The Wise & The Wandering

You Don't Have to Fight It Alone - Episode 17

Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz Episode 17

Don: "Your partner never gives up on you."

Most of us are going through our lives, dealing with the stress, worry, and anxiety of our day to day world. It is a constant battle. 

But what if there was a way that you didn’t have to go through it all by yourself?

Today we are presented with the opportunity of to have a real and lasting partnership.  Your life will become easier as you realize you have a partner that will never leave you and will help you understand life in a fresh new way—no longer alone. 

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Episode 17 - You Don't Have to Fight It by Yourself

[00:00:00] Justin: Hi everyone, this is Justin Olbrantz and this is Don Schaefer, and you are listening to the Wise and the Wandering podcast for those who know the way and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So let's dive in…

[00:00:32] Justin: So don, what are we going to talk about today? 

[00:00:34] Don: Well, I think we got an exciting message here and we came up with you don't have to fight it by 

[00:00:39] Justin: yourself You don't have to fight it by yourself. No, no, and I guess what don't you have to fight by yourself? Well, 

[00:00:47] Don: you know in life a lot of times, as we grow up, we feel like we're all by ourselves We have to handle everything by ourself.

[00:00:54] Justin: Yeah, 

[00:00:54] Don: and we're all alone when things happen You But, , I know scripture says that, our [00:01:00] Lord and Savior is closer than a brother, and he's wanting to be able to take care of our battles and work with us in 

[00:01:07] Justin: situations. Yeah, definitely. And , when I came up with the title for this, what I was thinking is that too often in our life, it's, it's our life, right?

[00:01:16] Justin: Everything is everything that we go through is just, We're dealing with it by ourselves. 

[00:01:22] Don: Yeah, 

[00:01:23] Justin: right. So we're just dealing with all of this stress. We're dealing with all of this you know things that are happening in our life this hectic lifestyle that we have We're dealing with the challenges the obstacles all this stuff 

[00:01:35] Don: By 

[00:01:37] Justin: ourselves, and we feel like it's just us.

[00:01:39] Justin: If we feel like , it's just ourselves alone that have to get through this every day. And it's just one day just leads into the next. And it's just a cycle of repetition. You know, it's just the same thing. And the idea here. As a Christian, as a believer, that's not at all the case.

[00:01:59] Don: No, it shouldn't [00:02:00] be. 

[00:02:00] Justin: And we don't have to fight it by ourselves. You know, we have a partner with us. 

[00:02:05] Don: Yeah. 

[00:02:05] Justin: And even more than that, We have a God that we can turn our problems to and he's going to work them out for us. And it's one of those things. So it's,, kind of a message to show people that the way you've been doing it, maybe all of your life isn't working because you're only relying on yourself to get yourself through everything.

[00:02:27] Don: Yeah, this is true. And I know it's, it's a different concept because I know we're, we're born into this world, we're raised up and it's, it's about. It's been about us. It's about what I decide. It's about what I do. 

[00:02:38] Justin: Yeah, the world definitely 

[00:02:39] Don: teaches us to be that way. It does. And a lot of times, you know, when, I know when the message first came to me about Jesus Christ and about the fact that He wanted to be a part of my life, it kind of changed things.

[00:02:52] Don: I remember the first time I heard the message where I really believed it and, uh, took it to home. Because I'm being real with you, because , life can [00:03:00] be very lonely. Yeah, definitely. Life can be, you know, when you're separated from God, it is a lonely spot and when the situations are not going right.

[00:03:07] Don: But when I first found out that God is wanting to be a part of my life, that Jesus Christ is wanting to be a part of my life, it changed things. Because I started looking at things and when things weren't going well, I'd say, well, Lord, what are we going to do about it? You know, because I find myself a lot of times coming up with how I would handle it.

[00:03:25] Don: But, you know, and then taking the blame for everything too. I'd sit there and say, Lord, you know. You've created some stuff here and we're in the middle of it. It's you and I it isn't me by myself You know, and that's where what it's a comfort You know That's where god becomes a comfort in our life because we know we always have someone to fall back on No matter what the circumstance might be.

[00:03:46] Don: That's that's the beauty of what god is wanting to do and then 

[00:03:51] Justin: Yeah, it definitely is. And it takes a different mindset change, takes a different perspective change to get into that. Because like you were saying, like we're kind of alluding [00:04:00] to here, is that the world often prepares us this way. The world often programs us this way, that we're just supposed to be selfish.

[00:04:10] Justin: We're supposed to be only concerned about our own emotions, our own thoughts, our own problems. But , it makes us very self reliant because we have to be. It's like dog eat dog out here. Every, you know, every man and woman for themselves. 

[00:04:25] Don: Yes. 

[00:04:25] Justin: And the truth is so far from that. The truth is that you do have a partner with you.

[00:04:33] Justin: If you'll accept and you'll believe, but you do have a partner there that's willing to, that's going to work out your problems, work out your stress. You don't have to really worry about anything. You don't, you don't have to shame yourself. You don't have to punish yourself, , a thousand times.

[00:04:51] Justin: You don't have to do that stuff because we have a loving God. And once you, you know,, allow him to work in your life 

[00:04:58] both: and 

[00:04:58] Justin: , then you can also [00:05:00] operate. Out of love. Yes. You can operate from love. Instead of doing all of these things in our lives, and trying so hard to get love, 

[00:05:12] both: Yeah. you 

[00:05:12] Justin: can already understand that you have that.

[00:05:15] Justin: Yeah. And you don't have to get that love. Everything that you do then becomes, you're doing it out of love. You're doing it from love. Right. Because 

[00:05:23] Don: he loves us. Exactly. The Bible says God, God is love, and he loves us. And that's the beauty of this, this whole concept here, because I know myself, Justin. I remember, you know, , in life having to make decisions and different sorts.

[00:05:37] Don: I remember my children when they were young, when they got to the dating age, you know, and I know you're not Not quite there yet, Justin, but when it gets to the dating age, you know, it is on my mind. Yeah. But, you know, I used to sit there and say, you know, I could worry, I could sit there and lay awake all night, but I would say my prayers and say, Lord, they're your kids too.

[00:05:58] Don: You know, we're in this [00:06:00] together. So I'm going to have you help me out on this. And the beauty of a lot of that is. Cause a lot of times we get a lot of anxieties. We get a lot of worries and stuff when we're not by ourself. We realized that there is one that has all the answers. You know, he's the teammate.

[00:06:14] Don: He's one that wants to hook up with us and he's always right. You know what I mean? As far as a right is concerned, he's always right. Doesn't make any mistakes. You couldn't have a better partner in life. But the thing that is, you have to realize that. He's a perfect gentleman, too, and he just doesn't come into your life unless he's invited.

[00:06:33] Don: And, uh, the day that I first invited him, you know, I said, Lord, you know, hey. And it's amazing, too, as time went on, I started to realize that whenever situations became serious, where I got uptight, because I know um, I used to order parts and stuff and, uh, supply parts. And there was times when, , I'd get phone calls and stuff from people that weren't, you know, Happy with me some of them might have even called me different names than what I was named But I [00:07:00] started getting uptight myself and I would stop for a second say, you know what?

[00:07:03] Don: I got a partner in this, you know, I'm gonna ask him to get involved in this I started praying a little bit, you know and talking a little bit And all of a sudden, you know, the Bible talks about a peace that surpasses all understanding. All of a sudden, peace comes over the top of you, because you realize we're not walking this walk by ourselves.

[00:07:21] Don: That, uh, we're not in life by ourselves. That He is wanting to be with us and take us where we need to go. And that's what the Bible tells us we need to cast our burdens upon Him. And a lot of people struggle with that. They will take, carry their burdens. Well, it's hard. 

[00:07:36] Justin: I mean, it's tough. 

[00:07:36] Don: Oh, yeah. They carry their burdens.

[00:07:38] Don: They get all kinds of beat up. And most of it's mental. 

[00:07:41] Justin: Yeah. Most, 

[00:07:42] Don: you know, and that's the beauty of what God is wanting to do. Because he wants to get your head straight. But he takes care of everything. Even if we were Physically beat up when we realize that we're connected with him He takes us through all that stuff because the bible says that he bears our pains.

[00:07:58] Don: He bears the [00:08:00] suffering He takes all this stuff from us, you know, and it becomes an easy walk through all that but when we're by ourselves When we don't have that, that's when misery, that's where a lot of people struggle in life. A lot of people will get themselves in different addictions and get themselves involved in different things because they feel like they're all by themselves.

[00:08:19] Don: There is no hope for them. But that's where Jesus comes into our life. He says, Hey, you know what? I want to take you by the hand. You know, I want to show you a thing or two. And if you're just open to that, I will show you everything I've gotten for you. I will make your life better. Beautiful. 

[00:08:35] Justin: Yeah. If 

[00:08:35] Don: you open up your life to me.

[00:08:37] Don: 100%. 

[00:08:38] Justin: Yeah. And it comes as a spirit and that spirit because God doesn't want you to fail. God wants you to prosper. That's right. God wants you to succeed. Yep. Like you said, he's a love, he's going to love you, but he wants you to succeed in everything. And he's going to help you succeed in everything. Too busy or too many times we're often.[00:09:00]

[00:09:01] Justin: We're scared of doing things and we talked about this in prior episodes, but we're scared to even do things because we don't want to fail. But with him as your partner, you're not going to fail at anything if you allow him to be your partner in what you're doing. That's right. Because he's not gonna let you fail.

[00:09:19] Justin: And that's kind of the parallel to kind of draw here is that Once you open up your heart and once you, I would say you got to humble yourself a little bit because your ego and your pride and stuff like that is getting in the way of you truly having That peace that's like you were talking about that peace in your life that joy in your life Your your pride and your ego that stuff gets in the way It's it's stopping you from being able to feel That spiritual element but being able to to really let go because it does take Trust.

[00:09:58] both: It 

[00:09:58] Justin: does take trust up until we get [00:10:00] a relationship with God up until we really understand that we are just trusting in ourselves Yeah, and we're trusting we're putting all of our trust in ourselves. So when it doesn't work, who do we blame? Ourselves. Exactly. We blame ourselves and guess what? Our God is not a punisher He's not a punisher.

[00:10:21] Justin: And I know maybe in some religious settings, it's been taught this way as if God is always looking to punish you and smite you, but that's not the case at all. He's not a punisher. , we know who the accuser is. We know who the liar is. We know who, The Punisher really is, that's not God. So God is, he wants you to succeed and , he wants you to prosper, but he's not looking to shame you.

[00:10:45] Justin: Yeah. He's not looking to shame you for the things that you did in your past. That's right. He's helping, he's looking to help you focus on the present so that you can see what he's doing in your life and what. What you are capable of with him. Yeah, [00:11:00] so when you trust in him what you're capable of You have to take advantage of that opportunity You have to act on that right?

[00:11:07] Justin: but what you're capable of is way more than you could ever even imagine because what you could only understand before Is what you were limited to by doing it by yourself? And when you can start to again, putting that trust out there, but it starts with walking in faith. It starts, you have to have faith in these things because 

[00:11:27] Justin: . You have to have the faith that you can do better, and you will do better, and there are better things out there for you. And I think once you start to do that, and you start to apply this, this formula here, things start to work in your favor. Because you are being faithful, because you're trusting in God, and he sees that, and , that feeling is reciprocated.

[00:11:46] Justin: That relationship is reciprocated, and if only people knew that was waiting for them out there. 

[00:11:51] Don: Oh, that's for sure. That's for sure. And I know, , I have to fess up a little bit. I read the last, I read the last chapter in the book and I [00:12:00] know that God's in it to win it And uh, Spoiler alert, but he's in it. He's in it to win it and uh, that's where yeah, he does challenge us We do go through tests. We go through moments and uh, he uses all that to To develop us and to build us. It's just like a child growing up. You got to go through situations. You can't keep a child away from everything.

[00:12:20] Don: They have to learn by it. And that's where he's right along with us, leading us through all that challenging us in situation. Wanting the best. And as you say, uh, Justin, we have gotten so much potential inside of us. What happens a lot of times in people's lives is they flat out give up, but you have to realize you got a partner, you know, and you can't give up on your partner and he's always going to continue to push.

[00:12:45] Don: He's going to try to get the best out of you. There are times, you know, in the game you might be behind on points or whatever, but he's going to encourage you because he wants to, you know, like I say, the last chapter in the book, he wins, he wins, he wants to win. And [00:13:00] he's using us as instruments to show his greatness.

[00:13:03] Don: The Bible talks about his glory. And that's where I know he tells us in the Bible that we need to cast our cares on him. He says, uh, put, put your burdens upon me. You know, my yoke is, , light. He 

[00:13:15] Justin: wants to take our burdens on That's right. 

[00:13:18] Don: You know, he wants to be able to do that. And a lot of times we don't do it.

[00:13:21] Don: We try to carry it all by ourselves. And I know as we were talking a little bit earlier, sometimes we, we don't have to carry it all. He takes care of all the burdens in our life. If we realize all that, and that's where people in life that are successful in life, in their happiness, their joy, the every part of life usually have gotten themselves a good partner.

[00:13:42] Don: And I know when I see people, they treat me kindly, they got a smile on their face and they just want to let me know They just want to love all over you, you know, and you just want to hug them. You say to yourself, this person has something. They're not by themselves, you know, and, and even like adverse situations, say somebody was yelling or [00:14:00] screaming at you.

[00:14:01] Don: You know, when you have a partner, you realize they're not only yelling at you. You, your partner is right there too, you know, so hey, you sit and you rely upon his strength. You can put a smile on your face. You can handle this. People have a hard time with this because they expect you to get angry and stuff.

[00:14:18] Don: And anger itself is hard on a person. I know I read some stuff on that. Anger ages you. It's hard on your organs. And I heard one guy talk about it puts wrinkles in your face too, because you get, you have a certain way of look on you. And that's where, With Jesus, what happens is you get a smile on your face because your partner's with you.

[00:14:39] Don: You know, I can feel comfortable doing whatever I do because my partner is with me. 

[00:14:43] both: Right. You know, 

[00:14:44] Don: he's wanting the best out of me and I know there's going to be tough situations I go through, but I don't have to worry about these because my partner's with me. 

[00:14:52] Justin: Right. 

[00:14:52] Don: You know, the one that's going to be along with me.

[00:14:55] Don: I have a resource in my 

[00:14:57] Justin: life. Yeah, the one that never leaves you. 

[00:14:59] Don: Yeah, and [00:15:00] that's where Jesus before he left this world. He says go and wait for the comforter wait for the promise You know, and this is the promise that Jesus made he gave it to his disciples But he said this is for you and for all of those of as many as shall come to me 

[00:15:14] both:

[00:15:14] Don: am going to be there This is the promise.

[00:15:17] Don: This is what they waited for back then. These guys were not treated well, but they could handle it because they had a good partner. 

[00:15:23] both: Yeah. 

[00:15:24] Don: And it's the same thing in our life. You know, Jesus wants to be our comforter. He, He is the promise that has been promised since he's been on this earth. For us, but if we open up our lives to him, we receive that promise and he changes everything, our whole perspective of life, you know, and that's where, uh, I'm just going to share this.

[00:15:43] Don: I know I was talking, talking about, I'm doing another plug here. Cause I'm doing a series on that. I know. Discovering destiny. 

[00:15:52] Justin: Yep, 

[00:15:52] Don: and I shared this with a young gentleman. He says oh another life ending Series, I said no. No, no. No, this is the beginning [00:16:00] of life. See that's where we don't have life Spiritually speaking until we tap into this tap into what Jesus laid out for us life doesn't begin until there We're just dead up until that.

[00:16:12] Don: Yeah, that's we don't know orange Born again. Yes, we're born again. We see we were born physically naturally, you know Naturally gets us into trouble naturally causes all kinds of issues But there is a spiritual birth that takes place that there is the hope Christ in us That's the hope of all life. That is the beginning of life.

[00:16:33] Don: You know, that's where a lot of times we have a birthday, mine goes back a ways, but we have a birthday. But you know, we actually have a second one. It's the moment we allow Him to be birthed in our life. The moment we receive that promise and from that day forth, you know, the Bible says nothing will separate us from the love that God would have for us.

[00:16:53] Don: And He is with us in all situations. So it doesn't matter how poorly we're treated, how much money we [00:17:00] make, what people say about us, you know, whatever the conditions of this world are in, it doesn't really matter as long as we have a partner that we're walking with in life. 

[00:17:10] Justin: Yeah, that's so good. I mean, everything that you said about partnership, I mean, you really broke down partnership so well.

[00:17:17] Justin: Right there and and yeah, that's so true. I mean like you're saying , when there's conflict there It's not just one of you. It's the two of you when there's Anger and separation and all these different kind of issues that can arise It no longer just affects you. It's the both of you and I think the moment once you allow god into your life You know Your mindset changes, , your thinking changes, like we're talking about perspectives, your thinking changes, and I think the last episode we talked about hearing God in our thoughts and hearing God, not just in our thoughts, it was more so about hearing God through speaking through people, speaking through certain things that you're watching, [00:18:00] or maybe there's a Billboard or something like that that you're seeing.

[00:18:04] Justin: I mean, there's so many ways that God can speak to you That's right Not just some audible voice And I think once you understand that your whole perspective changes a little bit because then you can understand That you weren't just in this alone when God said this through My mom when he said it through my friend when he said it through my grandma when he said it through The neighbor when he said it through This police officer that I had an encounter with when he said it through the mailman, you know what I mean?

[00:18:35] Justin: Oh, yeah When he was speaking what when the normal you would just think of these events as oh This is just people speaking to me But when you can understand it's deeper than that and when God is actually working in your life And God's always been with you As a partner even though you weren't willing to partner with him He was using these people to speak messages to you to get you through certain moments [00:19:00] in your life To bring positive words of encouragement to you, to give you the, the stamina that you needed, or that, that uplifting message that you needed to get you through a time of grief, through a time of, you know, loss, whatever it was, that God was using those people to speak to you.

[00:19:18] Justin: That's right. And that , you were all, you , you were always hearing God, you just didn't know what His voice sounded like. Right? That's right. That's right. And, . And I just want to say it goes a little bit deeper than that, because once you start to realize that you can start to understand how a real partnership works, you know, a lot of times we get with people.

[00:19:37] Justin: Uh, you know, in relationships, boyfriend, girlfriend, even husband, wives, you know, we're getting, getting into relationships with people and realizing that, , or just going through, you know, traumatizing situations or just going through bad breakups, whatever the case is, finding out that it doesn't work, it often ruins the way that we.

[00:19:57] Justin: perceive relationship [00:20:00] and it's hard to think the longer that goes on and the And uh, it has a prolonged effect because the more that we go through these relationships the more abuse that we tolerate The more that it doesn't work our hopes We lose hope we lose faith. So it's hard to get to that point.

[00:20:16] Justin: Yeah, so it takes effort It takes a real effort to want to no longer put your trust in just yourself And to put it out there into God to realize that Okay, God, you've worked these things out through my life. You've gotten me to where I am right now. It wasn't just me that did this alone. You did this for me.

[00:20:36] Justin: And now I'm trusting on you to do it going forward. I'm trusting on you to move us to where, where we are. We need to where I need to be where we need to be. Yeah, and then eventually it becomes You know god i'm wanting you to do your will in my life And that's you know, I think there's some uh stepping stones before you get to that point Yeah, but it's part of the process it is and I think it's just following that process realizing that what didn't [00:21:00] work before was you just focusing on and only relying on yourself?

[00:21:04] Justin: And now you have a partner 

[00:21:06] Don: That's right. A 

[00:21:07] Justin: lifetime partner. 

[00:21:08] Don: Yes, that's right, Justin. And, uh, it is a partner that kind of reminds me of a song that we used to sing. What a friend we have in Jesus. Yeah. You know, all our pain and sorrows to bear or whatever. But, you know, how, how Jesus is a friend. But I know, , a while back I, I spoke on this, but , the message was called Becoming Unstoppable.

[00:21:27] both: Yep. 

[00:21:28] Don: And, and it was about the fact that once we connect. To him and he has a purpose for us and we understand the purpose that he has for us You know, he's closer than a brother He's going to show us and guide us and lead us and all this sort of thing But once we step into that we become unstoppable and we talked about the fact that not only is it jesus christ We got angels in heaven The bible talks about the angels that surround themselves those that respect god and seek after him It's like they're angels You know, they call them guardian angels, [00:22:00] you know, but angels that will help us in the areas of our life.

[00:22:03] Don: So not only do we allow Jesus to be a part of our life, but we allow the, his angels to be a part of everything that we do. And I know myself, you know, I need to be reminded as you're saying that we're not alone. We're not alone, Justin. We, uh, when we invite Jesus to be a part and we team up with Him, not only is Him, it's the angels, too.

[00:22:24] Don: And the purpose, the purpose behind each and every one of us, the excitement. I know the Bible talks a little bit about the angels getting excited about one person coming to God. 

[00:22:35] both: And 

[00:22:35] Don: I'm looking at this all the time and saying, when one person gets it, when one person realizes This isn't a journey to be taken by yourself.

[00:22:43] Don: This is a journey to be taken together with Him. And once we get that and we open up our hearts and He starts to show us things, we become unstoppable. Yeah, our lives 

[00:22:52] Justin: are transformed. 

[00:22:53] Don: Yeah, there is nothing in this world that can stop us from the purpose that God would have for us. for us. So we look at [00:23:00] things in a different perspective.

[00:23:01] Don: We see hardships. We see this and that, you know, and we question this, but we realize that, you know, in this unstoppable journey that I am in, God is using this for some reason in some fashion. So I'm not going to get distressed. I'm not going to get tired. I'm not going to get myself all kinds of stressed in different areas.

[00:23:22] Don: I am going to reach out and realize that, Hey, you know, if God before me, who can be against me, who's going to, who's going to stop me. Amen, 

[00:23:30] Justin: brother. 

[00:23:32] Don: Yeah 

[00:23:33] Justin: So, well, that's true. That's so true. Who is gonna stop you? Nothing is gonna stop you. No Unstoppable and I think that once you become unstoppable that is a that is a pivotal moment I think in your life where things don't they no longer affect you like they used to 

[00:23:51] Don: no 

[00:23:52] Justin: and I think that bad things happen. They do. They do. And trials happen and things get chaotic. Yeah. Yeah. But when [00:24:00] things get chaotic and you only have yourself to rely on, things are bad.

[00:24:05] Justin: You're in a bad way. Things are, things get really bad. They do. And, uh, that's what leads people down bad paths. Yeah. And you know, , but when things, when bad things happen and you have a lifetime partner with you, they're not as bad as they once were. 

[00:24:23] Don: No. 

[00:24:24] Justin: Because you know who's in it with you.

[00:24:26] Justin: Yeah. You know who's gonna get you through it. Yeah. You know, to be honest, um, I probably had the highest point, the highest level of my faith, Right before my mom passed away, 

[00:24:38] Don: you know, 

[00:24:39] Justin: and uh, that was where I was probably more energized than I ever was My faith was very strong 

[00:24:45] both: And then 

[00:24:46] Justin: my mom died and my mom passed away from cancer And I was right and very sad And still is but I was tested.

[00:24:55] Justin: I was tested a lot during that period because [00:25:00] Again, like I'm saying, just because I'm a believer, just because I have this, you know, peace in my life, just because I have a lot of faith in my life, doesn't mean that bad things don't happen in my life. 

[00:25:10] both: But 

[00:25:10] Justin: when they do, I have faith to get through it.

[00:25:14] Justin: I have faith to know that I have a partner that's going to work it out in the end. And not only that, I, because I have my faith, , I know where my mom is. 

[00:25:24] both:

[00:25:24] Justin: know that, she's in heaven. I know I I there's these things that i'm certain of it's no longer just things that I wonder about and things that I'm unsure about.

[00:25:33] Justin: It's things that I'm certain of. And when you're certain of something, you have a confidence in it. And when you have a confidence in it, it's hard. Nobody could take that from you. When there's confident, when you see confident people, nobody could take that from them. They're, like you said, they're, that's traits of somebody who might be unstoppable.

[00:25:49] Justin: But it's getting to a point where, now that I've been through these, you know, Some of these testings and stuff like that. In the end, it does reinforce and it strengthens your [00:26:00]bond. It strengthens your faith. That's right. Because you realize you always get through it and you don't just get through it alone anymore.

[00:26:06] Justin: You get through it with his help. Yeah, that's 

[00:26:08] Don: true. And it does create something there, Justin, and that's called, uh, No fear. , we live in a world right now, a lot of fear. Lot of fear with uncertainties all that sort and I know everything is fear every time you turn on the news You know, you're constantly pushing more fear more fear on you But the beauty with having Jesus Christ is a part of your life There is no fear.

[00:26:33] Don: I have no fear at all as far as the circumstances here because I trust in him I trust in his word and I know I I tell people it's one thing about the bible It doesn't lie, you know, it's one thing about god. He cannot lie and we've talked about this before where Jesus 

[00:26:51] Justin: Yeah, 

[00:26:53] Don: jesus talked about the fact that the devil is a father of lies So that's where when myself if I hear a [00:27:00] lie You I know where it's coming from but truth I can trust in and when he says he's going to be there for me He's going to carry my burdens.

[00:27:08] Don: It doesn't matter what the circumstances are You know and even like pain and suffering or whatever it might be nothing lasts forever, you know, god is there He takes us but he gives us a hope and that's where a lot of times what happens people get themselves in fear And I know we've talked about people being too crippled Uh, by fear that they can't achieve anything too crippled to achieve anything because of fear and a lot of times They're walking their lives all by themselves And we're not meant to do that.

[00:27:38] Don: God has created us to be a partner with him And that's the way it was in the beginning He was meant to be with adam and eve as a partner but sin separated all that and all this stuff has come in But it is going to be in our life until jesus christ becomes a part of our life 

[00:27:55] Justin: Yeah, and I would just close by saying, do you want to keep [00:28:00] continuing the way your life is?

[00:28:01] Justin: Do you want to keep continuing going at it alone? Do you want to keep continuing going through the same cycles of what happens and what gets triggered when it doesn't work? Or do you want to have a partner in it? Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Well, I think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one, Justin.

[00:28:23] Justin: I think so, too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today, and we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, stay blessed by the best. See you [00:29:00] guys.

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