The Wise & The Wandering

Freedom Brings Focus - Episode 14

Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz Episode 14

This is Part Two of our 3-Part Forgiveness Friday series.

"You can't really help people until you've helped yourself. "

The first step is to forgive without any delay.   Do it for YOU.

The next step is to focus on what is important in your life.   It is knowing that the reason you were never able to properly move forward and heal was because you were carrying too much weight with you. 

Your hard work will never go unnoticed by God.   That weight will be lifted.

In this episode, Don and Justin will talk about the fundamentals of focus and how living a life with a Greater clarity can help move past boundaries and limits that were often created by unforgiveness.

What we focus on will determine what grows in our life.  

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Episode 14 - Forgiveness Brings Focus

[00:00:00] Justin: Hi, everyone. This is Justin Olbrantz. And this is Don Schaefer. And you are listening to the Wise and the Wandering podcast for those who know the way and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So let's dive in.

[00:00:32] Justin: So, Don, what are we going to talk about today? 

[00:00:34] Don: Well, we're going to listen today, 

[00:00:36] Don: Justin, is forgiveness. brings focus. 

[00:00:39] Justin: Forgiveness brings focus. Yes. That sounds pretty good. So basically, to break this down, The way that we got to this title is , I think I talked about this last week, but we're going to do, this is a three part series on forgiveness.

[00:00:54] Justin: So we're going to have the forgiveness that brought the freedom, forgiveness that brings the focus, [00:01:00] and the forgiveness that brings the fruit. That's right. Yeah, that's been a common theme that I've talked about in the podcast about what brings fruit in your life. 

[00:01:09] Don: That's right Are you 

[00:01:10] Justin: bearing good fruit?

[00:01:11] Don: Yeah. 

[00:01:12] Justin: Are you bearing bad fruit? 

[00:01:14] Don: Yeah 

[00:01:14] Justin: So part of bearing good fruit is having forgiveness. That's the first step. 

[00:01:18] Don: Yeah, so 

[00:01:18] Justin: I guess focus that's the topic We're going to talk about focus today focus is something that is Very hard to have in today's culture. It's something that , we went, we went through a, uh, episode about letting go of distractions and that, I don't, 50 minutes was even long enough to talk about the ways that we are distracted in this world.

[00:01:40] Justin: There's so many different things that we're distracted by. Um, you start to see even now having a child, being a parent, the amount of ADHD in cases that are, are diagnosed into people. It just seems like it's going higher and higher and people are just, , you know, there's this neurodivergent and there's [00:02:00] these things that , you know, these labels, I guess, that are all created around not being able to focus on things.

[00:02:06] Justin: That's right. And I guess. How important do you think focus is in someone's life? 

[00:02:12] Don: Well for me, I think it's very important and I know last week we talked about you know, uh forgiveness brings freedom and um, we talked about the being in a position where not only can we ask God for forgiveness, but we can Forgive ourselves, which Justin brought up so nicely and forgive others who have come against us because what we do is we'll get ourselves in a place where God can show up.

[00:02:35] Don: And a lot of times, you know, we're dealing with focus, you know, you need God to show up to be able to show you things. And we're going to be talking about where Jesus talks about being the light of the world. You know how the world's in darkness and such but there was a story justin that I didn't tell last week Okay, so i'd like to tell it if I could go ahead It was about a community that um, this is a long time ago But they had a number of guys [00:03:00] that were in the community that were in jail, you know They're in their prison and there was four guys that were fairly well to do and they wanted to help out You know, and so one of the guys says, you know what?

[00:03:10] Don: He says, I can get mattresses, new mattresses for all these guys in this prison. So he did that. He got all new mattresses. The second guy says their water is terrible. You know, we're going to do a new well. You know, I'm, I got money. I'll, we'll dig a new well and we'll get new water, get water for those, these guys.

[00:03:27] None: The 

[00:03:27] Don: third guy says, you know what? He said, I own a vegetable farm. You know, I got produce so we can give them good food. And that's this and that. The fourth guy says, I am going to produce the keys. That will open the doors to these Men that are in prison and this is what forgiveness does in our life It opens up areas in our life so many times in life.

[00:03:50] Don: We want to get comfortable There's a lot of people that will help us be comfortable, you know, they will bring the mattresses in You know, they'll bring the water and they'll bring the food You know, but [00:04:00] there is very few avenues of being free, and that's where I know we talked last week about how a relationship with God and Jesus Christ brings a freedom.

[00:04:09] Don: Where it says, he who the Son sets free is free indeed. And with that freedom comes a lot of things. You know, as far as how we live life, but it, one of the things in which we're talking about this week is the fact that it brings focus. It helps you to see things for what they really are, rather than. A make believe world that we're living in and that's where so many people are not free in today's Day and age because they really can't see 

[00:04:33] Justin: yeah yeah, and they don't have the eyes to see and I think that When you talk about the world that we live in that's all full of lies and And that it's fake in some ways it really is and I think when you start to See the truth in things when you're when you're showing the truth Yeah.

[00:04:49] Justin: And you know, and the person that called himself the truth, the way in the life, you can start to see, differently. You can start to see through different eyes. That's right. You can start to [00:05:00] see spiritual things that you didn't see before. It's a 

[00:05:03] Don: whole new world. 

[00:05:04] Justin: Right. And it is. And I think that. Yeah.

[00:05:06] Justin: The truth has to be shown to you first, and I think it says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. 

[00:05:14] Don: That's right. 

[00:05:14] Justin: Right. So when you become free, that's what happens from forgiveness. And , when you aren't free, when when you're in a state of unforgiveness, like we talked about last week, you're not focused.

[00:05:27] Justin: A lot of the times your mindset is negative. A lot of the times , you're not bearing. Any there's no good fruits coming. There's bad fruits in your life. There's nothing but rotten bad fruit coming off of that tree And sometimes it's withering away the entire tree is withering away. No, no, I think In a place where you have to get focus, once you have freedom, , you can start to focus on what is important in your life.

[00:05:57] None: Yeah. 

[00:05:57] Justin: What's not important and what's [00:06:00] important. You can start to separate things because you have that freedom. You have that ability to maybe start to think beyond what you previously thought before. That's true. Because that forgiveness, it all goes back to forgiveness. Forgiveness is something that's so hard.

[00:06:17] Justin: Because in order to forgive you have to truly sometimes sacrifice you have to make some kind of sacrifices Yeah, 

[00:06:25] Don: that's true because 

[00:06:25] Justin: no matter like you said last week no matter what Somebody does to you. You're not going to let it affect you. You're not going to let it. 

[00:06:33] None: No 

[00:06:33] Justin: You're not going to let it harm you.

[00:06:35] Justin: You're not going to let it throw off your plans Yeah, and when you're focused, you know the people that have the most money in the world Some of the people that have created some of the most successful companies In the world, the technologies that we use today, the common theme with all of those people is they were focused.

[00:06:54] Justin: Yes, there's a talent. Yes, there's a gift that they had, but it's not just [00:07:00] that, that helped them get to where they were and to the level of success that they have. It's that focus. And when you're harboring all this art. unforgiveness in your life towards people, towards yourself, towards God, towards religion, you cannot focus.

[00:07:15] Justin: There's too many distractions there. So, so we get to a base level of, I am free. I no longer have to let this against me. I no longer have to let this affect me. I'm going to move into freedom. And freedom isn't just this, okay, all of a sudden I forgave. And now my world is just amazing, and I'm happy all the time.

[00:07:36] None:

[00:07:36] Justin: don't think that's freedom. Freedom was getting out of that bondage. Freedom was getting out of , that mental slavery. Those gymnastics, those mental gymnastics that you're going through in your mind. Um, freedom is getting out of that bondage. That spiritual warfare that might have been taking place in your life.

[00:07:53] Justin: Yeah So now you have freedom and now with that freedom you have the ability [00:08:00] to focus on things 

[00:08:01] None: Now you 

[00:08:02] Justin: have the ability to be disciplined in your life, right? And and I guess what should you focus on? 

[00:08:08] Don: Okay. Well, okay. I'm gonna just back up a little bit here. Sure. I um as far as what you're going to be focused on I just want to talk a little bit about the fact that in my personal life You You know, , the hour I first believed, you know, the hour that someone explained, , this process we're talking about, and I believed it, you know, I believed that God was real, and I realized that, um, I needed, that I wasn't so good, and I needed to talk to him about it, and I, and I did, you know, and then , what happens is you start to see things totally different, you know, and, uh, so, uh, This process of focusing, you know, Jesus is a light and , he takes us out of darkness.

[00:08:48] Don: And I know, uh, the Bible talks about how dark, dark is, you know, dark is dark enough that you can almost touch it. It's

[00:08:55] None: thick, 

[00:08:56] Don: you know? And so you look at the situation where [00:09:00] people who do have no understanding of who Jesus is, who God is and their purpose in life, they're living in a world of darkness, you know?

[00:09:08] Don: And that's where, , anything can be. It's not something that can be told to them, they can be directed in any way, because they don't see it, they don't see it any different. But once God becomes a part of our life, once we can learn how to ask for forgiveness and be able to forgive those around us, God gives us a different light, we see things differently.

[00:09:27] Don: And our whole world right now, you know, a lot of the troubles and struggles right now, people just do not see it. You know, they're walking in darkness. Because I know there was a period of time, They called it, um, , The Dark Ages. And if people are into history, it was called The Dark Ages. It was a period of time where the written word wasn't there for people.

[00:09:48] Don: And, uh, you know, people didn't have the Word of God. It was The Dark Ages. And we came out of that. You know, we came out of that probably into the 1200s. 1400s. 1400s we started printing the [00:10:00] word of God where people could have Bibles in their hands and stuff. We came out of the dark ages, you know, all of a sudden Mankind bloomed, you know, and and then people wanted freedom.

[00:10:11] Don: They was they seen things They wanted to live life in a different way. They wanted freedom. So they come to America, you know And we allowed the blessings of God and the light that he shined upon people's lives They had focus of what they wanted to become our Framers Put together a government, everything in order, you know, that we would not only bless ourselves, that we'd be able to raise our children properly, that we could bless the world, you know, and that's where if we allow darkness to come in, all of a sudden the light is turned off and you can't see nothing that's in front of you.

[00:10:46] Don: And a lot of times you see people that are walking in this, where they have no focus in life. 

[00:10:52] Justin: Yeah, people that are just, they look like they're defeated. They look like their, spirit is low. They look like they [00:11:00] are, they're starving for something. We're starving for something because when you don't have the truth, you know, sometimes you are starving for the truth 

[00:11:08] None: Yeah, 

[00:11:08] Justin: you're people are looking in all different places for the truth They're looking I think everywhere because as we say we live in a world full of lies I think and because we're constantly Being distracted by lies.

[00:11:26] Justin: We cannot focus on, you know, what's true. We, our focus is all over the place . There is no focus there because we're constantly just being distracted. This is true. And I guess back to my question, right? Because we have all of these lies that we can believe. We have all of these things that are told to us as the truth, Masquerading as the truth that are not the truth and we can choose to believe that 

[00:11:52] None: yeah, 

[00:11:53] Justin: or we can understand that When we believe in something that's greater than [00:12:00] us that's already in us Jesus, that's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

[00:12:06] Justin: Right, nothing changes. There's, yeah, there's something there that's always been the same and does not change, versus the world that's constantly changing, constantly throwing different trends your way, , different things that are considered cool or different, you know, two years from now, or a year from now, it's not cool anymore.

[00:12:23] Justin: There's just this world of, I would just call it's kind of, It's it's fake. Oh, yeah, it's fake. You know, everything is just constantly changing but yet there's something that does not change There's something that's always been the same solid and when you can find that I think that , but that's going back to the three points that We made last week, which was kind of forgiving yourself, forgiving other people, forgiving God, or forgiving, you know, maybe religious people that were involved in creating unforgiveness in you.

[00:12:54] Justin: And it's when you do that, that you can get to a different, a higher level of freedom because you can [00:13:00] grow that relationship with God. You can't grow when there's unforgiveness between you and God. You cannot, there's no relationship. You know, Jesus did not. In my opinion, Jesus didn't die so we could have a religion, so we could create a religion.

[00:13:15] Justin: Jesus died so we could have a relationship with Him. That is right. 

[00:13:20] Don: That is right. 

[00:13:21] Justin: That's why He died. So, when we can focus on that, and we can focus on putting Jesus You know, in his rightful spot in our life. We're just focused on having that relationship with God. Our focus is going to be heightened. We are going to live in a different level of Understanding and discernment because we have him as a partner.

[00:13:42] Justin: We no longer have him. There's no longer a barrier between us There's no longer a distance between us. Yeah, there's no longer a Something that's blocking that because that unforgiveness was blocking that, you know So so once you've forgiven and once you have that level of freedom now You have that [00:14:00] heightened level of focus and I guess so back to that So what things should you focus on now that you have this new awareness this new understanding of these things?

[00:14:10] Don: Well, I'm glad you asked Justin No, I, uh, in Colossians it says set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth. 

[00:14:19] None: Okay. 

[00:14:19] Don: You know, and, you know, that's where I think a lot of times the problem with mankind is, you know, you look at where are you going to spend the majority of your time.

[00:14:26] Don: We set all of our focus on things that are in the earth. In the earth, but yeah, you know, where are we going to spend most of our time? Is it going to be here on earth or is it going to be here in heaven someday? Is it going to be in the next world or this world and we? Lose our focus when we focus on the things of this world.

[00:14:44] Don: We look at our Retirement plans we look at our vacations. We look at sometimes our houses You know The bible says that we seek the kingdom first And there are other things that are going to be added god and his righteousness and the other things are added to you You know our focus You in this [00:15:00] world, , should be focused on the kingdom.

[00:15:02] Don: We should be focused on where we're going. We should be focused on what God wants of me right here, but this is just temporary. You know, I'm just passing through, everybody does. You know, I've been telling some young people as of Last week saying you know what 100 years from now none of this is gonna make any difference because we're not gonna be here You know But we should be focused on what the true picture is and I think God tries to give us that and I know there's so Many times I tried to talk to people You know, I talk about eternity, you know and get repaired and all this stuff and people don't want to hear that You know for some reason You know, when we're out of focus, we think we're going to live forever.

[00:15:40] Don: We think that, you know, this is it. You know, we, we don't get beyond the fact that, , everybody is taken out of this world. And, , I think our adversary is trying to get us focused on the things of this world. That's why we're trying to save the earth. We're trying to, I don't, you know, I'm looking in the Bible.

[00:15:56] Don: I said, where does God tell me that I need to take care of the earth? You know, [00:16:00] where do, where am I supposed to be saving, You know, mankind in the future by doing things differently now, uh, getting an electric lawnmower or something. How am I going to save the earth? The Bible doesn't tell me that. The Bible tells me I need to focus on a kingdom, focus on, on an eternal place that he has for all of us.

[00:16:17] Don: And I know Jesus says, I go prepare you that place, that where he is, we're going to be there someday with him, you know, and that's where I think like the apostles, disciples, a lot of these guys gave up their lives for what that message, because it didn't matter. Their life did not matter to them. It's life.

[00:16:34] Don: The place that they were going, it's the only thing that mattered and and the plan that God would have for them. So in answer to your question, what should we be focused on? We should be focused on God in his kingdom, but forgiveness is a part of that. You know, that's part of the pattern That's part of the process if you get into reading in the word of God and the bible calls it the gospel This is good news.

[00:16:57] Don: You know, this should be good news to anybody that [00:17:00] listens to this. The fact that there's great hope out there. You know, we have a real, something great in front. I know sometimes I look, look forward to going to Disney World. You know, when I was younger and stuff. You know, and it was exciting to go there.

[00:17:13] Don: But we have something in front of us that's better than Disney World. You know, and God has given us the keys that are going to open up the prison that and that's forgiveness No, we learn how to come to God for forgiveness, but learn how to forgive our fellow man We create an atmos around atmosphere around us.

[00:17:29] Don: That's positive, you know And with this focus life takes a whole different meaning and I know for myself our I first believed It seemed like it changed everything, you know, I had I had a reason for being here. Yeah, I mean to 

[00:17:44] Justin: yeah, I feel that way as well. And I think that You know, I would even say that in order to okay now that you have that focus And I agree with everything you just said.

[00:17:54] Justin: Um wholeheartedly and I would say that once you have that freedom [00:18:00]because It's often said that you can't help other people before you help yourself first. 

[00:18:05] None: Yeah, 

[00:18:06] Justin: and and I think it it gets to that point. We live in a in a state of you talk about the kingdom Okay, the kingdom is kind of hard to sometimes understand for someone who doesn't know what the kingdom is, right?

[00:18:18] Justin: But the kingdom is accessible to everybody who will believe. 

[00:18:22] Don: Yeah 

[00:18:23] Justin: When you, have that forgiveness in your heart, you're, now you're granted keys to the kingdom. 

[00:18:28] None: Yeah. 

[00:18:29] Justin: You have access to that kingdom. That's right. And, because you do, you now are in a state where your life becomes A little, doing all these tasks, doing all these things that might seem taxing, now seem a little easier, you know, because you carry that peace with you, because you carry that, that confidence with you, like we talked in the past, but you carry that, you know, there's, there's just a different, um, I guess, a different vibe, there's a different feeling that you now have going through these, these trials and stuff like that, because you [00:19:00] know that , you're no longer are in opposition to You're no longer in opposition with people once you have that forgiveness, you've broken that, that control mechanism that existed before that allowed you to be stuck in a same perpetual cycle, right?

[00:19:18] Justin: When you break out of that, now you can focus on helping other people. You can focus on helping yourself. Because before you were just tearing down yourself. You were just kind of ruining yourself. You were just criticizing yourself. You were just insulting yourself. Now you can start really working on yourself.

[00:19:35] Justin: That's where the focus comes into. You can start being, if you want to bear good fruit, you can start being good. You can start being good. And now you focus on what is good because you have God by your side, you know, you have God There's a relationship there. You're a partner with him. Yep, and you you've invited him into your life But now you can start to be good and you can start to do good.

[00:19:59] Justin: [00:20:00] Yeah, so there's different ways that By doing that, by, , by doing good, by understanding what is good, you can start bearing good fruit. 

[00:20:08] Don: That's true. And when 

[00:20:08] Justin: people see you bearing good fruit, they want, unlike that, , nasty rotten fruit , They want the fruit. They want to know what you did to get to that point.

[00:20:19] Justin: It starts to rub off on them, just like the bad fruits rub off and they start, really rubbing off on people. The good fruits do the same thing. 

[00:20:26] None: Yeah. 

[00:20:26] Justin: It's a little bit more of a challenging process to get there, but, you know, good people, Bring good things out of the good that's stored in their hearts.

[00:20:37] Justin: So what is stored in your heart? 

[00:20:40] Don: Yeah, 

[00:20:40] Justin: right. That's what you focus on. 

[00:20:42] Don: That's right. This is true. What's the story? And that's where I uh, I know myself You know, everybody wants to change the world, you know, I I look at things, you know, I would sure like to be Instrumented changing the world, but you know a person as Justin was saying You're saying here, Justin, you have to start with yourself.[00:21:00]

[00:21:00] Don: You have to change yourself. You have to get yourself, you know And that's where like forgiveness, you know reaching out to god What you do is you open up a door to you where god can get inside and he can change you And then you become the person, you know They become the person in different ways or whatever it might be and that's where our world right now is looking for people They're looking for answers.

[00:21:21] Don: They're looking for something that makes sense. They're looking for something someone who can see You You know, someone who has vision, you know, who, because I know I've talked, you know, the word talked about the Bible with people, and, and they get this idea, you know, they, they talk about evolution and this and that, you know, they're arguing with me a little bit, but I said, I'm not going to argue with you.

[00:21:41] Don: I told him, I said, these things are spiritually discerned. I mean, I can, it isn't until God. Opens up your eyes that you see it and that's where there's so much between good and evil You're talking about there Justin It's the difference of being able to see and not see And I know like taking and shutting the light off in your [00:22:00] room with no light and try to walk around and do things You are going to make a mess of the place 

[00:22:04] Justin: and 

[00:22:05] Don: of yourself and that's the way a lot of people are walking in life 

[00:22:08] Justin: Living in darkness.

[00:22:09] Justin: They're 

[00:22:09] Don: living in darkness But once you see the light you start to realize the value of that of giving God an opportunity in your life to make you something special. And in God, what God does then is he starts to unclutter you because, you know, a lot of times we live in a fog. You know, I, one time I was, I was in a situation.

[00:22:29] Don: Where there was a forest fire and there was a fog, this is down in Florida, and I, , I went out at night time, I was coming back, and it was so thick, that, uh, I couldn't see two feet in front of me. Oh, wow. I seen a light up in the air, and I got out of my vehicle, parked it, and I looked at this light, and I seen a light pole by it.

[00:22:47] Don: And then I seen something coming down the road, and I heard it, it was huge. So I got scared, because I was on the road. I took my vehicle, and I pulled it off the road by that light poles. So I wouldn't hit the light pole, and I got out of the vehicle. And here there [00:23:00] was some firemen backing up a fire truck down the road.

[00:23:03] Don: They would have ran right over me, because they would have never seen me. But, and somebody got killed on, on, on the interstate there. But that's how thick that was. But this is the way a lot of people live their life. They lived their life. They have no idea what's in front of them. They have no idea where they are going.

[00:23:17] None: You know, 

[00:23:18] Don: I mean, it could be the freight train coming right at you. You don't know that because you can't see. And that's where the beauty of being spiritually discerned. You start to see the Word of God. You start to see the value in a lot of things that other people say is stupid. And you start to realize that, hey, you know, life can be beautiful.

[00:23:35] Don: And like I, like you were saying, you know, as far as the fruits are concerned, you start seeing smiles on faces. , I myself, when I see people treating me good and kind and all the smiles and faces, I say, I think these people got it. I think these people can see a little bit. Yeah. But if you see the ver reverse of it, these people here are , grouchy, grumpy, you know, and they're walking down, you can tell sometimes with their walk, they, they walking like, man, you know, they're, they have no place to go.

[00:23:59] Justin: [00:24:00] Yeah. And, 

[00:24:00] Don: and it's sad. It's sad. 

[00:24:02] Justin: Yeah, that's the fruits that are hanging off that tree that you see, you know, the fruits that people bear. And you can start to see that. Um, that's, I mean, that's all external. And I think that, with having focus though, there is something that I've noticed with believers, and that's something that I've noticed when people also come into the things of God, but when they start to even read the word There is like a hunger there There's a hunger to want to know more because once you're fed lies all the time 

[00:24:29] None: Yeah, 

[00:24:29] Justin: and you're you know living in a world that's A lot of it is just lies and that's a different way of of saying, you know, things are fake or whatnot But when you're living in a world full of lies, you always feel like you're satisfied You Because you always feel like you're given enough, and that's where I think people that have focus are different, because they are hungry.

[00:24:53] Justin: People There is hunger that comes for the spirit and when you have the [00:25:00]spirit in you and when you start to read the word and When you start to know the truth and it shall set you free when you start to know the truth There is a hunger that comes there and you want more and you want more and you start to want less of the lies And more of the truth and I think when You start walking in that way and you start walking in your faith or you just start walking Boldly towards what you consider true where the where the spirit is leading you He's not going to lead you astray.

[00:25:28] Justin: You were led astray before right you were wandering before now He's leading you into all truth, right? You were saying seek first the kingdom and all should be added But when you're walking towards what the kingdom has to offer everything else will start to make sense Everything else will start to come into vision All that fog, like you were saying, will start to go away.

[00:25:49] Justin: The light will start shining over the dark parts in your life. It's not something that happens overnight. This is a process, just like you've been led astray for many [00:26:00] years of your life. Sometimes that recovery takes many, many years. But that forgiveness starts it. That forgiveness is the seed that grows into something so beautiful.

[00:26:10] Justin: But you have to grow it. You have to nurture it. You have to start this process. You have, now you've had Freedom and now we start to nurture that you know We start to really pay attention to that process and be very careful with it and we start to Listen and we start to listen to what I would say all the areas that could use improvements in our life.

[00:26:31] Justin: Yeah, and we start to really Focus on all those things so that we can, like you said, we can make that change within ourselves. We can make that change to be an inspiration for other people. And I think that is the good news. That is the gospel. You are going to be changed. You are going to be transformed.

[00:26:47] Justin: You are going to be renewed. You have not lost all hope. There is more hope than you could ever even imagine. And that's where it starts. It's, , it's getting that freedom and then finding that focus. 

[00:26:58] Don: That's right. [00:27:00] And, and boy, you know, if I can throw a little plug in here. Yeah, let's go. I um, see with this focus that we're talking about, I know I'm going to be doing a program coming up, a new series called Discover Destiny.

[00:27:10] Don: And it's going to be all about freedom. Finding your purpose, you know, and connecting to the source, you know, and that's the beauty of what we're talking about right here is the fact that, you know, every one of us was designed with a purpose in mind. It doesn't matter what size we are, how high we are, how short we are, what color we are.

[00:27:28] Don: God has designed us and planned us from the beginning of time. But what we need to do is we need to search after him and find him and be able to see what his plan is for us, , what he has designed us to be. So we're going to be doing a series coming up and anybody is interested, please get ahold of me.

[00:27:47] Don: We are going to be doing a series called, uh,, discover destiny and it's going to be 

[00:27:51] Justin: discovering destiny. So I mean that's saying that it's already in you right because you're discovering it You know, you don't have to you don't have to go looking for it. It's already [00:28:00] been inside, right? 

[00:28:00] Don: Right, but you got to see it and we're going to put focus on that and that's where like this Message we're talking about here as far as forgiveness.

[00:28:07] Don: It's part of the pattern. It's part of the pattern Process that God uses for us to get ourselves into the place that we can see I got eyes to see and ears to hear. Yeah, 

[00:28:18] Justin: and let them all hear. That's right and I think that's that's going to be a good series And I think everybody should check that out.

[00:28:24] Justin: So next week we're going to get into Part three of our series here, which is going to be Forgiveness Brings Fruit. We've talked a lot about fruit on this episode, but there's still more to say. So I think once we get that freedom, once we get that focus, we are going to finally see the fruit that's going to come to our life.

[00:28:44] Don: Yes.

[00:28:45] Justin: Well, I think that wraps it up for today. This was a good one, Justin. I think so, too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today. And we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, stay [00:29:00] blessed by the best. See you guys.

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