The Wise & The Wandering

Hearing God in Your Thoughts - Episode 16

Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz Episode 16

You need to start hearing what God is saying to you in your life. 

One way that you can hear His voice is in your own thoughts. 

In order to hear what He is saying, you have to understand how and when He is speaking to you.

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Episode 16 - Hearing God in Your Thoughts

[00:00:00] Justin: Hi everyone, this is Justin Olbrantz and this is Don Schaefer, and you are listening to the Wise and the Wandering podcast for those who know the way and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So let's dive in.

[00:00:31] Justin: So Don, what are we going to talk about today? 

[00:00:34] Don: I think we're going to talk about hearing God in your thoughts, Justin. Hearing God in your thoughts. Yeah, we're going to be talking a little bit about the fact that, , God is wanting to speak with us and, , you know, it's just like a parent, you know, raising a child, you want to be able to communicate with that child and you spend the whole year, two years trying to get your language through to them so that they can say, Mama, you know, [00:01:00] Or dad or whatever it is, and you get so excited, you know, and that's where I think a lot of times in our relationship with God He's wanting us to get into a position where , we can hear God and a lot of it is in our thoughts You know, we don't hear the audible voice, but sometimes we do Yeah 

[00:01:17] Justin: I think some people when they when they think about that hearing from god That that's what they think about that.

[00:01:22] Justin: It is some audible voice that you hear yeah, and maybe for like you said some people it is but people are expecting like You That Morgan Freeman type voice, you know what I mean? Like, you know, William, you know, walk this way, you know, and it's not, it's not necessarily like that. You know, I like to say that what's going on in our mind is not just our thoughts.

[00:01:43] Justin: There's spiritual things going on. There's, there's different things happening and what we all just perceive as our mind. That's right. But, um,, we talked about this before and that's the fact of hearing God. Yeah. And, I think that's something that maybe somebody that just came to the Lord or somebody [00:02:00] who just came to understanding Jesus in their life.

[00:02:03] Justin: They don't, they might not necessarily know how to do that. Yeah. So this episode, I'd like to kind of break =down how you hear God. And there's different ways that that happens. There's different ways that it happens in your own thoughts. There's different ways that you can hear God and know that God is moving through people.

[00:02:20] Justin: And you're hearing, maybe words, you're hearing things through people. Or through videos on your phone or whatever. And God's speaking to you. So it's a matter of, He is speaking to you, but it's a matter of now you're listening, now you're hearing, and giving you the ears to hear, right? That's right. So I guess, first thing first, Hearing God.

[00:02:44] Justin: I guess, how does one go about hearing God in their thoughts? 

[00:02:49] Don: Okay. Well, I know for myself, Justin, I think it's a learning process. You know, I think it's something when you first come to God, you want to know everything, but you really don't, you know, so you're, you get [00:03:00] into the word of God or you listen to people talk and stuff like that.

[00:03:03] Don: And I think through the years, what happens is you get tuned in, you know, and all of a sudden you start to hear things and you start to realize where it's coming from. And a lot of sometimes, you know, the Bible talks about having ears to hear and eyes to see. You know, I think this is developed, you know, as we, uh, develop our walk with God.

[00:03:22] Don: And eventually you start to hear God in different ways. \ , you see it in different people. , it could be anybody. I know myself, I'm to the point right now, I talk to anybody or everybody. Doesn't matter what they look like or whatever, because you never know. What they might have to say, and they stir up ideas.

[00:03:38] Don: They stir up thoughts. And I'm saying, you know what, this is rich. It really is. And so you start to realize that there's a lot of things that speak to you. I know myself, I've got a library of books and it isn't like I've read every one of those books, but they all have titles. So I sit there sometimes and I just look at my library and I look at the titles and the titles [00:04:00] start speaking at me, you know?

[00:04:01] Don: So I think God has a lot of avenues where He's saying, you know, Justin Don, this is what I want. 'cause I do believe, as we were saying, that, you know, God wants to speak to us more than maybe we want to hear. And, but once we ha realize that, you know, God is real , and, and we believe in him, we believe in the fact that he's trying to direct our lives.

[00:04:21] Don: It tunes us in God, tunes our ears in, and all of a sudden we start to see things and understand things. And all of a sudden there's a voice speaking. I know myself sometimes, you know some, every once in a while I get the opportunity to teach a class. Or do something of that nature and uh, you know, I hear about it maybe two months in advance or something You know, so i'm sitting there in in those two months and i'm thinking of different things stuff is coming to me But then there's a lot a lot of times I don't even prepare until the night before Because it seems like every time I need something, it's there, you know, you're tuned in, you're, you're hearing, it's a [00:05:00] voice that's inside of you that is laying things out, directing you, and you see things in a different light.

[00:05:06] Don: So that's the way a lot of times I hear. Yeah. And 

[00:05:09] Justin: that's a good point because I think that. That just explains one thing, a belief that I have is that everybody hears God differently. I believe that. Because I believe that you are created, you're designed exactly the way that you're supposed to be.

[00:05:28] Justin: And the way that you are, everything that you are , is perfect because it's exactly the way that you need to be. So God's going to speak to you exactly the way that you need to be spoken to. Right. You're going to understand him in only a way. That you can in a way because you are created perfectly in his image Yes, so some people are going to hear things differently and some people are going to be told things differently But I think what it comes to is that once you start walking Closer [00:06:00] to him He starts to speak to you more because you're listening because when your attention is towards god when your ears are turn towards God and you're actively listening, you'll start to hear kind of what he's saying to you.

[00:06:12] Justin: And in my experience, it's come as like a thought in my head, but it's a very overpowering thought. When I feel like God is telling me to do something for somebody else, is telling me to do something specifically, is telling me to watch something specifically or say something to somebody.

[00:06:30] Justin: It's coming as, it's almost like a, a thought of authority in my brain. It's like it has authority and, and then sometimes I'll go away from it, right? And I'll go away from it and get caught up in my other thoughts. And then it comes back and it's almost like a, Hey, Hey, it's like a, like a nudging kind of like, okay, I, you know, I was trying to tell you this.

[00:06:51] Justin: And that's been one of my experiences in terms of hearing God and my own thoughts, you know, there's chaos in our thoughts. There's so much going on in the [00:07:00] mind, right? There's so much going on. And I think that once you've, I guess, turned yourself towards Jesus, or you've turned yourself towards having a relationship to God, you can start to silent all of those thoughts, all of that chaos, you can start to silent all of that chaos and really specifically see what God is trying to speak into your life.

[00:07:23] Don: Yeah, and then you start to realize that he is trying to say something. And like you're saying, Justin, once he realizes that, That he has a listener, you know, he's got he's got someone that wants to listen There's a lot of times in this world. Nobody wants to listen and God has got a lot to say I know I'm gonna put another plug here for discovering destiny, which is a program.

[00:07:43] Don: I'm working on I'm gonna be telling a story in there and the story goes like this. I ran across this gentleman. His name was Larry And he was in the Vietnam War. But he said as a young boy, he was out in the woods all the time, down in South Carolina. He said it was [00:08:00] hot and humid and muggy. But they would play war, they'd play out in the woods all day long.

[00:08:04] Don: And they would come back home again. And stuff, you know, and that's what they did. When he got into boot camp and stuff, he was really geared up. You know, he was a small guy. But he could handle the heat. And when he got to Vietnam, he said he used to carry some of the equipment and stuff for the other guys.

[00:08:20] Don: He said you have big muscular guys, but they couldn't stand the heat. He says he loved the heat, but he had a element that was developed in his life that really touched me when I heard it. He said, I could understand nature. I could understand the birds. He says, I could understand the call of the wild. He said, and he said in Vietnam, he says, I'd be walking in the jungle and I could tell by the birds where the Vietcong were.

[00:08:45] Don: He says, I could tell that there was Vietcong in different areas and stuff. And he would tell the guys and they would come to him. He'd say, you don't want to go here. We want to stop right here because there's something up ahead. You know, and he said he saved lives because he could hear [00:09:00] that call. And that's where I, you know, he developed that.

[00:09:03] Don: And I think that's with us is the same way as you were saying Justin many different avenues But we develop a year so we have a ear for the things of God So when God is really trying to say something we can sense that we can hear that, you know And once we start acting by faith, God knows he's got a listener He's got someone that's going to listen to him and follow him and as you develop that I think your hearing gets better Better.

[00:09:28] Don: I know in our day and age, usually as a person gets older, the hearing gets worse. But I think with God, I think as you get older and the things of God, I think it's a better hearing process. So you start to realize and you develop a faith in what's being said to you. And once some of this comes across, you know what's gonna stop you.

[00:09:46] Don: You can see where the enemy is. Because he's got signs out there. It might not be birds, but there's signs out there. It tells you this is not good You know and a lot of times without being able to hear people walk right into things and their [00:10:00] lives are being destroyed in a lot of areas and that's where I think each and every one are a Valuable tool of God if we can allow him to develop our ears and because he wants to direct us You know, he wants to set us on the path that he lays before us.

[00:10:13] Don: Yeah 

[00:10:13] Justin: That's a really good story. I mean, that's a really good fitting analogy for what we've been talking about. It also comes to recognizing that all good things that happen in your life come from God. You know, it wasn't the good works that you did, and you know, the Bible says because he's good, right?

[00:10:33] Justin: Because he's good. So all the good things that happen to you in your life are from God. He's doing the good in your life. Now, the bad things that happen to you in your life, they're not from God. That's, we live in a fallen world, right? So that, that's not from God. I think a lot of people Um, sometimes they misconstrue that and, but it's important to understand though, , the good things that happen in your [00:11:00] life are from God.

[00:11:01] Justin: So you can start to see the way God is working in your life. You can start to see the way or the, uh, maybe the path. That God has for you. You can start to see the way that God's been speaking to you when you start to look at the good things that happen in your life. That's right. Because a lot of times we attribute all those things to ourself.

[00:11:20] Justin: Oh, I did this. Oh, I got that. I did this. You know, I'm skilled at this. And it's like at the end of the day, you were given those gifts and those talents from God. That's right. You were put in that position from God. You got that promotion. Most likely from God, and these blessings that are in your life are from God.

[00:11:39] Justin: And I think when you start to kind of reverse engineer that in a way, you can start to see where these things come from, and you can start to,, you can start to narrow down the path God has been kind of asking you to follow, um, because now you're actively listening.

[00:11:55] Justin: Like you're saying, the more you listen, the more favor you have, the [00:12:00]more faith you have, the more favor you get, and it starts to become this, this relationship. 

[00:12:05] Don: Yeah. 

[00:12:05] Justin: And, I guess what you, What you get out of it is also what you put into it, right? Just like any relationship. But it's it's understanding that we're brought up in this world where we just think that everything that's happening in our thoughts That's just it.

[00:12:20] Justin: It's just our thoughts our emotions. Our thoughts are just taking us everywhere Our thoughts are moving us in all these different places and pulling us into things and pulling us out of things but there's Also a spiritual side of that and there's an enemy who's speaking to us in our thoughts and planting things in our Planting things in our thoughts just like we talked about last week.

[00:12:44] Justin: There's seeds that are being planted in negative ways There's people that are being used, just like God is using people to speak to you, the enemy is using people to speak to you. Yeah, that is so true. And it's happening that way. It's happening both ways in this [00:13:00] um, in the spiritual chaos that's in that mind.

[00:13:02] Justin: So , it's understanding what is good and understanding what's coming from God in those thoughts and what's not. 

[00:13:08] Don: Yeah, that's true, Justin, because a lot of times you're right. We got all kinds of stuff speaking to us, you know, at the same time. And a lot of times you have to sort all through that and it's difficult But I I love the example that was given to us And that was the example in jesus when he was born into this world I mean he was i'm sure He had to be potty trained and i'm sure you know, he had diapers and i'm sure he had all the same Just like we would have he grew up he grew up with parents and there isn't a whole lot Said about him until he was 12 years old And that's where he was in the temple talking about the things of god and everybody was amazed at what he was saying And he says I must be about my father's business his father's business and then in that day and age 30 was the age of acceptance of authorities where you could You couldn't be a teacher, [00:14:00] professor, or any of this until you reached a certain age, and 30, he did all that, which, which is real.

[00:14:06] Don: Also, he 

[00:14:06] Justin: waited purposely because of the customs 

[00:14:08] Don: to start his ministry. That is right. That was the customs of the time. So he waited until he was 30 years old. He spent three years then with his disciples, you know, raising them up. But it's interesting in the example he showed, because you would think, you know, at 12 years of age, He must have been tuned in.

[00:14:27] Don: In 12 years of age, he must have learned how to hear his father's voice. He spent the time. 

[00:14:33] Justin: his father's business at the age of 12. That's right. He definitely knew his voice. 

[00:14:37] Don: He knew his voice and, uh, he spent time and then even if you get into the Gospels, it talks about Jesus spending the whole day and then going up to the mountain to pray, you know, to spend time with his father.

[00:14:49] Don: He knew exactly exactly. You know, he, because like you're saying, a lot of voices out there, a lot of voices. Which ones are, is the one that God is using for you? Well, you got to spend [00:15:00] time. You got to spend time with him. And Jesus did all that. Every, , even his last night, you know, he's sitting there praying, you know, in the garden.

[00:15:07] Don: Garden of Gethsemane and stuff. I mean, Lord, let this cup pass for me. There was a conversation. There was , , directions and everything being laid out for him. But Jesus understood all that and he came to be a perfect example for us. You know, as far as living our life, we have to get tuned in and I know myself I like to, uh, you know, I like to read the Bible every day, 

[00:15:32] both: you 

[00:15:32] Don: know, and I, I get into the word and it seems like every time you go through it, it says something different.

[00:15:37] Don: It 

[00:15:37] Justin: does. Sometimes you feel like you're reading a whole different, uh, a whole different book, reading through the same. How did I miss it? Right the same verse and chapters. Yeah, sometimes it even seems like something completely different. 

[00:15:50] Don: Yeah, somebody's playing with my book 

[00:15:51] Justin: Yeah, 

[00:15:53] Don: it is true, you know and and you see it's just like um, I know i've shared this story I think on a podcast a while back, but , [00:16:00] this lady that worked in india.

[00:16:01] Don: She's from uh, , England at the time, and she was taking the lepers at that time. She was a nurse. She was taking the lepers and bringing them to, uh, get treated for leprosy and stuff until Gandhi took over and then the English had to get out of there. So she left, but she, she was like in her eight, late eighties.

[00:16:20] Don: And I was over there and she held up her Bible. She says, Don, she says, I've been reading this, this book here for like, you know, 70 some years. And I get something new out of it every time I go through it. It's almost like God has got something more to say every time we tap into his word. 

[00:16:39] Justin: Yeah, he does. And I think that's another way of hearing God in your thoughts is reading the Bible.

[00:16:46] Justin: Oh, yeah. Because, uh, that's,, that's the logos, right? That's the word. That's right. And that's where God is speaking to his people. . Whether you're reading the Old Testament or the New Testament, it is a testament of God speaking to [00:17:00] his people. Yeah. And saving his people. Yeah. And once you can understand the way God speaks to and saves his people, you can start to see the way that God is doing the same thing in your life.

[00:17:13] Don: That's right. 

[00:17:13] Justin: There's maybe those near death experiences that you had. There's those moments where you're like, Wow, I, I shouldn't be here after this, or, you know, I, I almost lost my life that night. And, and you start to piece those things together, and when you start to see that was God working in my life all this time, you can start to see that He was speaking to you at that point, and you didn't listen.

[00:17:37] Justin: And He's, and to this day, He's still speaking to you. And that he's still speaking to you. And what does that tell you? We have a very forgiving God. No, because he's always going to reach out. He's always going to be speaking to you. It's a matter of if you're willing to listen, you're wanting to listen. If you're willing to believe, if you're willing to put that effort out there, if you're willing to worship, there's just those things that [00:18:00] are those action items that are you willing to do that to hear his voice?

[00:18:04] Justin: Because if you're willing to be faithful, he's going to be faithful to you. That's right. He's He's, you know, he's going to respond faithfully. He has no choice really, but to respond faithfully because , you're being faithful. So that's the way the relationship works. And if you're doing that and you're doing like you were saying, I mean, when Jesus, Jesus is saying, let your will be done.

[00:18:28] Justin: I mean, , that's a hard thing to grasp because everybody wants, what's possible in their life. They want what they want to happen in their lives to happen, right? So it's one of those things where once you kind of put that aside and start to focus on what you think God is speaking to you, you can really start to see , the way that he's trying to direct your life.

[00:18:49] Justin: Yeah. Right. 

[00:18:51] Don: That's so true, Justin. And I know, you know, there's ways of hearing God in your thoughts. And a way that I use is I love to [00:19:00] read what God was speaking to other people. Because I think, you know, like a lot of old books, you know, I'll just throw out there, uh, Utmost for his highest. by Oswald Chambers.

[00:19:11] Don: You know, this here is laid out with , one like a little devotional for every day. You know, he gives you a scripture and he gives you some thoughts and this stuff. You know, so what I'm doing is I'm going through this thing and I've done this I got the book in 1989, so the book, the cover's starting to come off of it, but I go through this and I say to myself, what were, what was Oswald Chambers hearing?

[00:19:36] both: Yeah. I mean, 

[00:19:36] Don: this is a guy that was in, uh, Africa. 

[00:19:39] both: Okay. And, 

[00:19:39] Don: and he was ministering during the second World War. He ended up giving his life for what he was doing. 

[00:19:44] both: Yeah. And, uh, his 

[00:19:45] Don: name sounds familiar. Oh, he, uh, he's, he's a lot of stuff boy. And so he ministers to soldiers. Every night they would come in and his wife took.

[00:19:53] Don: The notes of everything he was saying, and when he passed away, she went and put the whole book together and put it out [00:20:00] there. So his message, and what he was hearing, is something that, you know, I'm looking at it, and like you're saying, the Bible changes every time you read it. Every time I go through this.

[00:20:09] Don: You know, once a year I go through, you know, , April 6th message, or May 6th message, and I hear the message, and I read it. Next May 6th, I read the same thing again. But, you know, in a year's time, you don't recollect everything you've read, but it's constantly speaking at you. So you're hearing what they heard, you know.

[00:20:29] Don: So not only are you trying to develop your ears, you're trying to hear what God has already spoken through other people. 

[00:20:36] Justin: Yeah, that's good. That's really good. , , that kind of goes back to what I was saying about God speaking through people , whether you're hearing it from other people, whether you're hearing it from the person themselves that's speaking to you, he's going to use people to get to you.

[00:20:54] Don: Yeah. 

[00:20:54] Justin: To get the message to you in exactly the perfect way that only he can do to get it to [00:21:00] you. That's right. And that's why you're made perfectly because he's going to speak to you exactly the way. That you need to be spoken to essentially. Yeah, there's nothing wrong about you No, there's nothing wrong at all And I think that when it comes down to hearing god in our thoughts a lot of that happens from prayer 

[00:21:17] Don: Yeah, 

[00:21:17] Justin: because when you start praying and you start connecting to the spiritual realm, right?

[00:21:23] Justin: Which is god's in the spiritual realm when you start connecting and you're making a connection there There's certain things that come to your mind. There's certain thoughts that come there You That can't be penetrated by any outside forces. Yeah, there's a direct communication line there And those things are very important to pay attention to and I don't mean prayer.

[00:21:46] Justin: I know we talked about this before But I don't mean prayer about just saying like a rehearsed prayer or something like that. It's really Taking the time to talk to God About your problems about your feelings about your emotions almost [00:22:00] giving it to him, right? And then what is his response? Okay, well listen because then he's gonna speak to you and when you listen And you hear what he's saying you'll start to understand the way that he speaks to you because That's where he's speaking to you in prayer when you're requesting it when you're coming into agreement and you're giving them permission Yeah, there is like a lawful transaction that's happening there 

[00:22:22] Don: Yes, 

[00:22:22] Justin: I think just like you have to give the the evil the wicked stuff You have to give that permission to come into your life and you do and in you know, indirect and inadvertent ways.

[00:22:32] Justin: It's the same way with God. You, when you, when you grant that permission and you say, yes, Lord, I'm looking for you to speak to me on my finances. What can I do about such and such bills and, and just giving it to him. Yeah, you'll start to see the way that he speaks to you and you can hear that and and listen a little bit more clearly 

[00:22:50] Don: Yeah, that's right And that's where you're open to whatever source might be and I and I know myself I don't read everything that's christian You know, [00:23:00] I I read I read secular books, you know I I watch different things and god uses all these avenues Just to throw a message at me.

[00:23:08] Don: Because I'll read a secular thing about whatever, and it'll speak to me. All of a sudden, you know, I'm sitting there, man, this is good stuff. You know, and a lot of times Oh, you 

[00:23:17] Justin: said that, now we're going to shut down the podcast. Uh oh. 

[00:23:22] Don: No, but it really is, because a lot of things, you know, Determination, uh, commitment, all these things.

[00:23:28] Don: You've got books on the secular side that tell, talk about this stuff, but you bring it into yourself. You realize that God has created us, you know, and he's created all the elements inside of us to be perfected, to be strong, to be everything we ever want to be in life. It's all right there. The secular shows, you know, the, the elements, but you can bring it right into your spiritual understanding and saying, you know, God, you know, he actually.

[00:23:53] Don: Put a determination. Yeah. 'cause you have 

[00:23:54] Justin: the eyes to see differently now. Yeah. You have the ears to hear differently now. That's right. Yeah. Yes. You're [00:24:00] more in 

[00:24:00] Don: tune, so you're stirred up. You're stirred up. You can get emotional over this stuff. Yeah. You know, sometimes I know my wife Shirley, sometimes I'm reading a book and all of a sudden I start getting emotional and excited and she's saying, what's, what's going on here?

[00:24:12] Don: You know, you're not even reading a Christian. This is speaking to me. You know, God has taken a moment right now and he's saying something, you know, like even doing this podcast right now, you know, the stuff that you're saying and it's going back and forth here. God is speaking through some of this stuff here.

[00:24:27] Don: And I know, uh, this, you know, the Bible says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God, you know, and that's where to have the faith, you have to listen, you have to be able to hear what that does it by. It builds a faith inside you. It's the word of God being passed on. So what is it now?

[00:24:44] Don: You know, that's floating around that is God , you know,, a lot of times we should like to shovel out the trash, but we've got to be careful when we shovel out the trash. There might be something valuable in that wastepaper basket, you know, that we really do need. So we have to really take a look at things.

[00:24:58] Don: And that's where [00:25:00] myself, , I give everybody some room and I, I read God's word. Different things and I'm always looking for a word from God in it. 

[00:25:07] Justin: Yes, because nothing happens by random

[00:25:11] Don: No, 

[00:25:11] Justin: there there really is no such thing as randomness. 

[00:25:14] Don: Yeah, 

[00:25:15] Justin: you know, we have words like coincidence and stuff like that, too but When you trace all this stuff back, there is no such thing as actual randomness.

[00:25:24] Justin: Everything is by design everything That happens to you. Every person you meet in your life is by design. And just knowing that alone is enough proof to know God is speaking to us. Because everything that happens in your life, there's a reason for. I'm not saying that bad things, again, the bad things that happen in your life are not from God.

[00:25:47] Justin: He's good. The good things that happen in your life are from God. 

[00:25:50] both: Again, 

[00:25:51] Justin: we live in this fallen world that we're kind of forced to live in and deal with. And, that we're fortunate enough to have free willin [00:26:00]

[00:26:00] Don: Yeah. 

[00:26:00] Justin: But because of that, there are some things that we have to be able to, , be held to account.

[00:26:07] Justin: , , we have to be willing to accept, That everything happens for a reason. 

[00:26:13] Don: So, 

[00:26:14] Justin: when we look back in our life and you start to know that God was speaking to me here, He was speaking to me here, and I didn't see it. I didn't hear it. That's okay. Because now you do. So now it's moving forward.

[00:26:28] Justin: Moving forward and knowing, okay. God, what are you trying to speak to me? I know you were trying to help me then. I know my car got totaled. I walked out of that accident with barely any scratches on me. I know that bottle was drank. I know the,, all the medication was taken out of that bottle and somehow I didn't die.

[00:26:47] Justin: Got through all the stomach pumps, all that stuff. What were you speaking to me there? Can you speak that to me now? When you open your heart up in that way, when God sees that you understand, like you actually understand, but that you are actively [00:27:00] seeking him. That's when he's going to speak to you and then, and then, then you just listen.

[00:27:04] Don: That's right. Yeah. And that's so true. And I, you know, it's interesting how God uses different events because, um, sometimes the person has to be broken. Like you're saying, car accident or whatever it might be. You're broken. You know, God has to actually do something to you. And uh, it brings some memory because I talked about Oswald Chambers, utmost for his highest.

[00:27:26] Don: Well, there's more to the story. And actually the. These thoughts are just coming to me right now because the story back up a little bit. I was playing basketball and I was playing basketball and I went down and I busted my hip. I went to the hospital, they put three pins in my hip. And this lady friend of ours named Marilyn, she's the one that bought me.

[00:27:49] Don: Utmost for his highest and she gave it to me when I was in the hospital Recovering from a busted hip. So you had no choice but to read that 

[00:27:58] Justin: book 

[00:27:59] Don: You [00:28:00] know, but I I picked it up and I says, you know, this is pretty good, you know So I started reading this here in And I can't tell you myself, because I do teach a lot, I teach a lot of classes, I can't tell you how many messages, parts of it came from what I read inside of that book.

[00:28:16] Don: So you sit there and you look at the pattern that God uses to get things out there, get his thoughts out there, to be able to hear those thoughts. I mean, you know, a lot of times we have to be broken in some way or some fashion, and that's the avenue that God uses. At the time, You're in pain in time, and you don't see none of this stuff here But as time goes on you look back and you say you know what?

[00:28:40] Don: That has been a key to everything in my life You know, he has given me ears to hear and I know where some of the source is coming from You know god has a plan just like for you and I justin God has a plan. We just have to hear Him speak it to us. 

[00:28:56] Justin: And let those who have ears to hear, hear. [00:29:00] That's right. Well, I think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one, Justin. I think so too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today, and we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, stay blessed by the best. See you guys.

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