are a 

[00:00:39] Justin: witness. Yes. So I'm a witness. 

[00:00:42] Don: Yes, you should be a witness. You should be a witness. Okay. And what should I be a witness about? Well, okay, it's gonna be a couple things here, but I just wanna say, Justin, from the day you were born, you were a witness.

[00:00:54] Don: 'cause it's the things we witness around us that make us who we are. Okay. So, uh, we wi [00:01:00] that's a good start. We witness a lot of things. Yeah. You know, good or bad, whatever it might be. Uh, we are a witness from the time we are born. But, you know, Jesus is asking us to be a different type of witness. Okay. And, um, He wants us to be witnessing to people.

[00:01:19] Don: And a lot of times what happens here is people, you know, they say they witness for Jesus. They say, They hand out a track, you know, and tell them that Jesus loves them and all that sort, but , I myself, Justin, think that it's a little bit different than that. I think it's what they witness in you. You know, I mean, to be a witness for Jesus Christ, it has to be something they witness in your life.

[00:01:44] Don: Your whole lifetime style speaks to them.

[00:01:46] Justin: I think when, You go through a transformation in your life, you become a witness, because you see the change happening in your life. Yeah. And I think, I like that you brought up, I like the [00:02:00] intro story into we are witnesses and everything in our lives from the moment we're born.

[00:02:04] Justin: Yes, but when it comes to this specific episode, we're talking about our testimonies. Everybody has a testimony. That has come to God. 

[00:02:15] both: Mm-Hmm. , 

[00:02:16] Justin: everybody that's right. Can witness the power of God doing things in their life. Yep. And it was like you were saying, it was intentional. Like you were saying that Jesus said that we should speak of our testimonies, we should be witnesses.

[00:02:33] Justin: Right. You know, to go out and make disciples of all nations. Yes. Well, how do you do that? You have to, you have to, you have to spread the gospel. Yeah. You have to share. What it has done in your life. We talked a little bit Last week about and I kind of brought this up about how paul how? religion as we know religion Um a supporter of religion in some cases in a lot of cases religion [00:03:00] in its traditional context has pulled people to god they've they've kind of almost like , they've convinced people to You open themselves up to God, but the way they come into that, the way they come to God is by not wanting to be punished and thrown into hell.

[00:03:18] Justin: Right. And I think that it was Paul that was saying it's the goodness of God that leads people to repentance. Right. Not the fear of punishment in an eternal pit of fire. You see what I'm saying? Yeah. So it's, uh, It's the goodness of God that causes you to see what changes have been made in your life, what things have changed, how you've, , 

[00:03:41] Justin: it's the goodness of God that allows you to be a good witness for other people. Right. Because they can see what has changed in your life. They can see, , because your, your job, your job as a witness is to explain to those who don't know what happened.

[00:03:59] Justin: [00:04:00] Yeah, that's true. Right? As you're at the crime scene, you're at the car crash, whatever. In the normal sense, your job is to explain to the authorities what, what happened because you saw it happen. Yeah. So this is your job. This is your job in your faith. This is your job in your walk in your relationship with God with Jesus Is to share it because you need to show those who don't know what happened what 

[00:04:27] Don: happened, right?

[00:04:28] Don: Yeah, and that's good. You know, you mentioned a little bit about uh making disciples and you know Actually the word disciples it comes from discipline. Yeah, and um, so jesus comes into the world and uh, he he was A witness. I mean, he witnessed, he gave people something 

[00:04:47] both: to 

[00:04:47] Don: witness, 

[00:04:48] both: which 

[00:04:49] Don: he did his whole life.

[00:04:50] Don: And, uh, so the people would witness his way of living. And, uh, I know as far as walking after God, you're talking about changes and stuff. I [00:05:00] know, like you get in the, um, into the book of Acts, it talks about, they were called the way. There was the way. There was something that was special. Yeah, 

[00:05:08] Justin: and actually that's why in my podcast, Moniker, when I said, for those who know the way, and for those who have been led astray, that's what the way was referring to.

[00:05:18] Justin: If you 

[00:05:19] Don: know, you know. Yes. You know, in that way, Was something to be witnessed, 

[00:05:23] Justin: you 

[00:05:23] Don: know, and the way was very loving, you know Basically jesus laid out a pattern for us And he told us that we're going to have everything we need if we can allow him into our lives And so we open up our life to god all of a sudden it changes and it becomes a mission of love You know, we start to love our fellow man.

[00:05:44] Don: We start to treat him Well, you know and that's what the bible says that love comes from love It covers a multitude of wrongs in life, and what it does is it attracts people to Jesus Christ. 

[00:05:55] both: And, 

[00:05:56] Don: uh, it gets them to a place where they want what you have. [00:06:00] And a lot of times in, uh, you mentioned religion, you brought that up, but a lot of times it's for, uh, wrong reasons.

[00:06:07] Don: You know, people want to, it becomes a business where they want to get a lot of people and they want to, you know, and get the, get the finances and everything else that comes along with it. And stuff but there's more to it than that I think jesus came into this world because he wanted something that was going to be pure and wholesome He wanted a relationship with these people.

[00:06:24] both: Yes, and 

[00:06:24] Don: that's where as we develop our relationship with people People desire what we have because of the peace the joy and happiness that we have Because it's something that's built inside of us and you 

[00:06:37] Justin: hit it right on the head there relationship That's what it's all about is a relationship a close relationship, you know as much like I said as much as I like religion and really respect religion and the norms and customs, you know religion makes me really go to a building And follow rules that nobody else can yeah, and that's kind of what I strive [00:07:00] for but relationship Is different.

[00:07:03] Justin: Yes. Relationship is kinda where God wants to know me and he loves me and now I get a chance to grow in my faith with him. Yeah. So I don't, I don't think that my relationship is synonymous with religion. Right, and I think that we all need a relationship with Jesus. Right, right. And I think that sometimes in our religious context, people that are going to church once a week, what twice a week, whatever.

[00:07:37] Don: Yeah, 

[00:07:37] Justin: I don't think sometimes their relationship is where it needs to be. That's why they're not seeing this testimony. That's why things are not changing enough in their lives for them to want to be a witness You know when things really change in your life You want to share the word when that officer arrives at that [00:08:00] That accident that car crash place and you saw what happened you you want it You willingly want to go up there and you might even want to testify in court.

[00:08:09] Justin: You want to talk about what you've seen You've been, you've been, you've seen a car crash, right? Yes, yes. And there's a bunch of people together. Everybody wants to talk to the officer when they get there. This is what I saw. This is what I saw. Yeah. And that's what God wants to do in your life. Not that he wants to make a car crash out of it.

[00:08:29] Justin: But he wants to give you something to share with other people. Yeah, that's what the gospel is meant to do It's the good news. We're supposed to be wanting to share that good news with other people. That's 

[00:08:40] Don: right And it's a thing of beauty, you know, it's and that's where you have to live life You really do and you live life and you have experiences and you learn things and you develop things and you come to a realization that Everything that you have own or whatever someday is all going to be gone.

[00:08:56] Don: There's only one source in our life, you know That's where I Often say [00:09:00]that without God and life is insane You know because why would we be created into a world just to die and it's insanity But God's got something better for us and what happens when we allow him to be a part in that relationship with him Changes start to happen and that's the beauty of it and we become witnesses for Jesus Christ because we We give the world and people around us, our friends, our family, something to witness, you know, they can witness a change in me, perhaps, and can witness the love, can witness the caring, or whatever it might be, and they're going to want a part of all that.

[00:09:35] Don: And I know Paul, uh, the apostle, which we talk about a lot, but, uh, he was, you know, he, at one time he was, , after, The church, you know, and he was uh killing some of these christians and stuff because he didn't realize it until he met jesus christ And jesus knew in his heart What was inside knew what was inside of paul's heart as far as what paul could be And he changed everything and [00:10:00] paul became a totally different people Isn't 

[00:10:02] Justin: that absolutely crazy that somebody could literally be on the side of killing god's people?

[00:10:08] Justin: He's killing christians. That is right murder. That's right Christians. Oh, yeah. And now he's one of the most prominent, um, dominant sources and apostles. Yes. I would say. I mean, he wrote most of the New Testament, right? He did that. And, and how you go from, One side to the other is a testimony.

[00:10:31] Justin: I would say it's something to witness. It's something to witness But it's a testimony to say that anybody can be saved Oh, yeah, if you think you have done too much wrong if you think your sin is too great, right? That's what that's the testimony that he did in Paul's life I mean and if he can do that in Paul's life, you can do that for anybody 

[00:10:49] Don: who's willing Yes.

[00:10:50] Don: He removed all the guilt and shame. I mean, Paul had no shame after that. He says that he considered everything in life rubbish compared to the knowledge of [00:11:00] Jesus Christ and him crucified, you know, and the beauty of him, which is interesting. If you read, you know, some of the letters he wrote out, he worked for people, 

[00:11:08] both: you 

[00:11:09] Don: know, and he would nurture them.

[00:11:11] Don: He wrote letters to churches, all this stuff. And he put in some of those letters. He says, Follow me as I'm following Christ. So in other words, he was saying, I want to be an example. You can witness in me what I have done, you know, and with the changes in my life, God has got the same thing with you. And then he says, I bear the marks of Christ, but he would work with them.

[00:11:31] Don: Until he could see Christ in them. When he found Christ in them, he knew his work was done. You know, because Christ was living inside of them. And that was what the good news of the gospel was. The fact that we don't have to struggle. You know, and all this stuff. Well, what the world needs now is something to witness.

[00:11:49] Don: They need to see Christ. Jesus Christ in our lives and what a lot of times, you know, people think we can well we can talk about Jesus We can do you know hand out [00:12:00] papers and all that sort of thing But you know, what is your life like your family, you know, , everyone that's around you Do they see Jesus living in your life?

[00:12:08] both: You know, 

[00:12:09] Don: do they see that a good attitude? Do they see somebody that wakes up in the morning? That's excited about the day And one that even when something goes wrong, they don't get upset, you know, they realize this is life You know, , and so much we're on display You know, it seems like especially as a Christian, you know, we're on a display because I remember when I first came to the lord I used to carry a bible in my back pocket and and i'd walk to shit a little mini one a little mini bible Yeah, you know and I was excited, you know, I mean I talked to people you can't believe this, you know I I've Finally realize that there is a God and he's real in this world, you know, and he's changing me because I know myself I had a lot of um, how would you say seasoned words that I would say some people say that sailors talk like that You know, that was one of the first things first thing that God's [00:13:00] cleared up in my life.

[00:13:01] Don: And it was because of the relationship with Him. And it's one of the first things that the people around me noticed. I didn't talk the same way. And my temper, you know, I used to get upset over things that didn't go right. All of a sudden, you know, this is Don. He's calm. You know, what's going on here? So what would I do?

[00:13:18] Don: What I did at that time without even realizing it, I gave them something to witness, you know, something to want in their life. And that's where each one of us has an opportunity to be that. You know, if we can allow God in our life, we give people an opportunity to witness something. So you don't have to You can work at the drive in, you can work in the mill, you can work anywheres, but you become a witness 

[00:13:43] both: for 

[00:13:43] Don: Jesus Christ.

[00:13:44] Don: Yes, a 

[00:13:45] Justin: witness of the good things that He's done in your life. And if you have that relationship, because that relationship is what brings that testimony, you know, it's not necessarily just sharing those, uh, testimonies. Good messages or those sermons or whatever [00:14:00] that you heard from your church service and sharing those with people It's allowing that relationship to be developed between you and god so that you can even share unintentionally because they see the difference in you.

[00:14:12] Justin: They see the change They see it's no longer Bob there. It's jesus like you were saying paul had to see jesus in them. Oh and a lot of that is uh They would see the disciplines in that person. It's kind of, it's another way of saying that, that Christ, there was a discipline. He was, he was the teacher and he was the rabbi.

[00:14:32] Justin: That's what they were referred to him at the time because the teacher, Was disciplined and he taught his disciplines to his students, right? And then the students the cycles Exactly what the disciples would learn those disciplines and then go on and teach others so, I mean that was the importance there of showing how a change can affect somebody's life, you know, because My testimony is similar to yours.

[00:14:58] Justin: I'm still in the early [00:15:00] stages of my own testimony where. I'm on fire and you know, I've always kind of been on fire and passionate about a lot of things But when I think it really changed when people started seeing the change in my life Because then they know you're not just about talk, you know There's a lot of people that might just be religious and they might talk about Christian principles and values in their life, but are they actually acting them out?

[00:15:28] Justin: Are they actually living them? Do they actually believe them? Right? So when people I think when they see that things change in you like you were saying I think when people see when things change in you just like The people of the way, the early form of Christianity, right? The early believers, they wanted to be like them because they saw how they respected people.

[00:15:49] Justin: They saw how they wanted to heal people. They saw how they were, they were good people. They were legitimately just good people. And you, and you want to be more like that because we were all looking for [00:16:00] freedom. Yeah. You know, and I think that when I,, when I came to God, I really started Not just reading my Bible, but when I really started a relationship with God, when I really started a relationship with Jesus, right?

[00:16:16] Justin: Because they're both the same thing, right? Jesus is God. So when I started a relationship there is when I really started to see things change in myself. When I started, when I stopped being so selfish, when I started, I would say submitting myself, realizing, you know, repenting, realizing that I'm not doing it the right way, I'm doing it the wrong way.

[00:16:37] Justin: And I really kind of gave myself over as when I started to see things change. Because then it's no longer what I want. It's God, I need your help in my life. I need you to work this out. Whatever you, whatever your will is in my life, just do that. I'll listen. I'll follow. Yeah. And to be honest with you, he took me from [00:17:00] being a boyfriend, doesn't really care about anything but himself to being a husband that cares about everything.

[00:17:13] Justin: Yeah. And loves his wife. Yeah. Yeah. That's beautiful. He took me from being lost to being found. Yeah. And it wasn't overnight, but it happened. He took me from being blind. And being able to see right right changed 

[00:17:31] Don: everything. 

[00:17:32] Justin: Yes. Yes. You got a beautiful life a wonderful life Yes, I do and I have a wonderful wife and I have And I have a wonderful child and a child on the way here very soon And I think just to note that I just want to say that I wasn't always like that just like you I had a temper I had anger problems you not you just but I had to realize I I am I'm not angry.

[00:17:56] Justin: Yeah, I'm not angry and there was one time where I remember [00:18:00] when there was a lot of Transformational things that happened in my life and I came from you could call it a An angry household. Yeah, just say that a lot of anger that was going on in my family a lot of anger That was openly displayed and that's kind of how just things were so I grew up not really knowing better 

[00:18:19] Don: You know, 

[00:18:19] Justin: and I remember there was one time where i'd heard from god and he said to me that a lifetime of being around Angry people does not determine who you are or who you were meant to be.

[00:18:35] Justin: Right. I determined that. Yes. Yes. And when I heard that, it was like a, a lightning bolt came down and a light bulb went off in my head, but it was like everything just started to dissipate away from me. All that anger has started just to kind of detach itself. Right.

[00:18:54] Justin: And I started really putting trust and faith in God. I would say I really started trusting God from that [00:19:00] point when I really started to realize these truths because a lot of the times Uh, we can't be a witness to people if we're believing in lies Yeah, we talked about being honest with ourselves in other episodes We talked about all the other ways that we're being distracted and we're being deceived 

[00:19:16] both: And 

[00:19:16] Justin: you really got to know the truth.

[00:19:18] Justin: Yeah, and there was Somebody who was on this earth and who told us I am the way the truth and the life That is true. And that's the way you're gonna find the truth. 

[00:19:30] Don: Yeah. Yeah, jesus did all that Yeah, that's well said there, you know in god, you know Just in my time knowing you just and i've seen a lot of change in your life.

[00:19:38] both: Yeah, and 

[00:19:38] Don: that's a beautiful thing Yeah, it is myself. , I witnessed a lot and I I have to be very thankful for those who are You Been faithful in the things they do because I remember a guy named gene derfus. I'll throw a name out there Okay, but this guy loved the lord and you could just see it in him You know and I worked in a plant where he worked and this guy [00:20:00] was amazing He'd be sitting there in the morning reading his bible and some people might say that's a little boring but he found great joy in that and uh, and I kind of do too, but But the way he treated people He never, you know, criticized anybody.

[00:20:14] Don: He never cut anybody down, even though that they were doing things that were very wrong, possibly. And, uh, but he had just a loving way about him. I remember when he retired, he came back with his wife, and they made a whole big meal, and they were feeding the plant with food and all that stuff. But he went to be with the Lord.

[00:20:32] Don: And I'm, I went to his funeral service, and, uh,, at the funeral service, there was testimonies. There was testimony after testimony of people that Gene touched their life. What he did is he gave them an opportunity to witness Christ in them. And, uh, they wanted to change. They wanted what Gene had. 

[00:20:51] both: And 

[00:20:51] Don: he was a part of my life.

[00:20:53] Don: You know, so, what an example. You know, what a blessing it was. You know, this guy here just loved everybody. 

[00:20:58] Justin: Yeah, the [00:21:00] testimony itself, admit that word, means that God's gonna do it again. 

[00:21:03] Don: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He continues to do it. And that's what makes life so good. So when you talk about anger, and I dealt with some of that stuff too, a lot of that comes from a hopeless life.

[00:21:14] Don: You know, if you really don't have a great future in store in mind or whatever, I mean, that's hopeless. So a lot of times it stirs up all kinds of attitudes and whatever. But once you come to the realization that God has got the perfect place for us, that this is just a testing ground, we are just passing through.

[00:21:32] Don: The Bible says like a mist, you know, it's here today, gone tomorrow, you know, that's the way life is, you know, and that's where we become something to witness, you know, in life by allowing Jesus to change us, to make us the people, make something beautiful of our life. Cause I know myself when I got that message, you know, when I got it, because it took me years.

[00:21:55] Don: I mean, it probably, uh, many people have told me the message, but when I got it, I [00:22:00] When I finally realized, you know, and I started witnessing this in other people, 

[00:22:04] Justin:

[00:22:04] Don: started questioning, maybe this stuff is real. And even like the Bible itself, sometimes the written word helps us to witness what other people went through, you know, and all of a sudden we, you 

[00:22:15] Justin: see, you see all these stories of God redeeming his people, saving his people.

[00:22:19] Don: Oh yeah. You know, getting themselves into trouble. You know, I look at this. David, the Bible says he was a man after God's own heart. God really had a heart for, for, uh, for David. But then you look at all the things he did, unbelievable. I mean, that weren't, weren't good, you know, like he numbered the people and God was angry with him, you know, and he chose to allow, um, pesticides or whatever, and there was thousands of people that died because of David's sin against God, but yet David comes to God and asks for forgiveness and God forgives them.

[00:22:51] Don: You know, and sets them free. So you take these examples of his heart. Yeah. Oh, man, you know So there's a lot to witness there. I remember the day when [00:23:00] Billy Graham was preaching Oh Billy Graham 

[00:23:02] Justin: a powerful powerful preacher 

[00:23:04] Don: What and what a man to witness just human operation and his love for God and and the people that picked up on that And the lives that were changed, you know, it's just all those arenas that they sold out man, you know And you just think about it Each one of our lives and what what they can produce Just by us getting ourselves into a place where we can allow god to work in our lives and we can start living The life of joy and happiness realizing that there is a future for all of us And giving the world and the people the family everybody around us an opportunity To witness the goodness of god because god is wanting us to do that and he's wanting to help us You To become that witness, you know, , that somebody can witness , in 

[00:23:50] Justin: their lives.

[00:23:50] Justin: Yeah. He's hoping to give us something to witness. That's right. Someone to witness. Yes. Because when you start to see God moving in your life and changing things in [00:24:00] your life, like Paul saw Jesus in the. People of the churches that he was building up like you're saying the letters that he was writing You can start to see that even in your own life You know when I go and I listen to these podcasts Because i'll go and i'll play them back right and after we put them on i'll play them back And I start listening like,, man, this guy, you know, he, he really, he's onto something like he's, he sounds, and then I realized it's you and I talking and I'm like, man, I'm actually ministering to myself because at the time, right at the time, a lot of the times when I'm saying these things, it's not necessarily Justin that's just saying these things, there's, there's a Holy Spirit present.

[00:24:39] Justin: And I start to minister to myself because I don't even remember saying some of these things. Yeah. So it's just. It's one of those things where, yes, God is looking for anyone who's willing 

[00:24:50] both: to 

[00:24:50] Justin: be able to be a witness. That's what he wants. He wants anyone who's willing to be a witness, and I think I read this, I read this somewhere as well, I like to just share [00:25:00] things that I read, and it said that every test is a testimony, and every mess is a message of the goodness of God.

[00:25:09] Justin: Wow. Wow, that's pretty good. It's, it's pretty powerful. And it, it really shows you, it puts into context how you were saying about David and even if you think everything is messed up in your life. Yeah. That's pretty powerful. That is a message of the goodness of God that's to come. If you want to repent, if you want to change your mind, you'll be forgiven, 

[00:25:30] both: and you 

[00:25:31] Justin: have a chance to really want to get a relationship somebody who is greater than yourself, who can really change things around for you.

[00:25:41] Justin: You know, Jesus did not die. So that we could just have a religion and so that we could have a religion with 65 denominations. He didn't die for that. He died so that we could have a relationship with 

[00:25:56] Don: him. Amen, that's right. Yeah, and we can and with [00:26:00] that relationship he teaches us how to do one thing how to love.

[00:26:04] Don: Yes. If we can love our fellow man. 

[00:26:06] both: Yes. You know, 

[00:26:06] Don: if we can love our fellow man, we can be an example of who Jesus Christ really is because he loves us. And the Bible says that we are meant to glorify him. He is wanting the best out of our lives. And when he gets his best, he pours us, pours himself into all that.

[00:26:26] Don: And I. His best will touch the lives of everybody that's around. 

[00:26:31] both: You know, it 

[00:26:31] Don: doesn't matter where you are, you become a light in a dark room. 

[00:26:35] both: You know, 

[00:26:35] Don: people can witness the things that God is doing in your life. And they're going to want a part of it, and they're going to want to hear what you say, too.

[00:26:44] Don: And that becomes a beautiful thing, especially when you see people that latch onto this, because you give them a ray of hope. You know, in this world, sometimes, well, I know we live in a day right now, there is so much going on. It is, it's hard to even imagine how people process all the stuff that's [00:27:00] going on.

[00:27:00] Don: I know, I, sometimes I like that song, Give Me That Old Time Religion, because it was so simple. It was so simple back in the day, but now we have made it so complicated, but I, I do have a faith in God that through it all, he is going to raise up disciples. He's going to raise up individuals that are going to give their life to him.

[00:27:19] Don: And he's going to make a thing of beauty, something that people can witness and realize that God is alive and he's still working in the hearts of men. Yeah, and if you're 

[00:27:27] Justin: listening to this podcast right now, you are a witness to that. That is right. Because there is a testimony happening on this podcast right now.

[00:27:35] Justin: So I think the important part is to look at your own life and say, Is this something that I want to witness to people? Yeah. Or do I need a real testimony? Do I need a real change? Do I maybe need to get away from um Myself and, , my own limits, my own, my own expectations, you know, do I need to get away from my own opinions, [00:28:00] my own thoughts, my own beliefs, and maybe open myself up to something that's greater than me.

[00:28:04] Justin: That's right. Because if it's not something that you want to witness to people, and it's not really , changing the hearts and minds of people. Well, then maybe there's something more out there. Maybe there is something more to be gained. Maybe you're just like me and you're just lost and you need to be found.

[00:28:20] Justin: You're looking for something. , maybe you're angry at the world or you're angry at your parents or your kids, and you're not wanting to be angry anymore. Maybe you're stuck. In an addiction, you're stuck in alcoholism, you're stuck in doing drugs, you're stuck in doing hard drugs, you're stuck in porn addictions, maybe you're stuck in that, and you're looking for something to get you out of that, to witness about, so maybe it's time that you have that relationship that has kind of always been there, but you've never really um, Put the extra thought or the extra time into it.

[00:28:59] Don: That's where [00:29:00] we need to look for opportunities. Who knows tomorrow? Tomorrow we might be our our testimony. It might be our story about how God has done something huge in our life 

[00:29:10] Justin: I like that. 

[00:29:11] Don: Tomorrow is your testimony. Tomorrow could be your testimony. You never know what God's gonna do And that's the beauty of living for God.

[00:29:17] Don: There's a lot of times people say why you know, I don't have nothing to say But really, you know, you look at your life. God is constantly looking for looking to do things in your life and giving you something that you can share and say, you know God is there and he's been there for me all along He put a plan together every day and that's where I know like even doing this podcast I know god had this plan for a long time and know every individual listening God knew that you would listen to the end of the podcast, you know that you would hear this that god really does Love you, and he really does want you to know To give you and make you something that is going to glorify him that the world can witness.

[00:29:56] Don: And that's the beauty of what God is doing in our lives. [00:30:00] Amen. Well, I 

[00:30:01] Justin: think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one, Justin. I think so too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today. And we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, stay blessed. By the best. See you guys.

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